11:03pm May 14 2011
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"...Hmmpf..." Rage grumbled.
11:06pm May 14 2011
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"Sage I think your partner may need a saddle he's rather a baby don't you think"Scarlette said.
11:13pm May 14 2011
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"Nah... I think he can hold on just fine. But then again... you may be right." Sage said.
11:15pm May 14 2011 (last edited on 11:15pm May 14 2011)
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"Where as my partner is standing on top of my head wanting me to go into a dive "Scarlette said .
11:46pm May 14 2011
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"Your partener is crazy. Doesn't she know she'd just fall off?" Sage replied.
11:49pm May 14 2011
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"I think she dose but she dosen't care"Scarlette said
10:25pm May 28 2011
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(What di I miss?)
 (Banner made by Kina)
3:02am May 29 2011
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Posts: 36,303
((Well this is the last thing you needed to reply to :"Come in "Mindy said "Geo's in the middle of an emotional break down " )) (And you have missed Midnight and Rage meeting Lilly and Max and getting dragons ,Rage being dropped by his Dragon ,Rage having a hissy fit ,Rage being dropped again,Midnight laughing at him for being a bit slow and that's pretty much it )
5:08pm May 29 2011
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Posts: 488
(( I so need a recap o.o))
6:10pm May 29 2011 (last edited on 6:11pm May 29 2011)
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Posts: 36,303
(Hiba this is the last thing you needed to reply to :"Ummm .................. I don't know, where is the nearest paintball place?"Rose said . ) (and as for the recap the last time you posted was on page 17 so It's pretty much just the above recap for Tri that has all the info you need)
10:58pm May 29 2011
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Posts: 12,418
(Lol. Kay.) Shane came in and sighed. " I bet."Shane said. "So, Midnight's nowhere to be found?"He asked. "Well, no duh. Smarty pants."Akila said. "Where's Geo/
 (Banner made by Kina)
10:59pm May 29 2011
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Posts: 36,303
"In the kitchen I gave him some tea to calm him down"Mindy said .
11:04pm May 29 2011
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(Can someone read this and tell me what they think please? tle-but-please-read-/~page/1/">Tis my story )
2:09am May 30 2011
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"Her choice is her choice... I guess." Sage chuckled.
12:05pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 488
Kana shrugged, "Dunno... Let's just go to the park then.... Pretty bored unless you wanna search for the paintballs...."
6:07pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 36,303
"The park it is "Rose said "After all what could happen at the park?" *** "Maybe we could switch riders "Scarlette said "I think your one must be bothering you"
6:36pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 12,384
"No, he's fine as long as he gets use to holding on." Sage snickered.
8:09pm May 30 2011
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"Sage I dare you to do a barrel roll"Midnight beamed
11:36pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 12,384
"DON'T YOU DARE." Rage growled, "It's hard enough to hold on as it is!" Sage chuckled as he considered doing that just to tick Rage off.
11:38pm May 30 2011
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Posts: 36,303
"Come on you know you wanna"Midight smiled "Barrel roll doooo it"