3:52pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 3,662
"Yeah well I guess normal wolves aren't as fun as floating grinning.. Things." Spirit said, sighing. She had lost her appetite from the dancing deer. She got up and walked off, the glow stick around her neck stopped glowing as it was exposed to the light. Ziang followed her.
3:53pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 3,662
"Yeah well I guess normal wolves aren't as fun as floating grinning.. Things." Spirit said, sighing. She had lost her appetite from the dancing deer. She got up and walked off, the glow stick around her neck stopped glowing as it was exposed to the light. Ziang followed her.
3:53pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Double post. o.o ))
4:00pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 108
Jaden opened her jaws, letting out a yawn. She stood up and walked out of her den. She had a good nights sleep, but she had the strangest dream. She shook it off and padded out to the forest, trying to find her breakfast. She spotted a small deer wondering around the forest. She slinked towards it. The deer slowly munched on some bushes near Jaden. She lundged at it and clamped her teeth around its neck. She dragged it back to the pack and laid by a tree with it. "I wonder how many of the pack member s are up?" she wondered.
4:02pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( ebil double post xD *eats* thar.)) "Things?" Violet snapped, pretending to be offended. " uh." She hissed. "Well..." She paused. " Bye Bye," She said. Her grin grew wider. "hehehehehehe......" The spoke started at her tail until she disapeared. She was not at the Bloodpack camp. "Nyght..Oh Nyght...Come here Boy....." She taunted. Nyght showed up growling. "What is it Violet." He hissed. "Loners, on your territory eatiug your profit....." She dissapeared.
4:04pm May 30 2010 (last edited on 4:04pm May 30 2010)
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Posts: 108
Kazu walked out of his den. He stretched out and looked at Nyght and Violet. He walked over to them, "Is there something wrong, Nyght? Should I take care of it? He smirked, his sharp cannine teeth showed.
4:07pm May 30 2010 (last edited on 4:11pm May 30 2010)
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Posts: 17,364
" Well Im up." Smiled Calyx. She looked around, "Not much are awake."She said as she walked in circles. Oh no the meeting!She thought. " yes, there is something wrong, lets go ,I will come with you."Hissed Nyght. (( Lauren can u make a alpha female bloodpack to talk to Calyx at the meeting?)) -phail-
4:12pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 108
Jaden looked up from her meal, seeing Calyx. "Good morning Calyx. The meetings almost here." She smiled at the Alpha wolf. "Who do you plan on talking to at the meeting?" She asked as she walked over to the wolf. Kazu's smirk left his face, "But, Nyght. What about the meeting? It starts soon." He frowned now, "Will we have enough time to get ride of the inruders?"
4:15pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"Yes,"He stuttered, just rembering the meeting. " I dont want loners eating off out food when there is a good chance the Starpack wont cooperate."He hissed. "Are you comming?"He asked pawing the ground. "whoever wants to talk to me, I guess."Answered Calyx.
4:19pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 108
Kazu smirked, "Yes. I'm coming." He followed Nyght, sniffing the air slightly. He could smell two unfamiliar scents, but dismissed it. "Do you think they will agree to give us more territory?" Jaden smiled, "Are you hungry? I just caught a deer a while ago." She walked over to the deer. "I'll be glad to share it with you."
4:22pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"Thank you,"Calyx said walking over to the deer carcas.s "Im starving."She smiled. She leaned down, and took a decent sized bite. "I think so, there Leader is too goodie-goodie to refuse."Smiled Nyght. "And the meeting is already going to be held place so, Yes. I think they will give us some of there hunting grounds."
4:26pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 108
Jaden laid by the carcas.s. "I can't wait for the meeting to be over with. I just hope they don't make a huge fuss of everything." Kazu smiled, "They're such easy wolves to trick, it's pathetic!" He quieted down, thinking of his lost sister again. 'I hope I find you soon, sister.' He continued to follow Hyght. The wind ruffled his fur, displacing it. ((Where'd Lauren go?))
4:28pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Name- Aika Gender- Female Age- Adult Looks- And Personaliy- hghlhsagkhsh Crush: >_> History: You life is ended. :) Mate: open Pups: No Other: I can control blood. Even make animals out of it. o3o
(( Bloodpack alpha female ))
4:30pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( awesomesauce <3))
4:33pm May 30 2010
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Calyx nodded at Jadens remark. "As do I."She said as she took another bite of the kill. Nyght chuckled. "The wind is strong here, I believe it is called 'The Wind Valley.' " He said. " I Smell them...>" -phail-
4:36pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 108
Kazu smirked, "Should I take care of them? Or would you like to?" His voice laced in venom. He sniffed the air, and smiled. "They're close by to, Nyght." Jaden had a look of angst on her face, "Can I tell you something, Calyx?" She turned her head to look at the wolf beside her.
4:39pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx finished chewing, swallowed, and turned to Jaden. "Ummmmm...."She paused. "Sure."She smiled warmly. "Whats on your mind?"She asked. Nyght thought for a minute. he sat down. "I think there just regulars."He smirked. "It wouldent be fair."
4:39pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 3,662
Aika jumped from a rock, blood rushing from a carc*censored* near by to her feet. It flattened out into platforms, going higher and higher with each step Aika took. She soon arrived at her den, hidden within murky clouds of an mountain top. Aika sighed, jumping off the platforms. hey fell limp and went to the ground.
4:40pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( i gots nothen.....))
4:42pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 108
((wow Zo. Nice -_-'))