12:12am May 13 2010
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*Name: Violet D'Amery *Age: 17 Gender: Female Personality: Sweet yet thought of as emo, so most people stay away. She typically feels left out and alone, though she hasn't resorted to wrist cutting...yet *Power: Ice, but her lesser power is that of shadows. If she concetrates hard enough, she can duplicate objects and move them too. S.O.: Straight *Crush: Eh....Jake? (I took the first male I saw T.T) Other: Nah Looks/Deion: Violet is pretty short, though mentioning it irks her. She has straight black hair with a violet ribbon usually tied in it. Her skin is quite pale, almsot albino, and her eyes are dark indigo color.
12:14am May 13 2010
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Posts: 5,542
(i can add Zane if you don't want to have a crush on Jake.. Zane is closer to her age too.. Im just asking you tho... ^^;)
12:14am May 13 2010
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Jake jumped and dropped the stick into the pond. He looked up and saw her smile. "Your smile is pretty.. Anyways, what's up?" He reached into the pond and grabbed the stick. He stirred a little circle of water right in front of him. "How about you sit here.. You look like you need a load off." He smiled and sat down. He took off his shoes and rolled up his pants. He slipped his feet into the water. "What's wrong?"
12:16am May 13 2010
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{I dunno...I just chose the first guy...how old is jake anywats? xD}
12:32am May 13 2010
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(Jake - 19, Mallick & Zane (twins)- 18)
12:32am May 13 2010
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Alcarie blushed. "Er.. Sure." She said. She seemed to focus all her energy into the form. In a sparkling m*censored* of white, her body grew and grew to the final size of a white beast. With a mas sive roar she looked down at Mallick with eye's that seemed to say 'happy now?'.
12:34am May 13 2010
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Mallick froze. He never expected her dragon form to look so muscular and scary. He nodded. "i-i'm happy now.." He slightly shuddered and looked up at her scaly face. He looked into her eyes and tucked his necklace of dragon blood into his shirt. He fell back onto his butt and he shuddered slightly. "Your pretty scary in that form..."
12:34am May 13 2010
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Posts: 9,641
{Um, well...I don't want to make you bring nother charrie in. BTW, where are they?}
12:35am May 13 2010
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(Jake is in teh garden, poking the pond with a stick... Mallick and Alcaire are outside the garden in a small field, talking.)
12:50am May 13 2010 (last edited on 1:10am May 13 2010)
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Kylie stiffled a small smile and sat next to Jake. She wrapped her arms around her legs and held them close to her. "Nothing's wrong... It's just that one chick was going to change her form into a dragon and I've had some bad memories... But it's fine now... Sitting next to the pond, watching the water, talking to you..." Kylie roamed off, watching the ripples pa.ss by, row after row. ((I gotta go. Night))
1:27am May 13 2010
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Alcarie smiled. "I usually stay in this form for battles." She said, in a very echoey voice, Even though they where outside. "I scare everyone in this form." She said, laughing slightly.
2:10am May 13 2010 (last edited on 4:14am May 13 2010)
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Rain goes to the garden. No-body here. she thought. She quickly shapeshifted into her unicorn red fox form, after a blast of white and ginger, a ginger colored red fox pranced into the garden, not to scare the three students, it's black socks hidden by a rose plant. It whimpered. "Owch, the thorns hurt."
2:12am May 13 2010
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Violet walked into the garden, her footsteps silent on the dew-touched gras.s. She leaned around a tree and glanced at the pond a few meters away, watching a boy and a girl talking. She sighed and brushed some black hair from her face, indigo eyes surveying the scene.
4:02am May 13 2010
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Posts: 1,576
((Someone really has to put up a crush and girlfriend//boyfriend list x3x))
9:37pm May 13 2010
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12:32am May 14 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Twintkitty, Could you not have your character transform in a blast of White? Because thats what my charry does. -_- ))
2:30am May 14 2010
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Posts: 1,576
((Laurehplop, it doesnt mean that only your pet . i mean, charry, can transform in a blast of white >c))
3:06am May 14 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Can you rephrase that? o-o ))
3:07pm May 14 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((Guys, stop arugueing. ~TwintKitty, that was rather rude the way you phrased that. Please be nice or else I will have to ban you from the Rp. ~Lauren, the characters transform into different things, so, I don't think it really matters how they transform... o-o))
11:34pm May 14 2010
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Posts: 5,542
Jake laughed. "Nobody usually talks to me. I'm more of a loner child.." He brushed his silver bangs from his face. Your the first person to really talk with me... I'm not ery interesting to many people.." He smiled and poked teh water again with a stick." ~~~ Mallick smiled. "Alright.. It is very scary.. I feel so bad for asking this, but can I have some of your blood? Dragon's blood is always so cool." He held up the vial around his neck. It was glowing slightly green. "I got this from one of my friends. It's pretty cool."