9:39am Dec 12 2010
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((Artemis could talk to Pheonix.))
 <-- Click me
2:04pm Dec 12 2010
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Posts: 6,409
A small girl walked down the street towards a bus stop. Her reddish-brown hair was pin straight and her eyes were vibrant and ready for the day ahead. A bit of red fur hung around her clothes, due to her being a shapeshifter. Her name was Freya, named after the goddess of beauty and love. She pulled a sheet of paper from her pocket and reread it. She shook her head at how formal the letter sounded. It made her want to put contractions and double negatives all over it. Then, it hit her. The bus sign. She had ran into it by accident because she was so caught up in reading the letter. She looked at the other people that were at the bus stop and blushed with embar*censored*ment. She then sniffed the air. She could smell the exhaust of the bus with 18883 marked on it's side. It was maybe half a mile away, but it was moving relatively slow, so she had no problem. She flopped down on the sidewalk, her cheeks still red from embar*censored*ment.
Love is all we need~
3:23pm Dec 12 2010
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Posts: 993
OoC; Um... so... |D Still lost on what we're supposed to be doing exactly...
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
5:00pm Dec 12 2010
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Posts: 3,002
"Come on, Maks. We're going to miss it," a young teenage girl shouted back to her brother. A rather large black wolf loped steadily next to the young girl, Taylor, as she sprinted up the street. The heavy pound of her footsteps against the gra.ss on the side of the road soon slowed as Taylor pulled herself to a stop. Maksis, who hadn't seen Taylor pause, barreled into her and sent them sprawling on the ground. Shadow, the wolf, sprang away at the last moment and chuckled softly to himself as Taylor groaned. Maksis stood and helped Taylor to her feet. "Are you sure we're supposed to be here?" Maksis asked, looking down the darkened street. Taylor chewed her lip as she pulled out her letter and flipped it around. She glanced at the directions on the back of the paper for a second before looking around for a street sign. Her ex pression turned to that of dismay and her brother groaned. "You and your horrible directional skills," he said to her. He pulled out his own letter and read through the directions carefully. "Honestly Taylor. We just have to backtrack to that last street and take a right," he said and Taylor stuffed the letter in her pocket. She did not reply and merely followed her brother as he jogged up the street. Once they turned right, Taylor spotted what was obviously the bus stop. Shadow slowed and let out a soft whine as the strange scents of the others stung his nose. Taylor rubbed his snout and his silver eyes caught her gray. "We'll be okay," Taylor said to him and he nodded. "I'm sure we will be. At least we're together," Shadow replied softly and picked up his pace. They reached the bus stop and Taylor approached the gathering of people. She could hear the sputtering of the bus engine as it rolled down the block toward them. Shadow grinned to himself as he looked Taylor over and she glanced down, realizing her clothes were gras.s stained and her hair was a mess. Maksis had an identical look, but she had definitely gotten the worst of the fall on the ground. "Um...Hello. I'm Taylor Sommers and this is my brother, Maksis." She said to the group, somehow it feeling awkward that she was being formal. She shuffled her feet uneasily and couldn't help but be envious of Maksis as he gave them a warm hello, incredibly at ease. Shadow bumped against her hand and she glanced down. "Oh, and this is my partner, Shadow."
Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
5:05pm Dec 12 2010
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Posts: 6,948
"She's Pheonix, I'm Alka." Pheonix rolled her eyes and looked away from the twins... ((That was a fail and I apologize.))
 <-- Click me
7:07pm Dec 12 2010
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Posts: 7,187
[[ My internet has been down -_-;; What have I missed? ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:09pm Dec 12 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( I'm might have to quit this...))
7:17pm Dec 12 2010
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Posts: 6,409
Freya looked around at everyone and her face faded back to it's normal color. "Freya," she said aloud to everyone. Her head had a darker spot forming on her cheek where she hit the bus stop sign. ((Epic Braindeadness...))
Love is all we need~
12:16am Dec 13 2010
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Posts: 9,641
[Any news on what happened? o_o wait, let me read back some. xD]
12:24am Dec 13 2010
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Posts: 9,641
[I'll eventually post. :/ My old one accidentally got deleted. And Isis, we're all at the same bus stop. <3]
8:55am Dec 13 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((I won't be on today, I am grounded))
 <-- Click me
2:40pm Dec 13 2010
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Posts: 2,713
((Raithe needs to replay to Artemis. :c))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
3:45pm Dec 13 2010 (last edited on 7:44pm Dec 14 2010)
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[Raithe needs to stop deleting her posts. Dx This is my sixth time writing it up -had to sleep last night-] Fear flickered through Aiden at the girl's words. She could feel her heart thud in her chest, surely loud enough that they could hear it, at the odd, almost ominous, feeling that was spreading through her body at that moment. Shivering and wrapping her arms around herself Aiden backed up a few steps, glad for her hood, which was covering up how pale she had gone and the fearful glint in her eyes. "What. The. Heck?" she snarled uncomfortably, responding to the strange words. "You can smell the magic on me? Are you some crazy? You're probably on something or the other." Lifting up trembling hands she held them in front of her in a strange design, the two interlocking hands creating a diamond, as if it would block the strange girl's invading questions. "I-I don't know who you are," Aiden stated calmly, though she felt anything but. "I'm just following this damned letter."
4:09pm Dec 13 2010
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Posts: 2,713
((If it's not done should I reply? o.o))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
4:46pm Dec 13 2010
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Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
5:57pm Dec 13 2010
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Posts: 993
Cecelia stumbled down the muddy road, the hem of her floor-length magenta skirt coated with the wet dirt. She swore in a hushed voice, hiking her skirt up further and carrying it in a bundle. Cold air whipped her stomach and legs, but Lia couldn't be bothered with that, fishing the letter out of a pocket on the underside of her dress. Flipping it open, her eyes skimmed the page, hitting the time and forcing a groan out of the girl's mouth. Yet again, she would be late, and of course, her family would hear about the gypsy girl missing the bus to her new school. I'd never hear the end of it... She pondered what would happen, as she slowly recieved la yer after la yer of mud, finally seeing, or rather hearing, a group of what she as.sumed to be teenagers. A smile graced her face, as she realized that she was not going to miss the bus, that she would make it! To as.sure a good first impression, Lia slowed her pace, dropping her skirt as to not look ridiculous. Sheer fabric covered her midriff and her gold bracelets felt freezing against her arms, the same translucent fabric stemming from the bangles and attatching to her hand covering. Though her skirt was made of opaque material, the clear one layered over it to give it the gypsy shimmer, and a draditional veil covered the bottom half of her face. Despite this mask of sorts, it was again of a similar clearish cloth, and her features stood out against the pale pinkness. Her olive skin's golden undertones shone through, and her green-and-gold eyes bright as the forrest, partially curly hair falling into place as she smoothed it from the run. "Hello?" Cautiously, Celia stepped from the wood , approaching the bus stop where the others stood. The variety of looks slightly amazed her, though her face was similar to the olid look of her family, though hers softer, inheiriting her father's kindess, forgetfulness, and chronic lateness. She jingled as she walked, little gold disks on her skirt clinking together quietly. A black jacket covered her shoulders, keeping her warm from the brisk air, looking from face to face as they waited for the bus.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
3:32pm Dec 14 2010
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Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
7:44pm Dec 14 2010
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3:48pm Dec 15 2010
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"As are we," Artemis said, frowning. "And I am not 'on' something, whatever the hell that means." From somewhere in the distance, Odin gave a hoarse caw of agreement. "And I don't appreciate your attitude," she added, a bit sullen. "I was hoping to make my first friend by meeting you, but apparently that's not going to happen." Odin returned, his wings creating a small whirlwind as he landed on Artemis's shoulder. He caught his pair-bond's eyes; their eyes both glowed a bright green for a few moments, before they returned to their normal colors - light grey for Artemis, black for Odin. "Bus is coming," Artemis said in a subdued tone, turning up the street to face the bus.
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
1:26am Dec 19 2010
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Posts: 993
OoC; uh... bump?
school's out and I'm back for the summer~