You Broke My Heart, { Wolf Romance } I'm Going To Break Your Face.

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5:02pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 17,364
(( Dodo is with Ichis charry, talking to someloners :D ))


5:02pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 108
Kazu appeared behind them, "You have no business being here, intruders." He growled at them.

Jaden looked up, "Calyx. It's almost time, we should go." She stood up and waited for Calyx.

5:04pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 3,662
Spirit turned around, surprised. "Hmm? Intruders? I didn't even know this was someone else's turf." 

Ziang stood in front if his sister, protecting her if the wolf decided they deserved to die.


5:05pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 17,364

Calyx nodded, and stood up. She flapped her wings a few times, them spoke, "What if there not ready?"She asked concerned. "ok, Lets go." She finnaly decided.


(( srry for fail post i got a headache D:))


5:07pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 108
Kazu growled again, "Knowing or not.You should leave before we kill you. We have an important arrangement to attand to!" He smirked at them, stepping closer. The wind blew around them. He sniffed the air, smelling Star Pack. "Nyght, their almost here." He turned to look at the Alpha male in front of the wolves.

5:07pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 17,364
Nyght twitched. He thought if he should attack the Intruders, or leave them be. The meeting!The thought flashed in his head. "Leave loners."He hissed. "Come on, were late for the meeting...." Nyght hissed.


5:07pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 3,137

Soprano glanced around worridly. There was going to be bloodshed at the meeting. She knew it. She sighed and went back to her den to grab her herbs, and went out to follow Calyx and the other wolves.

((I'm braindead, sorry. ;3;))


5:09pm May 30 2010 (last edited on 5:10pm May 30 2010)

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Posts: 108

Jaden ran after Calyx, following her to the meeting area. "Let's hope they're ready, or we're in trouble, Calyx." She turned her head, seeing a spot of blue. 'I wonder whatthat was?' she thought to herself. "oh well. We better hurry." Whispering to herself she ran faster, watching Calyx from above.

Kazu looked at the intruders once more before runnin after Nyght. "If we find you here again, We'll kill you!" He yelled to them, leaving with Nyght.


5:12pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 17,364

"Oh Soprano,"Calyx smiled. "You will be joining us?"She asked. "It is your decision."A warm smile played on her muzzle. "Bringing medicine supplies i see,"She paused to think. "Good idea."She yipped.

(( Either the Alpha female and the alpha male show up for the meeting for blood pack, or either of the alphas can come with either a Beta with them or bettess, Calyx will come and serve for StarPack and either the beta or bettess will be with her.))


5:16pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 12,384
((I got the pictures in. were should I jump in...?))


5:16pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 3,137

Soprano smiled lopsidedly and nodded. "Yes, if that is alright with you? I don't want to see any wolf die for any reason today."

Creak sat down and  looked at Nyght. "Sir? Shall I stay behind to watch camp?"


5:16pm May 30 2010 (last edited on 5:20pm May 30 2010)

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Posts: 108

Jaden looked at Soprano. "Yes, that is good thinking." She waited for Soprano to catch up with them. She sniffed the air, "Calyx, they're close now. I can smell them. We should hurry."

Kazu sat with Nyght, waiting patiantly for Star Packs arrival. "I wonder how much longer they'll make us wait?"

 ((Sorry guys, I gotta leave for something real quick! I'll be back in no less than 15 min.!))


5:20pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 17,364

(( umm what pack are you in Ash?))

" Actully, Creak I was wondering if you would stay with me for the meeting, I trust your decision." He smiled at the Bettess. " Oh hold your horses Kazu."Chuckled Nyght. "There comming."

" I Agree, Good thinking Soprano," Nodded Calyx in agreement. " I believe we are here, I see the Bloodpacks." She said.


5:25pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 3,137

Creak nodded and smiled in delight. "I was hoping you'd say that. I'd be honored to join you."

"Oh dear." Soprano frowned. I'm not ready, not ready, not re-Stop! Stop thinking like this, Soprano! Everything's going to be fine. It'll be done and over in a little bit.


5:25pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 12,384
((I dunno. Guess ima lone or sometin XD))


5:30pm May 30 2010 (last edited on 5:30pm May 30 2010)

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Posts: 17,364

(( ok Ash <3 just pop in the meeting all like " Was.sup mai awesomesauce doods? " xD ))

Calyx nuzzled Soprano, "You'll be fine, Don't stress it will be over before you know it."Smiled Calyx warmly. "You ready?"She asked the wolves that occopanied her. "Here we go..."She said and padded in sight of the Bloodpacks.

" Finnaly, I'd think you would never come."Smiled Nyght.


5:34pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 3,137

Creak smiled back, then slipped away to wait for Nyght.

"I can only hope, Calyx.", Soprano worried. Then she smiled weakly. "Good thing it's close to the mating season. No way would even Blood Pack sacrifice good strong warriors if it were an attack."


5:35pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 12,384

Ash wandered towards the meeting. She soon came upon it. "Hi," she said.

Fawn also walked towards the meeting. as soon as she saw Ash, though, she got very MAD. "You," she hissed, her voice thick with hatred as she glared at Ash. 


5:41pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 12,384


5:42pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 17,364

"Looks like we have visitors!" Yipped Calyx. "We are in a meeting right now, i would appreciate it if you two just waited, after the meeting i can escort you to StarPack if that is what you wish."Smiled Calyx to Ash and Fawn.

Nyght bowed to Calyx. "Nice to meet you."

Calyx bowed back. "back to you."

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