9:12pm May 19 2010
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ooh i like the first guy... hahahah nice pick
9:24pm May 19 2010
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((It wouldn't show up on mine...xD I thought the pictures were invisible... ;n; -has had to change Kage's like...five tmes-))
9:57pm May 19 2010
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((Nono: I have had Dusk as my character for over 7 years. I first invented HER when I was in 3rd grade. I love to write and I was the greatest reader in my cl*censored*. I got bored and created this young girl who went on many adventures through different worlds: Faerie, Wolf, Dog, Cat, Vampire, Centuar, Unicorns. She always had a bunch of adventures and my teacher always gave me 3 in participation because I was always doodling and writing. That is my true story of how she had Feyth came to be so stop trying to claim her as yours))
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2:44pm May 20 2010 (last edited on 6:03pm May 20 2010)
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((hey emem, can I join?)) Name: Silvie Age: 16 Species: shapeshifter Gender: female History: comes later :) Looks: 
personality: dont be fooled by her pretty face, she can be cunning, aggresive, and dark. She has a temper and isvery strong and fierce. When angered it is best to avoid her. Her best quality is that she is fast, and can outrun most...she is pretty but is modest on her looks.
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2:45pm May 20 2010
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((figures... ofcourse duh ur my bestest buddy i cant say no to you))
3:14pm May 20 2010
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((mwahaha yes... and and dont forget it... so where do I start? and is this in first person?))
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3:51pm May 20 2010
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ya umm read everyone elses story post and scine you are new make somethin up, like you saw me walkin somewhere
4:11pm May 20 2010
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((Oh! And may I also add in two Shadowhunters? :D You'd have to have read the Mortal Instruments series to get that. ;D But I can always find a way to explain this. C: And my Shadowhunters are from my Trained to Slay RP, which is set in a timeline in the future, a few decades after City of Glas-s. ouo))
4:37pm May 20 2010
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Silvie ermerged from her perch atop of an old oak tree in her front yard...having just recently moved here she was not done unpacking...her yard was beautiful in her opinion...trees and a forest dotted the landscape around her as she jumped gracefully down from the tree limb..not being phased by the 70 meter drop. She stood and walked into her home...it was huge and old, but well taken care of. She thought of the secret rooms that could be hidden within the ancient walls. She raced up the stairs and into her new room, her luggage awaited her. The room was large, and the color scheme was green and black...her favorite colors. The bed could fit two people and a large walk in closet awaited across from the bed. A mirror hugged the wall as Silvie pushed her dresser underneath it. A large glistening chandler hung from the cieling several meters up... and a broad fireplace was in the far corner, a dark green rug protected the floor from the embers. She went to her luggage and put away her garments, in the large closet and drawers. She pulled out several frames of photos from the case and lined them on the dresser's surface. She threw her pillow onto the prepared bed, and decorated the rest of the room with artifacts from her travels.... Her dagger still hung at her hip, unseen from prying eyes. She took it out and concealed it beneath her pillow as she raced out of the room, it was a new land and plenty to be seen.
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5:07pm May 20 2010
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"Hi. I'm Brandon Branson. Who are you?" i asked. "Come on in." oooooooo a vampire! I love any kind of girl. i wish i could read her mind. she's so darn pretty!
 (Banner made by Kina)
5:55pm May 20 2010
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Rika: Can Dusk like Kage?))
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5:56pm May 20 2010
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((Sure~ C:))
5:58pm May 20 2010
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((Ok, Want to start your charrie so they can meat?))
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5:59pm May 20 2010
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((I'm pondering how exactly to do that. xD And I'm still waiting on my Shadowhunters to be accepted. >w>))
6:04pm May 20 2010
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((bump, idk what to do with Silvie xD))
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8:59pm May 20 2010
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"You're pretty good looking your self. Hahahaha, you dont have to look so surprised. You know you forgot my other lineage, im part spirit. hahahahaha" I thought it was funny how low this boy's mouth would go. "Still unpacking I see. Would you like some help? It wouldnt be any trouble at all, Im not going any where so what do ya think?" I asked. I wanted to be a good neighbor, so I decided I would welcome them by helping them unpack.
9:01pm May 20 2010
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Oooops sorry Rika... your charries are excepted hahaha my bad, just got back on. please excuse my absence.
9:01pm May 20 2010
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Silvie raced down the sidewalk, she decided she would introduce herself to the neighbors... she saw luggage laying outside one house...new folks? Silvie felt relieved that she wasnt the only newcomer she jumped to the front steps and knocked on the door. ((emem and tribecka...im going to interract with ur charrys xD))
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9:09pm May 20 2010
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Name: Jocelyn Lightwood Age: 18 Gender: Female Personality: She's a bit calmer than her brother and puts more thought into things before she acts. She also is a bit of a daredevil, trying to push her luck with demons and the like to show how strong she really is. She's basically like a female Jace. xD Appearance: She's tall, standing at a solid 5'11", and slender, but not so much as to be seriously skinny and stuff. She has long, pale blond hair and golden-brown eyes, sort of..bronze-ish. She favors wearing jeans and T-shirts when going out among the Mundanes. She also has faint, pale scars from her Marks, barely noticeable unless you look very closely at her. Jocelyn also tends to wear a silver cross around her neck and fingerless leather gloves on her hands. :D And she's...well...curvy, y'know? >w> Girl-curves. :D Species: Er...sort of a special kind of human, due to her heritage. .u. Are you a Shadowhunter?: Yes. :D Family/Friends: Her twin brother and their parents. .U. And she has her best friend Tema. ;D Weapon(s) of choice: Electrum whip and throwing daggers. :D Interests: Heights, slaying demons... You know, the usual. xD Special Skills: She can jump extreme heights, as well as fall from a few stories up and be perfectly fine. You can think grandfather Jace for this. :D Crush?: Open Boy/Girlfriend?: Nope Lover?: Nope Pet(s)?: She has a black cat with bright orange eyes that she named Church, after the cat that lived in the Institute where Jace grew up. C: Other: Is Max's twin sister, older by a few seconds. xD
Name: Max Lightwood Age: 18 Gender: Male Personality: He is kindhearted and wants to try and please everyone. He also tends to act rather recklessly sometimes, and has more energy than his sister, who often has to rescue him form the jaws of some random demon, usually an Oni or something of that nature. He's also the calmest when he's drawing, losing himself within that little world. Like a male Clary. xD Appearance: He has short, golden blond hair that curls a little bit as it gets longer. He also has the same bronze-colored eyes as his sister, but his are more golden than Jocelyn's. He stands at exactly six feet, one inch taller than his sister. When he goes to mingle with Mundanes, he wears a pair of black jeans and a black T-shirt, both of which he owns many of. He, like his sister, is covered with pale scars form the Marks they use. Oh. He, like Clary, can make new Runes. :D Well, he can sort of..remember the ones from waaaaayyyyy back. oUo Oh, both of them have pale-ish skin. |D Species: Look at Jocelyn's. :D Are you a Shadowhunter?: Yessss~ Family/Friends: His sister and their parents. :D Weapon(s) of choice: Bow and arrows, swords, and kunai and shuriken. :D Interests: Drawing, daydreaming, going off into his own little world... Special Skills: He can sort of make new runes. :D Well, actually, he's just...remembering runes from back when the angels first came to bless the Shadowhunters. :D Crush?: Open~ Boy/Girlfriend?: Nope Lover?: Nope Pet(s)?: He and Jocelyn share Church. :D Other: Is Jocelyn's twin brother, younger by a few seconds. :D
((The bios. :D Copy/paste is my friendddd. <3))

9:10pm May 20 2010
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((kk)) "Oh I'm sorry, i didnt realize that you were expecting guests. You should have told me it was a bad time... i wouldnt have minded... here ill go get the door." I walked over to the door opening it. "Oh I dont think i have met you before, are you new too. Well I'm Subaru. I live just down the street. I came to help out and welcome his family. Sorry i didnt get word of your arrival, please except my apologies." This one was gonna be someone I had to keep a close eye on, I could feel it. Turning to Brandon waiting for his answer about helping unpack.