5:12pm May 24 2010
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((can i start))
7:09pm May 24 2010
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((Fine by me silv... and yeah you can join angel... start when ever))
8:02pm May 25 2010
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((ok emem :) and angel i love ur siggy!))
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8:33pm May 25 2010
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((I know right???))
4:04pm May 27 2010
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11:54pm May 27 2010
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Mayami walk the fresh blood sent filled her nostrolls she could not help it she had to have so she ran in the direction of the smell when she came across the flesh and bone of the boy
8:34am May 28 2010
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Dusk lunged at the other vampire and bowled over her, yanking her teeth out of Max's neck. "You can't touc him." She said in a dangerously calm voice as she dug her nails into the other vamps arms. "I am by far stronger than you, so don't even try." she pushed the other vamp to the ground...
 <-- Click me
5:07pm May 28 2010
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((wait...i thought silvie already knocked subaru down o.O))
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10:09pm Jun 2 2010
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"Ie! that hurt why did you do that Subaru?" i felt like i broke my arms but they're healing faster but the pain in the bite hurt but i can make it.
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3:52am Jun 5 2010
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Max shakily started to get to his feet, lifting a hand to his neck. Blood trickled down from the two puncture wounds that were plainly visible on the pale skin, covered with scars the Marks they used during battle. His blond hair hid his eyes from view as he pulled out his stele to draw a quick iratze on his neck. "We kill to protect, not for enjoyment." His voice had lowered and he balled up his hands into fists as he lifted his head with a growl. His gold-colored eyes flashed angrily, the look on his face much like that of a lion. "Shadowhunters as a whole are not sadists! We kill to protect the mundanes who cannot see the demons and evils that lurk beyond their plane of view!" he shouted angrily. ((ouo))
2:44pm Jun 5 2010
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Brenda~ i couldn't stand to just watch my brother hurting. i went against what he said. i ran into the house. got the 1st aid kit and ran out.
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10:37pm Jun 5 2010
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Silvie returned to her human look. She removed her dark hair from her eyes, and suddenly realized that she had exposed what she truly is... but she didnt care. If the shadow hunters came for her, she would kill them, like she had before. Silvie clenched her jaw and crossed her arms. She glared at the others around her, the threat apparent in her dark green eyes. And if Subaru were to kill a shadow hunter now, they would all be in danger... she glared down at the female vampire... she was cut from where Silvie attacked, but considering she was a vampire... Silvie wasnt trying to hurt Subaru but just warn her...
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3:56pm Jun 23 2010 (last edited on 1:07pm Jun 29 2010)
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After getting pummled by not only Silvie but the shadowhunters her erge to kill pa.ssed, still slightly there but not as powerful as before. "Why kill at all, just ward off. I still dont believe you but i could only hope. though i have one question, do you know my parents. they are shadowhunters, their names are Karen and Jake. Ask them one question if you could... why did they leave..." she could no longer see at all and With a sigh, Subaru's head hit the ground. ((Srry my computer hasnt been letting me on))
3:57pm Jun 23 2010
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((Hello Omg I totally forgot about this rp!))
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1:07pm Jun 29 2010
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((Oh thnx tri i apreciated it lol jk, can you help get it back up... i have to talk to funna too))
5:37pm Jun 29 2010
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((im back, i'll help get it up :)) Silvie ran over to Subaru, helping her up slowly. "Careful, you are vulnerable when down." she whispered, not sure if Subaru was concious.
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11:13pm Jul 2 2010
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((thnx funna)) Subaru's head was reeling in and out of focus. she thought she had heard Silvie's voice but she couldnt be sure. Something was said about vulnerability. "Need to find...." Subaru's eyes snapped open changing color again but not the same red color of thirst. It was more like a light pink glaze, and pushing off of Silvie, Subaru walked past the two hunters not giving them a second glance. ((one.. that was a fail, and two remember she is a vampire spirit thing... just in case anybody forgot ;D))
12:39pm Jul 5 2010
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~Brenda~ I went over to Subaru. "Are you okay?"I asked her. ((Fail.))
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8:26pm Jul 23 2010 (last edited on 8:05am Jul 26 2010)
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((OMG i almost forgot about my own rp... woow its been a while i know, stupid computer... if you guys still want to play this one then continue after me... k? XP)) She could hear Brenda, she was trying to say 'ya im fine, why are you staring at me?' but she just kept walking forward and couldnt stop. She was trying to force her mouth open, and then couldnt remember why. All she could think about was a necklace that she was sure she had never seen before, though it looked strangly familiar. ((and P.S. that was very failish... if you want i can get a pic of a necklace that looks similar to the one i have in mind ))
10:26am Jul 24 2010
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Silvie cocked her head and narrowed her eyes suspiciously, she ran up to Subaru, and tried to keep up with her pace. It looked as if the vampire was searching for something... she pulled her hair out of her face and gave a strange look at subaru...almost saying, Do you need help? but she cut the gaze immediatly, the light breeze manuevering through her garments as they slowly lept through the breeze. -fail of all fails. but thats ok xD-
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