9:27pm Apr 23 2011
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Posts: 12,384
Sage looked at Rage. "Maybe you should shut your mouth and listen for once before screaming your head off." He said. "I'M NOT SCREAMING!!" Rage shouted, flailing a bit. "I warned you..." Sage chuckled, lossening his grip on Rage. That's when Rage finally noticed how far up they were, and now instead of struggling out of Sages claw, he was holding onto it. "Jerk!" Rage exclaimed as Sage completly let go, leaving Rage to hold on or fall.
9:32pm Apr 23 2011
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Posts: 36,303
((Petra:I now join team Sage O.o )) Scarlette and Midnight soared through the clouds water droplets collecting on them .Midnight laughed "What's keeping them up?"She asked aloud "They're a bit slow .".Scarlette nodded .
9:51pm Apr 23 2011
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Posts: 12,384
((Me: Ditto. O.O;)) Sage picked up the pace, flying after Scarlette and Lilly. "This isn't fair! Let me down!" Rage howled, adreniline now pumping hard in his system. How long was he supposed to hold on like this!?
9:58pm Apr 23 2011 (last edited on 9:58pm Apr 23 2011)
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((Lilly :I'm on the ground XD Midnight:I join this team Sage )) Midnight smiled"hurry up you two I think I see a flying snail going faster then you "
11:23pm Apr 23 2011
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11:29pm Apr 23 2011
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"So you're now a flying snail?" Sage said, going faster to catch up with her. "HEY! Slow down!" Rage said, struggling to hold onto Sage.
11:40pm Apr 23 2011
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Posts: 36,303
"Oh it's on now!"Midnight said before her and scarlette shot off creating holes in the clouds as they went .
11:47pm Apr 23 2011
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Sage flew all the faster, determined to catch up with them. However, this meant it was just harder for Rgae to hold on. I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die... He thought, looking down.
11:51pm Apr 23 2011
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Scarlette then went into a hard dive "Come on boys "She taunted "I thought you liked speed"
11:56pm Apr 23 2011
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Sage sped faster, forcing Rage to lose his grip and fall into open air. "When I said 'Let me down' I didn't mean like this!!" He yelled, terrified though he was determined not to show it.
11:59pm Apr 23 2011
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"Zanzi if you will."Lilly said before Zanzi shot into the air "on it "he boomed racing to catch Rage .
12:04am Apr 24 2011
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Sage was about to go catch Rage, but he could see that Zanzi was already racing over, so decided not to worry about it. Instead,k he focused on catching up with Midnight and Scarlette.
12:07am Apr 24 2011
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Zanzi cautgh Rage in his claws then put him on his back "you ride dragons like tis"he chuckled "and you try and listen to others "
12:14am Apr 24 2011
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Rage was feeling a little nauseated when Zanzi caught him. His already pale skine was even paler, and he thought he was going to throw up if he didn't get to the ground soon.
12:22am Apr 24 2011
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Zanzi decended slowly to the ground "Poor thing "Lilly said "he's paler then a sheet".Zanzi put Rage on the ground "Sage went a little to fast for him I think and he may have a slight fear of hights "
12:25am Apr 24 2011
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"I do not... Have a fear... of Hights..." He growled, panting slightly as he tried to catch his breath.
12:28am Apr 24 2011
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Scarlette sped faster toward the ground pulling up at the last possible second before landing ."well we have a pair of speed demons don't we?"Lilly said looking at Scarlette and Midnight .Midnight shrugged "I've seen faster days "she said .
12:49am Apr 24 2011
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Posts: 12,384
"Impossible. You just came here today. There is no way you ever had gone any faster than that." Rage growled, "Show off."
Sage landed not too long after Midnight and Scarlette landed. "I would've been faster, but I had to carry an idiot." He said, looking directly at Rage. "Carry?! YEAH RIGHT! I HAD TO HOLD ON TO YOUR CLAW, JERK!" Rage yelled.
3:04am Apr 24 2011
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Posts: 488
(( To lazy to read... recap?))
7:25pm Apr 24 2011
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Posts: 36,303
"Hey!Midnight growled "It may be my first time here but I have been faster then that!".Scarlette looked at Rage "Me thinks you only call her a show off because you have nothing to show hmm?"