11:18pm Mar 26 2011
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Posts: 12,384
((JKLAHJFIDBH. :c I have to jump in noaw or risk permanent brain failure. D:)) Storm woke up, yawning. He slowly got up, walking out into the living room. Wait. Something isn't right. It's too quiet. Rage would've been yelling at me by now... Storm blinked, deciding not to worry about it. Rage was probably just outside or something. ((JFLkhAHSFIJHIUH.))
11:23pm Mar 26 2011
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Posts: 36,303
Midnight wiped her eyes "Geo,Mindy "she sobbed "this isn't funny"her ears perked up ........nothing .
11:28pm Mar 26 2011
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Posts: 12,384
Rage woke up, blinking. He was slowly getting up when he realized he wasn't where he was supposed to be. "Where in the heck am I? Urgh. That kniving little brat is going to pay if he has anything to do with this..." Rage grumbled.
11:53pm Mar 26 2011
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Posts: 36,303
Midnights ears twitched did she just hear someone else? "Where am I?"she said aloud looking down to see she was not in her pyjamas but in a light blue T-shirt and jeans"What the Flip?"she said "I didn't go to sleep in this stuff......I don't even own any light blue T-shirts "
12:12am Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 12,384
"STORM!! WHERE IN THE HECK ARE YOU!!??" Rage yelled. The idiot. He must have something to do with this... Rage thought.
12:19am Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 36,303
"IS ANY ONE THERE?"Midnight yelled standing up her tail low .
12:35am Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 12,384
"WHAT?!" Rage yelled, as.suming whoever was yelling was talking to him. ((XD))
12:38am Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 36,303
"WHERE ARE YOU?"Midnight yelled unsure of where the voice was coming from .
12:40am Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 12,384
"OVER HERE!!" Rage Yelled. ((Very deive Rage... xD))
12:42am Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 36,303
"WHERE'S OVER HERE!"Midnight growled "I CAN'T SEE YOU!"
12:45am Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 12,384
"HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW! I CAN'T SEE YOU EITHER!!" Rage said, standing up. He began to walk in the direction the voice was coming from.
12:48am Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 36,303
"WHO ARE YOU ANYWAY?"Midnight yelled still unable to see Rage .
12:54am Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 12,384
"MY NAME IS RAGE!!" Rage Yelled, "WHO ARE YOU!!?" He continued to walk towards Midnight.
12:55am Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 36,303
"MIDNIGHT!"she yelled a little softer smelling something coming closer .
1:02am Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 12,384
Rage walked faster now, being able to see the outline of someone in the distance.
2:32am Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 23,239
Shade cocked his head toward the yelling. **** Saber yawned and got to his feet then froze, he nudged Jay. Jay leapt to his feet "I didn't do it!". Saber chuckled and scaned his surroundings where are we? Jay blinked "wha..." he trailed off. (FAIL! XD)
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P
2:36am Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 12,384
((LOL!! xD))
4:34pm Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 12,418
"Oh my gosh."Akila said. "Geo, you're not a bad brother. Me, Shane, and our cousin Masa are on our way. Stay right there. We'll help you and Miny find her."
 (Banner made by Kina)
10:38pm Mar 27 2011
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Posts: 488
Violet got dress and stared at her front door, "Where to go..." she said to herself thinkning. (( any ideas?))
2:03am Mar 29 2011
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Posts: 23,239
Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P