6:49pm May 12 2010
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8:39pm May 12 2010
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Alcairy grey tired of flying and landed on a branch. With another flash of white she morphed into her Coyote form, and leaped off the branch. she trotted into the forest, forgetting that she was in front of the others. -failery-
9:44pm May 12 2010
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9:47pm May 12 2010
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Mallick noticed a cayote jump off the branch a bird had just landed on. He looked back at Alcairy. "Umm.. I can use... i think it's earth.." He turned his hand to the side and looked at Jake. He smiled slightly and felt the earth rumble. He looked at Alcairy. "You might want to get over here.." He looked at the coyote again. ~~~~ Jake felt the shaking and was suddenly tossed into the air by a great tower of dirt and mud. He yelled whe he was tossed. He growled slightly as he fell. "I'm guna kill you!" He put his hand down and from it shot a strong stream of blue fire. He let the collumn widen until it could carry his weight. He landed lightly.
10:01pm May 12 2010
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Kylie was very shocked by the whole sibling fighting, even if it was somewhat fake. In a sudden flash, she was standing by a tree about twenty feet away instead of the edge of the garden. Any type of fighting at all frightened Kylie, to her dismay. She slowly walked back to the two boys, muttering a small sorry when she reached the edge of the garden again.
10:04pm May 12 2010
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Jake looked at Mallick and fire blazed in his hands. "Your so lucky I can't use lightning!" He heard a small "sorry" and his hands released the flame. It simmered and he looke dat Kylie. "What are you sorry about?" He crossed his arms. ~~~~ Mallick looked at her and smiled. "I don't know what your sorry for, but it's okay now.." He stood up and walked over to her. He smiled slightly wider. "Anyways, hod do you feel now?"
10:08pm May 12 2010
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Kylie rubbed her arm embara.ssingly, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "I..." She cleared her throat. "I guess I'm just not used to silblings fighting..." She said with a small smile. "And I'm feeling just dandy," She added with a small laugh.
10:13pm May 12 2010
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Jake laughed and doubled over from laughing so much. "Y-You thought we were siblings?" He smiled and coughed a little. He stood up, still slightly chuckling. He sighed. "Anyways, we arn't siblings.. Well we are technically half-brothers.. But he's the twin of Zane.. My actual half-brother... Anyways, we arn't relaly siblings.." ~~~ Mallick smiled. "You looked cute when you blush.. Anyways, Jake is right. We arn't siblings. And i wanted to mess with im. I didn't know it would scare you." He sihged. "SOrry.. Please forgive me for being a bitstupid.."
10:21pm May 12 2010
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"Oh." Kylie said, feeling rather stupid. She watched Jake laugh, and couldn't help but stiffle a laugh herself. "Well... That's cool I guess... I've never met Zane, I don't think..." Again, Kylie found herself blushing at Mallick's comment. She wasn't used to that either. "And It's okay... I've used to stupid stunts... Very used to them," She added with another laugh.
10:51pm May 12 2010
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Jake smiled and looked at her. His red eyes somewhat seeming to glow in teh sunlight. He took her hand and lightly kissed it. "Anyways, I've got to go.. I have to blow some steam off. Adieu.." He turned on his heel and began to walk toward a small pond the garden had. He poked it with a stick and noticed a few fish in it. He sighed and splashed the fish away. "I don't want to kill you guys.." ~~~ Mallick smiled and looke dat Kylie. "Anyways, what powers do you have?" He looked at her with utmost interest. He's never seen anybody else's powers beside Jake. He stared at her and gave a small whimper. He gave her puppy eyes as well.
11:00pm May 12 2010
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Kylie couldn't help but laugh as Jake kissed her hand. It was like a bad scene from a movie. She gave herself a small smile as Jake walked away, wondering what in the world compelled him to do it. Kylie turned back to Mallick, smiling again. "Uhh... I have telekenisis and plant control. Well, I'm still trying to get plant stuff under control... It's not working too well though." Kylie laughed at his puppy eyes, they just made her smile for some reason.
11:02pm May 12 2010
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Mallick nodded and smiled. "Ahh.. SO that's why you tried to bring the flower back to life?" He smiled and took few dead flowers fromt the floor and focused his water into them. Each one slowly, but surely bloomed back into beautiful hues of color. "Anyways.."
11:03pm May 12 2010
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Alcairy walked out of the forest, Seeing the sibling fight. She morphed human and stood there with a odd look on her face. "Fighting eh?" She asked.
11:08pm May 12 2010
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((Was Alcairy talking to Jake or Mallick? xD))
11:09pm May 12 2010
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Mallick looked dat her. "We were, but Jake walked off and he should be training his fire and lightnight powers somewhere in teh garden.." He smiled and looke dher up and down. "Were you.. but any chance, a coyote?"
11:36pm May 12 2010
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Alcairy blushes slightly. "Yes." She said, "It's my power; Turning into a coyote, hawk and a dragon.. And talking to animals." She said, a smile pulling at the corners of her mouth.
11:43pm May 12 2010
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Mallick smiled. "You have a nice smile.. I don't know if you knew that, but still.. It looks nice.." He smiled a little wider and stuck his tounge out playfully. "Coyotes scare me.. One attacked me before and left me.." Mallick pulled off his shirt to reveal a large bite mark that seemed ot be healing. It was on his chest and he ran his finger on it. "It left me with this.. Jake almost lost a hand and his wrist now has a ring on it.. Plus he has a fang neclace because he socked that sucker hard!" He chuckled playfully and letting his childish side get the best of him.
11:52pm May 12 2010
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Alcairie placed a hand over her mouth, laughing slightly. "I was heavily laughed at when I was still caged, Not understanding why feather where appearing on my arms and paw appearing on my hands, scales on my legs." She said, laughing. "I rarely go into my dragon form, Bad memories." She said, sighing.
11:55pm May 12 2010
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"You can turn into a dragon? Why do you not transfrom into that... Nobody will dare mess with you and you don't have to worry about being captured because of his big and strong you are.." Mallcik pulled his shirt back on and pulled out a necklace that had a single vial of a dark substance on it. He placed it around his neck. "ANyways, can I see your dragon form?"
12:07am May 13 2010
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Kylie watched silently as the two talked. As soon as they mentioned 'dragon', Kylie was getting out of there. "Well, see ya guys later," She called over her shoulder. She went to find Jake, just some one to talk to for the time being. She saw him next to the pond, poking it with a stick for some reason. "Uhh... Jake?" She said with a smile.