10:10pm May 21 2010
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"um.......... shouldn't i tell my sister and aunt they're werewolves?"
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6:15am May 22 2010
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Looking back towards the confused Brenda I raised her voice at Brandon. "WHAT THEY DONT KNOW!!!! WHAT ABOUT CHANGES, DO THEY EVEN CHANGE AT NIGHT???" panicking no that I might have just dragged mundanes into the mix, I ran even faster than I ever thought possible.
7:15am May 22 2010
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Silvie chuckled and matched Subaru's pace. She stared at Brandon..."I agree with Subaru, they should know, its way to dangerous to not know..." she stated seriously. Wondering if she should confess her special abilities.
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8:13am May 22 2010
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Actually, he could stop her from attacking for however long it took as long as he was on her bac and he knocked her whip away. He looked up at Dusk and smiled. "Ah... Hello again," he said.
8:56am May 22 2010
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"Hello." she waved and peeked out from behind him. "Ummm... Jocelyn... right. How... might I ask, do you break the treaty." she winced...
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9:03am May 22 2010
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Jocelyn wiggled a bit. "You attack more humans than what satifies your thist, you kill a Mundane, or you attack a Shadowhunter," she stated, looking back at her, bronze eyes narrowed slightly. "Why?"
9:30am May 22 2010 (last edited on 9:42am May 22 2010)
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"I might have killed a mundane... once...." she stated in a small voice. She loooked away, "But I didn't like it." She *censored*ured her, still in that same quiet voice. She leaped into a tree, just in case Jocelyn got any ideas to attack...
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9:34am May 22 2010
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Silvie turned and decided it would be best to ask about the treaty..."what is....the treaty?" she asked, for she had never known. -a la fail-
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9:59am May 22 2010
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"well, shadowhunters protect mundanes from people like us. It is broken if we kill more mundanes then necisary to satisfy our thirst or we attack a shadowhunter... But those two are different, she will attack on site so that we dont have the chance to do any of that stuff. Now Brandon, have you every done anything to a mundane, ever?" she was getting tired, a bad sign, one of thoses hunters had something with them. "On second thought, how do you feel Brandon, getting sick tired what? ((ya fail))
10:09am May 22 2010
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ooops sorry rew's post is actually me.... i was logged into my bros account lol.. srry for the mix up.
1:27pm May 22 2010
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((it's ok)) "you don't know that we can change in the day. changing into one at night is a sterio type."
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2:03pm May 22 2010
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((can Jocelyn break free cause i think that would be interesting to have a fight?)) "aaah I see, well tell them and change or something so we can get outof here." I said beging to slow down, whatever that hunter was doing, it was working.
2:13pm May 22 2010
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((She could reac her electrum whip and get her brother off. o: She's REALLY good with her whip. ouo))
3:53pm May 22 2010
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((ummm ok im failing at posting today...but here i go)) Silvie noticed that Subaru was getting tired, "Are you ok?" she asked sincerly. She knew she looked like a normal mortal up close and far away, however only she knew her darkest secret...would the treaty still apply to a creature like her? This was Silvie's thought as she followed Brandon and Subaru...she decided that she would fight alongside them...for these strangers were the only ones who could understand something like her.
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3:59pm May 22 2010
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"Brenda, Aunt June. We need to change into werewolves now. we are in trouble." They understood. I was the only mastered one on changing. "We're ready." I said
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9:38pm May 22 2010
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Silvie gulped, she had to morf like Brandon and his family, but what if she was betrayed. Silvie would never be able to overcome treason, not again.
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9:55pm May 22 2010
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((ok rika, ill make this post with that occurance, but if you dont like it tell me how to change it)) I watched the change out of the corner of my eye. "what ever happens, dont stop running." I pushed Silvie ahead causing her to run even faster then she was already. I heard Jocelyn's voice behind us and getting closer. "Dang she got free. GO GO GO, DONT STOP FOR ANYTHIIIIIING!" Just as I said that i triped, there was no energy left inme to get up, for i had used it all running. "Go... jsut go... my eyes began to drift close and i watched them run not noticing my fall, and just before i left conciousness, i felt the sting of the electric whip.
10:19pm May 22 2010
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((I will too, just continuing from Emerald's)) Dusk's hand shot out and she pulled Jocelyn's whipping hand backwards, "Don't ever attack a downworlder that has done nothing." she hissed, her eyes red with fury...
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10:42pm May 22 2010
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"We have to go NOW!!!!" "Brother. Why?" "There is something going on." i put my paw over her. she was shaking.
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11:00pm May 22 2010
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Max ran up a few moments later, panting rather heavily. He looked up at the others. "Run!" he yelled at them, motioning for them to go. After a few moments he fell to his knees to catch his breath. "I'd much rather...be up in my room....drawing right now...But noooo....You had to go....and get this stupid...idead in your head..." he huffed. Jocelyn only had to flick her wrist a little bit to get her whip to move, crying out as he whip hit her brother, who had moved in front of Dusk. Yeah, they were connected.