You've been marked.

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10:41am Mar 26 2011 (last edited on 7:28pm Apr 2 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 657

This is an Rp based almost on a book that I haven't finished yet, but it will take it's own turn, and will not follow the book. This is a highschool rp.


There will be a few characters called trackers, they have a giant mark on their forehead that is a purple cresent moon. If they are in a relationship with you, you cannot be marked, but everyone else is in danger, they must keep distance from the trackers, because they will harm you. If you are marked, your forehead will swell for a few days, with a giant migrane, making it hard to even walk, then you will have the same mark the tracker has on your own forehead. If you don't move into the House of the night within two days, you will get sicker and sicker, then die, unless you move in, which is also a school, you must abandon your family, and friends.


1. All the regular rescreatu Rp rules

2. No perfect characters.

3. Only one tracker character per Rp'er

4. Have an even female:Male gender ratio

5. Don't just post your bios then never post on this rp.

6. If you want to join, post your bio to say you want to join


Other:  Iceheart46 and I are co-owners

My Bios

Name: Tess

Gender: female

Age: 16


Personality: is always very sweet, and kind. She has a lot of friends, but when someone makes her mad, she loses it. Can be very aggressive.

Tracker?: no

History: Normale

Crush: open

Family?: Has a sister, Shay

Other: none


Name: Lindi

Gender: female

Age: 18


Personality: She is very open to trying new things, really likes to have fun. Is hardly aggressive, but very skeptical of peopl

Tracker?: no

History: normal

Crush: open

Family?: none, besides parents

Other: none


Name: Austin

Gender: male

Age: 17


Personality: Not afraid to tell someone off if neccessary, but usually is a level headed guy. He can get very nervous, and doesn't always handle situations correctly.

Tracker?: no

History: normal

Crush: open

Family?: none, besides parents

Other: none


Name: Jake

Gender: male

Age: 17

Picture: ta:image/jpg;base64,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" alt="" width="128" height="128" />

Personality: Very confident, but really tries to be nice, considering he's a tracker. He doesn't want to make people think he's weird, acts like there is nothing different from to the next person. Acts like it's not a big deal he's a tracker.

Tracker?: Yes

History: Normal, for a tracker

Crush: open

Family?: none

Other: nope












Click to join a fun website! Another site! They're adoptable sites- Silent Meadows and Sunset Beach. They're both run by Iceheart and me! It's free!

10:42am Mar 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,828
Ooc; This is based on the house of night series. c: One of my faves. I tried to rp it before, but I got bored with it so good luck. ^^;

hello my name is elder price

10:52am Mar 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ House of Night series. I thought I was done, but then those people had to go and make more >:I ]] 
Name: Haine Makoto
Gender: Female
Age: Appears to be 16 
Tracker?: No
Haine has a fiery and protective personality. However, she is rather clumsy. Despite being a girl, Haine handles weapons pretty well, and isn't afraid of fighting anyone. She likes to voice out her opinions in a loud voice, and dislikes anyone who objects to her decisions. She has a short attention span, and is quickly bored with almost anything.
Crush: Open
Other: None
Name: Sanae Aoi
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Tracker?: Nuo
note: This was drawn by the lovely Geryi, for me [cos she loves me :U] I paid for this, and if I see anyone else using this... then face my pestering wraith  
Sanae has a gentle and generally kind nature. She's fiercely competitive, and always wants to be in first-place, however. Sanae is also terribly dense, unable to figure out if she's in trouble or not. She believes in her own version of justice, and does anything she could to have it delivered. She's rather adventurous, and overly curious.
Crush: Open
Other: None  
Name: Daemon Haste // Robin Edsall 
Age: 18 // 16
Gender: Male // Male
Tracker?: Yus :Y // Vampire
Personality: Daemon is a very quiet and tolerant boy. He has a calm and sometimes cold demeanor, and is strategic and quick-thinking. If Robin is fire, he is water. Daemon prefers to sit back and think. Because he's a rather studious, Daemon is experienced in many things. He is of royal descendant, and still retains his vain and somewhat insensitive attitude, after all these years.
Robin is energetic, flamboyant and overly curious. He, does not bother hiding his feelings, and is like an open book. Robin is also a devious prankster and a joker. He also loves animals for some reason, and climbing trees. He and Daemon are unnaturally close. Daemon treats Robin like a brother most of the time.
Crush: Open // Open
Damien Robin is de brunette holding a knife, and Daemon is ze blonde one c:  
Other: I would like to say openly that I would not accept crushes that are Mary Sues, from people that look like they put almost no thought into the bio [i.e. Lack of personality and picture], and from people that only RP girls.
[[Art is not mine, but like I said, the art drawn by Gerychi is owned by me :Y]] 


11:06am Mar 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 657



Click to join a fun website! Another site! They're adoptable sites- Silent Meadows and Sunset Beach. They're both run by Iceheart and me! It's free!

8:44pm Mar 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 657

Click to join a fun website! Another site! They're adoptable sites- Silent Meadows and Sunset Beach. They're both run by Iceheart and me! It's free!

12:42pm Mar 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 657

Click to join a fun website! Another site! They're adoptable sites- Silent Meadows and Sunset Beach. They're both run by Iceheart and me! It's free!

6:13pm Mar 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,371
I will probably join later. :3)


5:08pm Mar 30 2011

Normal User

Posts: 657
(Okay....well how about now?)

Click to join a fun website! Another site! They're adoptable sites- Silent Meadows and Sunset Beach. They're both run by Iceheart and me! It's free!

5:33pm Mar 30 2011 (last edited on 5:34pm Mar 30 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 3,371

























5:44pm Apr 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 657

Click to join a fun website! Another site! They're adoptable sites- Silent Meadows and Sunset Beach. They're both run by Iceheart and me! It's free!

7:20pm Apr 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 478

Name: Hana

Gender: female

Age: 17



Personality: She's wary and stays away from all the other fledglings.


History: she can't recall that much.. A year before she was Marked, she was in a horrible car crash. She got amnesia and was afraid to enter cars.

Crush: X

Family?:Deina is her sister.

Other: Her cat is named Ciel.


Name: Deina

Gender: female

Age: 17


Personality: She's a bit more outgoing.

Tracker?: no

History: same as Hana

Crush: none

Family?: Hana is her sister

Other: Her cat is named Bananas.

doctor who s5 Pictures, Images and Photos

7:31pm Apr 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 657

(Dragonfruit: One of my rules specificly states that you must have an even female:male gender ratio, so just change one of your charries to a boy please!

Kupala: If you don't post bios soon, please know I will have to reconsider accepting you, knowing you might abandon rp just like abandoned your bios)

Click to join a fun website! Another site! They're adoptable sites- Silent Meadows and Sunset Beach. They're both run by Iceheart and me! It's free!

8:07pm Apr 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 478
Can't i just make a boy character or two?

doctor who s5 Pictures, Images and Photos

8:19pm Apr 2 2011

Normal User

Posts: 657
(Yeah, it has to be two though, thanks!)

Click to join a fun website! Another site! They're adoptable sites- Silent Meadows and Sunset Beach. They're both run by Iceheart and me! It's free!

10:03pm Apr 4 2011 (last edited on 10:14pm Apr 9 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 478

Kay! Cuz my girls are actual friends of mine. They didn't want their real pics of them here.



Name: Radikio

Gender: male

Age: 19


Personality:He's a mysterious kid, he likes to keep to himself and will do anything to get away from other fledglings.

Tracker?: Yes

History: He wishes to not speak of it at the moment.

Crush: none

Family?: his brother is Benjamin

Other: He marked Benjamin


Name: Benjamin, but prefers Ben

Gender: male




Personality: He's the excact opposite of his big bro Radikio.

Tracker?: no

History: He'salways been scared of being marked, and he has finally been marked by his older brother Radikio.

Crush: none

Family?: Radikio

Other: He was marked by Radikio.


doctor who s5 Pictures, Images and Photos

6:50pm Apr 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

(Joinage? :3

My bios will be up in a sec.

But I'm pretty sure I can join, since you told me I can when I saw you earlier. :p )

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

7:05pm Apr 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

Name: Shay

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Picture: Anime Girl With Brown Hair

Personality: Usually nice and caring.  Sometimes "crazy" and a joker.  But when she gets angry, she gets angry.

Tracker?: Nopesh!

History: Pretty normal.

Crush: None; OPEN!

Family?: None. :'(

Other: Nopesh!


Name: Dylan

Gender: Male

Age: 16


Personality: To be rp'ed. xp -lazeh-

Tracker?: Nope.

History: Normal, except that his father died serving in the army.

Crush: Tess.

Family?: Since his father died serving in the army, and his mother is a businesswoman who travels all around the world, Dylan is home alone most of the time. But he knows how to take care of himself, so it's no big worry.

Other: Nope!


- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

8:57am Apr 6 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

8:23pm Apr 6 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

9:58pm Apr 6 2011

Normal User

Posts: 478
(If you have more than three posts ina row, that's against the rules and you could get a warning! Careful.)

doctor who s5 Pictures, Images and Photos
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