10:05am Dec 11 2010
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[Now I suppose. I'm a bit busy, but I can post. o3o I don't want to start though. Dx]
10:25am Dec 11 2010
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((I can start if you guys want me to...))
Love is all we need~
10:39am Dec 11 2010
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Posts: 6,948
A small girl fled through the forest clutching a thin, papery sheet in her right hand. It was crumpled, but the beginnings of letters could still be seen from the corner. When it seemed that she had outrun whatever she had been running from, she skidded to a halt and put her palm on the ground. With a sigh, she sat down and began to read: Dear reader,
You have been invited to join Sisodei Academy, a safe environment focused on developing your abilities and talents to the max. I, headmaster Raenus Eostri, humbly welcome you to our community. Should you decide that Sisodei Academy is right for you, you will find that all expenses have been paid in full by our school board. The only thing required will be a small, lightweight bag with two changes of clothing.
Raenus Eostri, Headmaster
It seems your curious nature has found this page. Using it, you will be able to get to the school in the most efficient manner possible. Tomorrow, on the 12th of August, you will find a bus waiting at your local stop. Only get on it if the bus has the numbers 18883 tagged on its side. After getting on the bus you will be driven to the school. Further instructions will be given by the main doors. Pheonix, for that was the name of the fast running child, hissed slightly. She hated vehicles, preffering to use her long legs and cunning abilities to reach places, but not this time, this time she had to take the bus or not go at all. But the idea of a school for children of her kind was intriguing. she stood and whistled and instantly, another human was by her side. A boy, but he didn't have the markings that Pheonix had. He looked nathing like the girl next to him except for the ominous red glow in his silver eyes which both of them had. His hair was brown and gl*censored*es sat upon his face. Pheonix turned to the boy and with a smirk, she said, "Brother, could you have come any quicker? It's been like..." she pretended to check a watch on her wrist, "two seconds. New record, though, I must congragulate you." She laughed and it echoed through the forest. Rereading the note, Pheonix turned to her twin, though they looked nothing alike, and grabbed his hand. With the speed of wolves, they ran to the bus stop, for today was the day...
 <-- Click me
11:23am Dec 11 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((I'll have me bio up soon Det XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
11:36am Dec 11 2010
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Posts: 2,713
"Freak!" yelled the goon after the figure fleeing into the darkness. "You're a freak!" The "freak", known to a select few as Artemis Rutherford, smiled grimly as she stopped, went back, and punched the guy in the face. He was the only one of the gang left concious after they tried to attack her. He slumped to the ground, as unconcious as the rest. A raven flitted through the trees and landed on the girl's left shoulder. Artemis frowned. "Where were you, Odin? I could've used your help." Her voice was a bit husky, and it was filled with annoyance for the raven's disappearance. The raven shuffled his wings. "You seemed to be handling yourself just fine," he remarked dryly. It didn't seem odd to either of the two that Odin could speak. But then again, they were both odd themselves - Artemis was a shape-shifter, and Odin was her pair-bond. Before Artemis could retort, a strong breeze suddenly picked up. An important-looking envelope landed right at her feet. With a surprised glance at Odin, Artemis bent over and picked the letter up, popping the wax seal and reading the letter silently. Odin left the shape-shifter's shoulder and hopped around the unconcious gang, irritation showing in his every movement. This irritation was due to the fact that Artemis could read, but he couldn't. His attention was diverted as his pair-bond spoke. "Where's the nearest bus stop?"
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
11:57am Dec 11 2010
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Posts: 3,002
[[Detters, is it too late for me to join? ]]
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
12:25pm Dec 11 2010
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Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
2:10pm Dec 11 2010
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Posts: 9,641
[Nu. :3 And Wolfie, you joined? D: Don't take this as ignorance, but I tend to not notice things. xD I'll make a character list in a moment, but could you refresh me on who yours is? <3]
2:20pm Dec 11 2010
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Posts: 9,641
One pair of dark blue eyes glittered in the darkness, twitching slightly as they roved from side to side. A soft rustling of clothes a few moments later and a pale, drawn face joined the eyes. There was a pinched, almost hara.ssed look to the face, which had the distinct look of a female's, and a wild glare in her eyes. A trembling hand lifted up to push the hood shadowing her face down onto her shoulders. The same hand flinched again, this time moving long bangs away from her eyes. "What am I doing?" the girl murmured hopelessly, her shoulders sagging with defeat. "Following this...letter or whatever." Screwing up her eyes the girl peered at the black road, wincing as the flare of headlights in the distance caught her eyes. "Idiot," she berated herself once more. "Idiot, idiot, idiot. Ynai..." She began muttering to herself in some foreign language, a habit she had picked up at the last foster house she had stayed at. Being constantly ignored by her new 'parents' had caused the girl to teach herself to keep her mind sane...or as sane as it could possibly be. "I am insane," she declared loudly, before blushing and hugging herself tightly. Well, she thought miserably. I am. A sane child wouldn't be speaking to herself in her own language. You're so stupid Aiden, following each instruction on this condemned letter. "Bah," she spat out loud, feeling done with her complaints against her intelligence. "This place has got to be better than my old home, at any rate," Aiden muttered. As Aiden zipped up her sweater to keep more of the gathering warmth in she watched her surroundings wearily, wondering if she was the only one in the area who had been sent the message. "Hopefully," she said thoughtfully, scratching the bridge of her nose.

2:24pm Dec 11 2010
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Posts: 2,713
((Should Artemis and Odin run into Aiden?))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
2:26pm Dec 11 2010
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2:28pm Dec 11 2010
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As Alka and Pheonix walked down the road, they watched as a car zoomed past them with a girl in the front seat. It wasn't one that Pheonix knew and she wrinkeled her nose in disgust, for she had the same smell as her brother, yet it was different, less wolfy, more magic. She scratched her tingling nose and kept walking down the deserted roads. When they arrived at the bus stop, they sat, Alka's arm around his twin, and waited for the bus which, on its side, should ready #18883. "when do you s'pose it will be here?" She wondered. The smell from the girl seemed to be coming towards the bus stop and she wondered if she had gotten the letter too. She looked around the neighbor hood in disgust and sighed, breathing heavily...
 <-- Click me
2:38pm Dec 11 2010
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"Let me out of here, Artemis!" Odin's voice was muffled inside the bag. "Hush, Odin," Artemis whispered. She nudged the luggage bag with her foot. In the seat in front of her, the woman who had graciously given her a ride gave her a curious glance. "We don't want to attract attention to ourselves." "Here we are!" the woman said cheerfully as she pulled up next to the bus stop. "Have a nice time visiting your... cousin?" "Step-cousin," Artemis said absently as she gathered up her bags. Odin made a small squawking noise as his bag hit the inside of the car door. His pair-bond immediately went into a "coughing" fit. The woman gave her another curious glance, but said nothing. "Thank you for the ride, ma'am," Artemis said politely as she got out of the car. Standing on the curve next to the bus stop was another girl. There was a squeaking of tires as her driver drove away. Artemis caught the distinct feel of magic as she approached the girl, who was wearing a sweater. Two bags sat next to her. "Hello," the shape-shifter said cautiously as she approached the girl.
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
2:43pm Dec 11 2010
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Posts: 9,641
"I don't know you," Aiden muttered cautiously, drawing back slightly on the bench she was perched precariously on. Her hands tightening on the edges of the bench, wood digging into her palms, Aiden flicked her eyes back and forth from the duffel the girl was carrying and the girl herself. There was a strong sense of something off in the bag, and Aiden wanted to know what. "But...who are you?" Grimacing in the safety of her hood Aiden shifted the small pack that sat next to her, holding one change of clothing and a few essentials. All Aiden had ever owned in her entire life. She was glad that just a few heartbeats ago she had flipped her hood back up, mostly due to the chilling cold that was swirling through the air. I have such low tolerance to cold, she thought bitterly, a wry grin twisting on her pale face.
2:49pm Dec 11 2010
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Posts: 2,713
"I'm Artemis," she said, unzipping the duffelbag. Odin flew out, squawking angrily. Artemis shot him an amused glance. "And this is Odin." Realizing that there was someone else in the vicinity, Odin quickly recovered his dignity and gave a bit of a half-bow to the girl. "Pleased to meet you," he said. He turned, pecked Artemis hard on the ear, and flew off. Artemis watched him, a grin spreading across her face. "He's a bit grumpy," she told the girl. "He's mad at me because I had to stuff him in that bag. I told him that I had to do it, but he's still mad." The shape-shifter brushed a strand of black hair back from her silver eyes. "In case you were wondering, I'm a shape-shifter. But what are you?" Her eyes narrowed. "I can smell the magic on you, but I can't tell what you are."
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
2:57pm Dec 11 2010
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Posts: 6,948
The vampire and Werewolf looked around and then looked up. "Bus stop has been moved." Alka looked up as he read and then sighed, glaring at his sister. "You're the one with the beedy eyes that see all, why didn't you see that we are still a mile away fro mthe bus stop?" He growled irritable. "well excuuuse me!" she stood up and started stomping off in the direction where the new bust stop was. When they reached it, they found two girls. One had two bags next to her, the other had just one. There was a raven flitting about one of the girl's heads. She rubbed her eyes, this was it, definately, who else but a shape-shifter would have a bird. She sighed and sat down on the ground with Alka laying in her lap...
 <-- Click me
4:29pm Dec 11 2010
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Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
5:53pm Dec 11 2010
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Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
11:15pm Dec 11 2010
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Posts: 993
OoC; So are we going to the bus now or what? D| *lost*
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
8:32am Dec 12 2010 (last edited on 8:58am Dec 12 2010)
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*Name: Taylor Sommers :: Maksis Sommers *Age: 17 :: 17 *Gender: Female :: Male *Species: Wolf Shifter :: Vampire *Appearance: Taylor stands at a height of 5'4'' with long, slender legs that make up most of her height. She is a light shade of tan and her lightly toned brown hair falls down past her shoulders with a slight wave. When in the sun, her hair acquires natural blonde streaks that comb through the brown. Her eyes are a rain gray that have silver flecks just outside the pupil. Her favorite pieces of clothing to wear consist of any type of jeans and a tank top with a V-neck over shirt on it. On her neck, she wears a small blue sapphire pendant that her mother gave to her when she was younger. :: With his carefree grin and playfull emerald green eyes, Maksis comes off as a sweet kid. His posture is always relaxed, but if any loved ones of his are threated, it changes dramatically. His brown hair matches Taylor's and his hair likes to hang down in his eyes. Even without brushing it, his hair always chooses to cooperate with him. He is a very athletic person, but does not play any sports. Instead, he spends his time running outdoors or hiking in the woods, giving him lean muscles and strong legs. He'll wear basically anything, though requires the help of Taylor to pick out good-looking clothes. *Personality: Unlike Maksis, who is as calm as calm could be, Taylor has a fiery spirit. She is the type of girl who doesn't give a crap about what others think of her. :: Maksis has a personality that is virtually untouched by anything evil in the world. He is easy-going and is whatever he can be when someone needs him. He serves as a protector to Taylor and will let nothing harm her which usually costs him a great deal of pain. He fits in well with society and is comfortable in almost any situation. He sees the gla.ss as half full, even when things aren't going too well. He does have his doubts when it comes to letting others learn the hard way and has trouble protecting himself when there are others in danger. History: No Kin: Maksis and Taylor are twins. Other: To those who know Maksis well, they will refer to him as Maks. Pair-bond: Taylor's pair-bond is a black wolf whose name is Shadow. Most just take him to be a dog o3o [[Lol Detters. Your charries birthday is my birthday <3 ]]
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.