8:02pm Apr 21 2010
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hello! anyone wanna start?
8:02pm Apr 21 2010 (last edited on 8:05pm Apr 21 2010)
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(true... true... I never start without permission.. It usually goes fast too... i think iheart wanted to start...)
8:10pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 3,005
((I will start! <3))
Aaron chewed his bubblegum, making m*censored*ive bubbles. When it lost it's flavor, he pulled it out of his mouth, and stuck it under his desk. He was drawing a picture of a rose on a page of his notebook. He looked at it closely, painting the flower black. He smiled, tearing it out, and folding it into a paper airplane. He looked over to the girl who just entered. She was pretty and blonde, but was obviously busy, so he looked away. Lindsay noticed when Aaron looked over at her, but pretended she didn't. She knew Aaron. He was her best friend's ex, so she wanted nothng to do with him. She started going through her schedule, to see what she would have next. Oh god. Gym, she sighed.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
8:14pm Apr 21 2010
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Zane yawned and pu this head on the desk. He looked up when he saw a blonde girl enter. He looked her up at down. She's pretty.... He put his head back down and looked over at Aaron. He whispered, "So, what did you draw this time? To have it folded up into an ariplane already?" He sat up again and pulled out his schedule. Great... Gotta go to gym... I kind of feel like skipping... He pulled out his sketch pad and a pencil. He began to draw a human eye but quickly erased it and replaced it by a tiger's eye. He sketched out a crudely drawn, but well done, detailed tiger.
8:24pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 3,005
Aaron smiled. "A black rose." He unfolded it, and showed it to Zane. "It's okay..." It was gorgeous, and looked like a photograph. Aaron was modest about drawing, but not about much else. "So, what do you have next cl*censored*?" Then he turned to Lindsay, and went up and poked her. "And what do you have next for cl*censored*? I have Trig... Senior." This was homeroom, and different grades were in homerooms. But then, the real cl*censored*es went on. Aaron smiled at Lindsay flirtatiously. "I have Gym. And I really don't want to be your girlfriend. Remember that girl you dated, Kimberly? Hot lower cl*censored*man? My best friend." She smirked at him. Then she turned to Zane. He was hot. "Looks like we will have the same cl*censored*es next." She smiled slightly, trying to look uninterested, but her heart was racing. Aaron looked upset that she wouldn't go out with him, a hot, popular senior, but just went back to his desk and refolded his airplane.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
8:25pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 1,361
((im quitting use if ya want))
8:28pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 5,542
Jake looked at the rose then noticed Lindsey. He looked up and smiled sweetly. "Yes, we do.. I'm not very familiar with you... Lindsey right?" He puth is sketch pad away and looked at Lidsey again. "well, i heard about your friend and Aaron. I always thought he made a mistake he would regret... See Aaron.. I always told you to be careful about what you say and do." He stood up and noticed Lidnsey was much shorter than he was. "Hmm... Are you.. a sophmore?"
8:29pm Apr 21 2010
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(whay Rocca?!)
8:41pm Apr 21 2010
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((Well, I still want to use this, if Rocca quits. I see potential.)) "Yeah. I am Lindsay. No, I am a junior. Just young for my grade. You?" She smiled at him. "What's your name?" Aaron grumbled at Zane. "Not helping the cause. Plus, you are way hotter than Kim." He smiled flirting. "Is that what you say to all of your one-nighters, Aaron?" She smirked.
Aaron suddenly became quiet.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
8:45pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 5,542
Zane laughed as Lindsey said that. He put his arms around his waist and doubled over tryin gto keep him from laughing anymore. He quickly sat up and covered his mouth with his hand. " He was gigling by the time he talked. "S-She really... got you there.." Jake smiled and put his hand on Aaron's head. "Don't worry.. Anyways, i'm a junior as well. I think.. I forget my grade and what I am." He smiled and looked down at Aaron. Come on Aaron.. Why so serious?"
8:59pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 3,005
"Yeah... it was pretty funny." She smiled.
Aaron finally smiled. "You win this round." He laughed. ((Gotta go.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
9:02pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 5,542
(okay. Bye bye) Jake laughed and lookedat Aaron. "If i wasn't around, you'd be a lump Aaron.." He hugged his friend and smiled. "Anyways, Lindsey... Don't mind what grade I'm in. I forget anyways.. When s this stupid cl*censored* over.. Summer vacation is just 5 periods from nwo..." He sighed.
9:07pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 3,005
((I can stay!))
"3...2...1..." Aaron counted down the homeroom time left. The bell rang loudly. Lindsay gathered her books and shoved them into her bookbag. She ran over to her locker, and took 5 books out, barely able to hold them iin her scrawny arms.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
9:12pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 5,542
(alrighty. ^^) Jake walked out and put his books in his locker. He pulled out a few manga books and put them in his bag. He shut his locker and noticed Lindsay was struggling with some book. He walked over and one of the book toppled over. He caught it. "You need some help with those? You look like your having a bit of trouble." He took two more book from her pile and held them. "Anyways, why so many books right now? Your going to gym cl*censored*.."
11:01pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 454
((too late to join?))
11:06pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 5,542
(dun think so... I think you can. ^^ we just started...)
11:10pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 454
((Okay. Bio. DO you need more guys or girls?))
11:19pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 5,542
(iheart, i'm guna add Zane's identical twin, but he didn't wana look like Zane so he changed a lot.. like hair ad stuff..) Name: Mallick Takeda Gender: Male Age: 17 Looks: (going off my fave pic)Mallick is an average height. He's a little over 5' 6. He considers himself short for his age. He has a medium build and a six-pack. His skin a tanned but not a dark tan. Its a little darker than Zane's. He has crimson colored eyes and they darken to black when he's mad. He has somewhat long hair. It goes down to the middle of his back. He has a single blonde streak right in the front on the right. He wears normal guy's clothes, no sagging, and loves to wear a black coat with a snake wrapped around a red rose. It was something he drew all the time. Personality: Mallick is somewhat of a bad boy typed. He like to flirt at times, but mostly keeps to himself. He doesn't seem like Zane's twin because they act so different, then again, when they really get to know someone, you can see that they act the same if different ways. Mallick is a big teddy bear when you get to know him. He liked to play around with fuzzy things and loves his brother dearly. Zane is totally a kid at times, but he is mostly more mature than Zane. Orientation: mostly straight. (bi-curious cuz Jake) Satatus: single .:looking:. History: Mallick came from an abusive family. His father is a drunk and a smoker. He doesn't really care about his mother because all she does is yell at his other brother. He doesn't like to really talk about anything, but he was sent away to Brazil when he was a kid. He's never seen Zane since, but he is back. Mallick, for most part, grew up like any other kid. He was raised by Brazilians, so he somewhat has an accent and his voice is dreamy. Other:Mallick likes to mess with his brother.

11:19pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 5,542
(girls.. i just added a guy...)
11:42pm Apr 21 2010
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Posts: 454
Bio- Name: Kristina Larx(Kristine or Krista) Gender: Female Age: 16 Looks: Short blended light brown and golden brown hair that falls over her eyes extending to about three inches above her shoulders. Soft peach skin, nice complexion. Pale lavender eyes. Not a midget, but not tall, somewhere in between. Small body (or small enough to be able to shove herself into a locker). Wears jeans with a checkered stud belt and mostly combat boots or converse. Wears a zipper hoodie with the sleeves cut off a few centimeters from the shoulders and wears arm warmers that go to her elbows. Is usually wearing black, white, red or all combined. Personality: Dresses like a gangster but doesn't act like it. Always ready to butt into a fight and defend those that are weaker than her. Likes to write stories and read books in her spare time. Likes to do anything related to boarding whether it be snowboarding, surfing, sandboarding, or skateboarding. Pretty much isolates herself from other people. Friendly but most of the time dark and doesn't speak often unless she knows she has to. Socially awkward. Orientation:Straight Status: Single History: Mother and Father died in a plane crash and older brother moved out long ago. She lives alone in an apartment but tries not to let it out that she has no guardians. Works to pay off the apartment rent and buys her own food and clothing. Ever since the last of her family abandoned her, she couldn't make friends as easily anymore. Other: Nothing at the moment ((SOrry it took so long, but here it is))
