9:23am May 23 2010
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"That was a stupid move Shadowhunter." She pulled Max out of the way and lept on Jocelyn, knowcking the whip out of ehr hand...
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11:55am May 23 2010
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Silvie refused to run and leave Subaru behind... She felt a low growl echo from the back of her throat...and her teeth began to sharpen and her green eyes turned to golden slits. She looked at Subaru..."Never leave a friend behind." with that her gaze drifted to the shadowhunters, and felt pity... they obviously had nothing better to do then kill, the words escaped her lips "I pity you." before her face morfed back to normal...she supported Subaru on her shoulder -failish post-
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3:19pm May 23 2010
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"uuuuugh. Wha-what happened to me?" I was a little confused why I was being supported by Silvie, and I looked behind us and saw Feyth jumping on Jocelyn. "NO!!! You cant, you will break the treaty!" I said as I pushed off of Silvie, ramming into the other vampire and collapsing infront of the shadowhunter. "You! Feyth you are a fool, you have been living here long enough to know you cant harm them. What has gotten into you? The treaty is not something that should be jepordized for my safety, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!?!" I was scared, and I couldnt lie about that but keeping the other people living here safe was more important than I was and I would stand by that belief until the day I died. ((epic fail))
3:30pm May 23 2010
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Brandon: Me and my aunt decided to go after Jocelyn. "Be carfull Aunt June. Silvie, Stay right here with Brend please. Subaru, Come on. Now I know what i'm doing."
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3:39pm May 23 2010
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"No, I'm fine. Let me just... ahh" I said as I tried to get up, but all I did was manage to fall ontop of Jocelyn. "Hahaha, this is great, just great. Well, I wont let you help me up and you saw what happened to Feyth when she attacked. I swear, if you break the treaty because of me, I will rip your heart out right now where you stand.... That would be pretty painful." I found strength and rose to my feet, my eyes red slits. ((Her eyes where originally a redish brown... i forgot to tell you.))
4:03pm May 23 2010
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Silvie crossed her arms...she was missing a good fight... she wasnt scared, her heart beat at a normal rate, she was used to fighting and death... and it didnt phase her anymore. She felt her eyes return to golden slits if the shadowhunters decided to attack... stupid...Feyth you killed us all was all she thought... her anger was showing through but she managed to control it she glanced at Brend... she wanted to fight. But then she remembered, these strangers knew nothing of her true identity
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5:45pm May 23 2010
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"Are you ok, Subaru?"
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8:18pm May 23 2010
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"Ok? Am I ok? I honestly dont know." I said sighing, I could think clearly, i couldnt see in any color but red. "But do want to know what i do know? Im really really thirsty, and the only humans around are shadowhunters. Theres luck for you, I need something and i cant get it without breaking the treaty." I had begun hissing, not a good sign. I wouldnt last much longer withought attacking something.
8:19pm May 23 2010
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8:33pm May 23 2010
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"Hold me back, ha, hold me back. Why just to prove to them that im a mindless zombie that cant think for itself that cant decide how i want to live my life. I wish that my parents would have learned that a long time ago." I was crying, crying of all things and in front of that cute guy. I was so mad at myself. "Times up shadow hunters, I suggest you start running while I take care of something, and then it will be your turn." I turned around and picked Jocelyn off the ground, watching Max tense. I pushed her towards him then turned to the sun wolf. "You've hurt my feelings, and those who hurt my feelings dont last long. You should have left me here to die but now it is you who will die." I jumped into the air above his head ready to rip his head of his shoulders.
8:43pm May 23 2010
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((btw... fight how ever you want to... ill make injuries that are supposed to kill you and then do something to heal and vise versus ok??))
9:12pm May 23 2010
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((ok. but you won't hurt me?))
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9:18pm May 23 2010
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((well hurt you yes... kill you, no. Do what ev you need to stay alive. I dont really care, just make it dramatic and interesting ok lol ;P))
9:18pm May 23 2010
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Feyth pushed the other Vampire off of her and her abnormal purple eyes narrowed, "You can run, but that Shadowhunter is wild." she snarled and stood in front of Max. she knew what she had done, she had broken the treaty for her, but not the rest of them...
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9:19pm May 23 2010
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9:29pm May 23 2010 (last edited on 10:01pm May 23 2010)
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.I had over shot and he moved easily out of the way. As I landed gracefully, I spun around launching myself again hitting Brandon in the stomach with my shoulder sending him flying into a near by tree(Is that ok tribecka?). "You know, I have never tasted werewolf blood before, this should be interesting." I said as I calmly walked over to him. What was I doing, I couldnt stop, it was as if my body had taken over, no NO! RUN BRANDON RUN!! I knew the only voice he could hear was the voice of the body that was going to kill him.
8:42am May 24 2010
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Feyth saw Brandon in danger and tore herself off the Shadowhunter. she pushed Brandon out of the way and took the hit from the other vampire...
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2:35pm May 24 2010
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"What gives you the right to interfere with my prey? Maybe I shall move onto the one called Max. You know you cant be with him, he kills our kind for fun." With that I jumped over and onto Max's back knocking him down, she couldnt interefere now. He was mine, and I hissed as my teeth sank into the shadow hunter's neck. ((is it ok if i did that, the bite wont do anything to you, but maybe hurt. If ou want me to change it i will so just let me know or chose something you want to happen to me ok? =D that post was a fail though))
4:16pm May 24 2010
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Name:Mayami Age:17 Species:vampire(she trys not to drink your blood but it is just to temting) Gender:female History:just rping it Looks: 
5:07pm May 24 2010
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That was it... Silvie felt her limbs lengthen into paws her teeth sharpened to the point... her eyes to slits as her nails curved into gruesome points...she lunged, and roared at subaru, "just as much a right as I do!" as she knocked subaru a clean several meters from the shadowhunter... for he was her kill. ((that ok guys?)) although she knew the damage was already done. She lowered her neck and felt the fur prick, she let out a low growl before lunging again...tearing away flesh to the bone and hearing the bones creak. She snarled madly, the threat apparent in her eyes. ((that ok emem, tribecka, rika, feyth?))
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