You Broke My Heart, { Wolf Romance } I'm Going To Break Your Face.

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8:37pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 108
Jaden smiled at Calyx, "Yes, we can tell Calyx. Your being so jumpy today and you're more happy than usual." She smiled at Calyx.

8:38pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 2,842
Zen padded around the camp boredly and saw Soprano standing by herself, "Hey" hey woofed as he arived by her, "Why so lonely?"


8:41pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 17,364
" hello Zen." Calyx woofed. Calyx jumped into the air, and flew around the pack. A few minutes later, she collasped on the floor. She stood up adnd panted, " hehehe im poofed"


8:42pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 2,842

"I agree" woofe Bielle as she splashed around in the small pool of water connected to another small stream. Jumping out she shook off soaking Taq with the water that had once clung to her fur.


"I don't nkow who doesn't" woofed Brin with a smile in her voice, "And they have found a place. i jsutknow it."


8:43pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 7

((Hey guys, what's up?))

Grim walked through the forest, padding back to Star Pack. 'I couldn't find a single mate.' He walked into the camp and saw others pairing up. He scowled. 'glad they did.' he thought sarcastically. He spotted Calyx over by three other wolves. he walked over to her and smiled. "How are you, Calyx? It's been a while."


8:43pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 2,842
"Wow Calyx" woofed Zen lightly, "Mating season has just stated and you're this jumpy?"


8:44pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 17,364
" Ill set it up inside......." Taq said suspiciously, not comenting that he was completly SOAKED he ran in the cave. He climbed up jumped off, and make a HUGE splash all on Beille.


8:45pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 3,137
"I'm sure you are, Calyx.", Soprano laughed. How good life was right now! Oh! If only it would last.


8:45pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 17,364

" Yupp! " Said Calyx. " Oh Grim, HI!" She woofed. "Havent talked to you in a while." She wagged her tail.



8:46pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 2,842
Bielle growled playfully and lept on Taq, "I'll teach you for sokaing me," she woofed lightly as she batted him lightly, laughing the entire time.


8:48pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 108
Jaden looked at Grim, then Calyx. "So, w-who's your friend, Calyx?" Jaden slightly blushed as she looked at Grim. "I believe I-I've never met h-him before? Is h-he new?" she asked, stuttering.

8:48pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 3,137
Creak wrinkled her nose and got up. "I'll be in my den if you need me", she called as she crept away. Poe chuckled softly and motion for Nevermore to follow her. "To my den", she whispered in his ear.


8:49pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 3,137
((Gotta go. ;3; Bye))


8:49pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 2,842
Zen laughed heartily and yipped, "Why don't i show you all something? I found it out on a walk the toher day and i don't think any of you have seen it"


8:50pm May 30 2010 (last edited on 8:51pm May 30 2010)

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Posts: 17,364

Nyght nodded.

Taq dumped Bielle in the water and threw her up in the air, laughing.

" ohhhhi think Jaden has a crush on Grim......" She giggled. She turned to Zen. " Ok!" She said excitedy.


8:50pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 17,364
(( bai dodo D: ))


8:53pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 17,364
(( post show!))


8:53pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 7

Grim smiled, Yes Calyx. Are you going to introduce me?" he teased. "Anyway," he turned to Jaden, "My names Grim. And no, I'm not new here. I've just been away from a while." He smirked at them, "How are you, bye the way, Calyx? Excited about mating season as always?"


8:55pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 17,364
" yupp Grim." Chirped Calyx. "As allways!" She added. " ooh, im good, you grim?" She asked looked up at the sky. "eww that cloud looks like a turd.....(xD)" She laughed.


8:55pm May 30 2010

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Posts: 2,927
((Homg. Another 100 posts. xD Recap, again? o3o))

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