You're Not Alone in the Dark [Urban Warriors] Can You See Me

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2:47am Sep 23 2014 (last edited on 9:53pm Sep 24 2014)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
(New York Central Park)

Four young warriors converge as one
To stop the blocking of the sun

Thunder roars from the ridge
As Wind blows with the time
River runs beyond the bridge
And Shade won't lag behind

Each young heart must have faith
And not fall prey to the wraith

With each new day the danger lurks
Biding until the strike
If there is no trust it will not work
Fill yourself with love, not spite

Long ago, the four Clans lived in the forest. Hidden from twolegs, they lived out their lives in relative seclusion - many cats went their whole lives without seeing a human.

However, human nature dictates the spread of their kind. The forests were cleared, the lake filled. Developments sprang up seemingly overnight. The Clans were nearly decimated and those that escaped suffered for many moons before finding refuge in the least likely of places.

Now the cats live in the center of a massive twoleg city, each Clan occupying a spot in the local park that offers unique advantages.

(C & O Canal National Historic Park)

Location:  A small wooded area in the northernmost section of the park. A gravel road cuts the territory down the middle and there are small, human built areas that are still used fairly often. Protection is offered by several low-growing shrubs and fallen trees. A small stream provides a constant source of fresh water.

Prey: Squirrels, birds, mice, rabbit kits

Predators: Feral dogs, foxes, humans

Medicine Cat:
Queens + Kits:


(Keukenhof Park)

Location: True to their ancestors' nature, this Clan managed to find a quiet spot near the river that was seldom used by twolegs. Several large trees nearby provide a quick and easy escape if necessary and holes dug into a steep section of the bank provide comfortable dens.

Prey: Fish, ducklings, squirrels, mice, small birds, goslings

Predators: Twolegs, large fish, predatory birds, nesting geese and swans

Medicine Cat:
Queens + Kits:

Under construction, applications for River and ThunderClans open.


9:53pm Sep 24 2014 (last edited on 10:19pm Sep 24 2014)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135

- No godmodding, powerplay, unnaturally colored cats, etc.

- Keep all violence and romance to a PG to PG13 rating.

- Semi-literacy is highly encouraged; a minimum of four sentences, proper punctuation, grammar, and spelling.

- Use some form of differentiation when typing out of character; ((xx)), [xx], OOC; xx, etc. If need be, I can make a separate planning thread.

- Type your favorite color using your least favorite color font in your bio post to show you read the rules.

- I reserve the right to refuse anyone participation on the grounds they do not meet my standards in writing.

- If you ask to join, I will completely ignore you.

- Rules subject to changes or additions as I see fit.

Bio Skeleton

Fur Color:
Eye Color:
Body Type:


9:53pm Sep 24 2014

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135


10:28pm Sep 24 2014 (last edited on 10:39pm Sep 24 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 520
I would love to join :)

Name: Moonclaw
Gender: Female
Age: 4 years
Clan: Riverclan
Fur Color:  Snowshoe patterning
Eye Color: Green
Body Type: Lithe
Personality: Kind, protective, loving, but does not tolerate being used.
Rank: Warrior
Other: Favorite color is Purple


11:54pm Sep 28 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,403

Name: Mika
Gender: Female
Age: 8 
Clan: river clan
Fur Color: White
Eye Color: Green
Body Type: Fat, muscly. 
Personality: Bubbling, joyful and silly.
Rank: Medicine cat
Other: She loves to eat sparrows.


3:53am Sep 29 2014 (last edited on 3:55am Sep 29 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 941
Bio Skeleton

Name: Wildfur
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year
Clan: Thunderclan
Fur Color:  golden brown with black rosettes all over her pelt and white underbelly with black spots. tle="" target="_blank">Here's a ref .
Eye Color: Green
Body Type: Athletic 
Personality: Sassy, likes to tease others, a little lazy but will protect anyone who can't fight for themselves.
Rank: Newly ranked Warrior
Other:  She has a thing for climbing trees and gets excited when she stalks birds.
((I hope the fur isn't classified as weird because it's something you don't always see, and I took the picture myself as the cat belongs to me hehe but if anything just tell me :D))

My favourite colour is crimson


11:21am Sep 29 2014 (last edited on 12:56am Mar 30 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 1,324
I love warriors, I am joining!
Name: Leafpool

Gender: female

Age: 2 years

Clan: Thunderclan
Fur Color: 
She has one patch of white on her rump which is shaped like a leaf and another white patch shaped like a leaf in between the eyes
Eye Color: A bright blue with swirls of green and brown mixed into them.
Body Type: Muscular and athletic with a crushed leg. Not that you can see it is crushed.
Personality: Leafpool is an energetic, bubbly, friendly cat. She loves to heal cats. She is neat and tidy and most of the time quiet. 
Rank: Medicine Cat.
Other: Leafpool was crushed on the thunder path (a road) and her leg was badly smashed. Not being able to fight or run with a leg like that she had to give up her dream as a warrior. She then turned to the medicine side and loves it. 
(My favourite colour is green!)


6:28pm Sep 29 2014

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
@lilie - I'm not sure if you've read the Warriors series or not, but "Mika" usually isn't acceptable. If she was a kittypet before, there is close to 0 chance she would be accepted as a Clan's medicine cat.

You also apparently didn't read the rules.

@Tinkytasha - is there any way you could use a non-canon cat? This takes places a long, long time after the book series ends.


10:45pm Sep 29 2014 (last edited on 12:57am Mar 30 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 1,324
@Cecil non-canon?
Edited my bio.


1:39pm Oct 4 2014

Normal User

Posts: 970
Age:1 year
Clan: Thunderclan 
Fur Color: Dark brown with tiny white and black spots here and there.
Eye Color: Greenish-blue
Body Type: Sleek build with Abit of fat.
Personality: Quillwind is quiet and only talks when need. When hunting he clears out everything but his prey in his mind. He is kindhearted and loves kits.
Other: His favorite color is Black..

((Can't do font color, on a iPad so when I get on a computer, I'll do it))

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