7:23am Apr 22 2011
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Rose nodded with a slight laugh "we should go out somewhere it's boring here"
1:16pm Apr 22 2011
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Posts: 12,384
Rage nodded slightly, before continuing to copy what Midnight had done semi-awkwardly. "Sage Rise!" Rage said, his own hand now beginning to glow black. Surprised by this, he continued to copy Midnight. "Come to me Sage!" A puff of smoke appeared, similar to the one that had happened when Midnight called her dragon, but once it dispersed, a jet-black dragon was visible. Rage looked at Midnight. "Did I do that right?" He asked. ((Rage takes Copycat to a whole new level... O.O Yesh. I know I failed. >_>; But in my defense, my computer ate my last post. O: ))
8:51pm Apr 22 2011
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Posts: 36,303
"Have you got a dragon?"Max asked "If you do then you did "."Yes Rage you did it right"Midnight said .Scarlette eyed Max "Would anyone care if I ate him?"."Nope not at all "Lilly said ."Midnight nodded "Go ahead "."NO YOU CAN'T EAT ME!"Max growled .
11:16pm Apr 22 2011
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Posts: 12,384
"..." Rage said, deciding to stay silent. Sage was the same, not caring much about the people there and feeling no need to speak with them.
11:22pm Apr 22 2011
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Posts: 36,303
"Come on Scar let's go "Midnight said climbing onto Scarlettes back .The Dragon nodded and shot of into the air lost within the clouds in a matter of seconds leaving but a flattened patch of gras$ where they had just been . "wow"Max said"Fastest dragon yet"
12:12am Apr 23 2011
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Posts: 36,303
"Well aren't you going to take you'r first flight to?"Lilly asked
12:28am Apr 23 2011
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"... I don't think - HEY!" Rage was cut off as Sage Picked him up in his claw and took off into the sky. "What was that For!?" He yelled, "PUT ME DOWN!!" Sage rolled his eyes. "What are you, a scaredy-cat?" He asked. "NOO! I'm not!" Rage growled, "Now put me down!!" Rage was struggling hard, wanting out of the dragons grasp. "Quit struggling or I'll drop you" Sage said.
12:31am Apr 23 2011
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Scarlette and Midnight came to fly beside them "I thought I told you to do not think "Midnight said
12:44am Apr 23 2011
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"What in the Heck do you mean by that?!" Rage said, obviously ticked. Sage chuckled, finding this amusing.
12:53am Apr 23 2011
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"It means you didn't listen go by instinct Rage "She said "This is where Kemonomimis truely belong not in the world that was left behind "Scarlette said "this is your place of origin"
1:10am Apr 23 2011
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Posts: 12,384
"No! I don't belong here! I belong back home, with my annoying little brother. That is where I belong. Sure, Other Kemonomimi's may belong here, but there are always exceptions to the rule." Rage growled.
1:15am Apr 23 2011
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"Tell me Rage"Scarlette said"Did you fit in back in that realm?"
1:54am Apr 23 2011
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"I don't care whether I 'Fit in' or not. I'm going back there." He said.
2:00am Apr 23 2011
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"they could always bring your annoying little brother here "Scarlette said
2:11am Apr 23 2011
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"... No. There is no way I'm letting my brother be here. He'd just get hurt, or stepped on by you dragons or something." He growled, glaring at Zanzi.
2:20am Apr 23 2011
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"Hey Zanzi didn't bring you here the Ryumimi's did"Scarlette said .
2:32am Apr 23 2011
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"Ryumimi's...?" He said.
8:51pm Apr 23 2011
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Posts: 36,303
"That's what I said ,Nobody likes a parrot "Scarlette said .
9:06pm Apr 23 2011
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Posts: 12,384
"What do you mean by Ryumimi's?" Rage said, before remembering he was in the claw of a dragon, and resumed struggling like a mad idiot. "LET GO DANGIT!" He shouted.
9:19pm Apr 23 2011
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Posts: 36,303
"He's not very bright is he?"Scarlette asked before dissapearing into the clouds .