6:18pm May 29 2010
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" I Appreciate your will to keep scavaging for prey, when there are only but a few birds and squirrels, go rest Kazu, you'll need it." He smiled at her. "I agree Creak, the meeting shall be held tomorrow," He paused. "Send a messenger wolf to the StarPack Alphas for a request for a meeting!" Nyght ordered. "Now Creak, You go rest too." He said, and turned around. "I'll be in my den if you need me," With that, he padded to his den. ( Ichigo, please at least 3 lines per post :D ))
6:19pm May 29 2010 (last edited on 6:21pm May 29 2010)
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Posts: 108
((Got ya! I didn't know what else to put. lol!)) Kazu flashed a quick grin a Creak, "Good evening Creak. How are you." He slightly bowed his head. The wind blew his fur, ruffling it slightly out of place. He growled as it blew his fur. He glared at Star Pack's territory. "I bet they don't get their fur ruffled around like this." He growled, venom in his voice.
6:24pm May 29 2010 (last edited on 6:25pm May 29 2010)
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"I know," Nyght hissed. "They are Spoilded-rotted they espect everything toi be donw for them." he growled, before he went inside his den. Calyx sat up proudly in the center of the pack, "Greetings fellow packmates!" She announced. "We have just got a message requesting a meeting to discuss the territory settings!" She said. "Should we go along with this request?" Asked Calyx. (( kk :D gotcha ))
6:25pm May 29 2010
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Angel was on her way to her den when she heard the other's conversation. "Stop complaining, won't ya?" She growled lowly, mostly to herself. She hated how everyone felt sorry for themselves, that they didn't have enough, that there wasn't enough food, that there wasn't enough space, it was too cold, or it was too windy. Angel sometimes wished that everyone was mute, just so she could have a little silence in her life. "Nyght," Angel said respectfully as she pa.ssed the alpha on the way to her cave.
6:27pm May 29 2010 (last edited on 6:28pm May 29 2010)
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"Very well, thank you Kazu." She nodded in response and padded quickly to her den. The days were getting longer and warmer, but she didn't notice. Her mind was too busy with thoughts of Star Pack and the approaching mating season. As she reached her den, Creak let her shoulders relax and stepped into the cool darkness. Soprano glanced nervously around her. Calyx had asked the impossible. "What if iti is an ambush?", she whined. She had no feelings of hatred toward any animal, but Blood Pack was just too tricky to be trusted.
6:28pm May 29 2010 (last edited on 6:28pm May 29 2010)
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Posts: 108
Jaden padded closer, trying to hear. She sat and listened intentively, then frowned upon hearing the request. She stood up and voiced her opinion, "Calyx, ma'am, I think they have more than enough territory. Both Packs agreed to get equal amounts of territory each." She looked at Calyx, hoping that she had voice the right opinion.
6:28pm May 29 2010
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"Yes Angel." He said calmly. He turned around. "I have just sent a messaging wolf to Starpack to discuss the territory settings." he announced. "He should be here any minute now." He said happily. " Oh look, he's here."He said looking at a black wolf. " They will send another messaging wolf to us, if they agreed or not." He said as he trotted away. "Great."
6:30pm May 29 2010
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"Calyx," Daemon started, sitting down. He was preparing for a long conversation. "We need to think about this... It could be a ambush as Soprano suggested, and they may have enough land... But I think if this continues... Blood Pack may set up an attack, they might force us to give them more territory.." Daemon thought about his logic, making sure he made sence.
6:31pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 108
Kazu quickly padded back to his den. It had been a very busy day for the young wolf. He laid down on a patch of gr*censored*. His mind started to wonder to his lost sister." I wonder if I'l ever see her again. He laid his head down, taking a small nap before the supossed meeting.
6:31pm May 29 2010 (last edited on 6:33pm May 29 2010)
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" Hrmm.....If that is what you wish." She smiled. She climbed on a tree tree trunk, " Fellow Pack mates!" she announced again. " I know the BloodPack is tricky, and not always honest," She paused to make sure she had enough attention. "But if we were on the verge of starvation, my best bet Bloodpack would help us!" She bellowed. "Is this fair? For us to be living and eating as the great Wolf Gods when there living off of Squirrels?!"
6:34pm May 29 2010
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Daemon shook his head at Calyx's words. He sat at her side, his head held high. He would have added more words, but it was not him time to speak, and he knew it. Daemon stood up, his tounge lolling out of his mouth. He was excited for what was happening. "Shall I deliver the message?" He whispered to his Alphess.
6:34pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 108
Jaden turned to look at Daemon, "I agree. If we go they might try to force us out of OUR Territory." She sat back down. "But, whatever your decision is, I'll go with it." She sat there, wondering if she should have said that. "Ambush or not, I think we'll be ready for anything they throw at us!"
6:34pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 3,137
Poe looked at Nyght curiously. "Sir, do you think Star Pack will cooperate? Or", she growled, licking her lips. "Shall we use force?" Soprano swallowed. Though Calyx was making sense, she still didn't trust Blood Pack. Her belly rumbled, and she knew she would have to trust her Alpha.
6:36pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 3,137
(( Gotta go. o3o))
6:37pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"No, We shall not use force." He smiled. "Not yet anyway, but i see a happy Mating season in the future for both packs." he smiled. "If they do force us out of out territory we can beat them!! We are much stronger! " She howled. " I do not like the Bloodpack, this is what you might be thinking But." She paused. "If they want a fight WE'LL GIVE 'EM A FIGHT!" She announced. "Are you with me?!" She bellowed.
6:38pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( aww bai Dodo D:))
6:38pm May 29 2010 (last edited on 6:43pm May 29 2010)
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Posts: 108
Jaden growled. "I'm with you Calyx!" She stepped forward. She sat infront of the Alpha. "There's no way I'd miss this. If they start something, I'll be there to help you." She smiled at the Alpha. Many wolves were loyal to the Alpha wolves, but Warriors, in Jaden's opinion, were suposed to be the loyalist.
6:39pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( i was thinking......should we have a post-list? like a roll of who posts first and after?))
6:40pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 108
((I don't know. It might help!))
6:42pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 17,364
(( yupp here is the list: Zozane008 Kink TchigoTorisuna Dodomon thar :D that will be the order for naow on :D ))