You mean to tell me{Literate}You like SNAPE?!?{Rp}

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11:03pm Sep 4 2010

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"Nice to meet you, Harry Potter." Stefan smiled. "And yeah, I get that a lot."


Damon nodded, leaving Silvie's side as sliding in between Stefan and Hermione.

"Good morning, Hermione." 


11:04pm Sep 4 2010

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11:08pm Sep 4 2010 (last edited on 11:15pm Sep 4 2010)

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Draco took his seat next to Silvie..."Whats with Damon?" he questioned, giving her a suspicious look.  Silvie anwsered Draco calmly, "Nothing.  Just talking, what I cant talk to your friends without you getting all up in my business?" she snickered, nibbling on a piece of bacon.  Draco rolled his eyes, "No. You just seemed to be...flirting." he stated, in an amused snicker.  Silvie rolled her eyes, "Would I flirt with someone like him?" she questioned not meeting his gaze.  Draco narrowed his eyes, "Probobly not.  You just tease." he pointed out, "But I cant believe hes talking to a mudblood.  Strange..." he rolled his own eyes.  Silvie let out a low, "yeah yeah."

Draco glanced at her..."So where were you last night?" he continued.  Silvie looked up, "What do you mean?" she asked, sounding innocent.  Draco rose an eyebrow..."You know dam well what I mean." he anwsered, not flinching when Silvie glared.

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11:08pm Sep 4 2010

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"Here it comes," Melanie said, rolling her eyes. Hermione glared at her friend and then looked to Damon. "Hi, Damon," She said, smiling.

"Stefan, just come sit next to me. I wouldn't want to be near that either," Melanie said.

We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.


11:11pm Sep 4 2010

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((Silvie, you do know that Damon and Draco are good friends, right?))


Stefan chuckled, jumping over the table and sitting next to Melanie.

"How are you, Mione?" Damon asked. 


11:12pm Sep 4 2010

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((Are they? *Fails at life*  ok let me edit that.))

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11:12pm Sep 4 2010

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Hermione smiled. "Good, you?" Melanie laughed as Stefan moved next to her. "Good choice."

We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.


11:15pm Sep 4 2010

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((Lol, yeah, they are. Damon speaks very highly of Lucius.))

"Good, bit of a hangover." Damon replied, shrugging as he grabbed a piece of bacon.

"That makes two of us." Stefan grumbled, putting his head into his arms. 


11:15pm Sep 4 2010

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((fixed :D))

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11:17pm Sep 4 2010

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"Three," Melanie mumbled. She hadn't gone overboard last night with drinking, but at her age one alcoholic drink was enough to make her feel sick in the morning. She had a killer headache.

We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.


11:21pm Sep 4 2010

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Silvie rolled her eyes, and went back to eating she waved Draco away..."Stop avoiding the question." Draco stated, his eyes narrowed in around her wrist when she waved... where there was a distinct bruise where the strange man had grabbed her.  "What is that." he growled, jabbing a finger at the marking, grabbing Silvie's arm and examining the bruise gently... it wrapped completlely around her right wrist.  Silvie didnt even notice the injury, she pulled away abruptly, tugging her sleeve over it.  "Nothing, guess I just bumped it in my sleep or something." she replied, highly convincing.  Draco stood up, grabbing Silvie by her other wrist and dragging her out of the great hall.

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11:22pm Sep 4 2010

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"Imagine Tobi." Stefan chuckled. "He drank enough for all three of us."

"That's true." Damon laughed, before holding his temples. "Hey, 'Mione, when's your birthday?" 


11:26pm Sep 4 2010

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"A long way away," Hermione said with a small laugh. "September Nineteenth."

((Her actual birthday. I feel like a lameo for remembering that. ;c))

We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.


11:27pm Sep 4 2010

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"Well then, I guess I'll have to get you a Christmas present, then." Damon smirked. 


11:31pm Sep 4 2010

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Hermione smiled at him. "I'd like that."

Melanie rolled her eyes, partially at Damon. She knew he didn't like her-that much, at least.

We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.


11:33pm Sep 4 2010

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"And I'm going to have to get you one too, Mel." Damon said in mock exasperation.

Stefan rolled his eyes. "That's my job. Harry and Hermione can expect one from me, too." 


11:33pm Sep 4 2010 (last edited on 11:36pm Sep 4 2010)

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 ((time for some drama between draco and silvie xDD))

"What are you doing?" Silvie hissed once the pair had left the great hall and were now in the empty coridor.  Draco glared, "Shut up, Silvie.  I know you were up to something, now talk." he growled... Silvie yanked her wrist out of his grasp.  "I have nothing to say." she stated with a wicked smile, giving draco a playful punch in the shoulder.  She smiled, turning on her heel and strolling back through the door.  Draco couldnt help but forgive his friend... she always had a way of doing that to people.  "Your not getting away from me that easily." he snickered, running up behind Silvie and grabbing her by the waist.

Silvie instantly had a flashback to that night...when the man gripped her waist and threatened her and her friends, the anger returned to her... with a quick motion she turned and slammed her fist into her attacker's nose, the shatter echoing about the hall.  "DAM IT." Draco screeched, blood pouring from his nose where Silvie had attacked, he stumbled backwords.  Silvie cupped her hands over her mouth, "Oh my god, Draco!" she paniced, running to her friend with a napkin and applying pressure.  "What the hell Silvie!" Draco growled, pushing her away. 

"I-I'm sorry!" she yelled, making another attempt to help.

"Just go." Draco growled, as he grabbed more napkins to soak up the blood.  He was furious...

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11:35pm Sep 4 2010

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Melanie smiled at Stefan. "Aww, you're so sweet!" She said, kissing him on the cheek.


We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.


11:38pm Sep 4 2010

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Damon was up in a flash, at Silvie's side in seconds. "What happened?" He asked, his eyes flicking from Draco's broken nose to Silvie.


"Well, if I wasn't, my name would be Damon." Stefan chuckled. 


11:39pm Sep 4 2010

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"True, very true," Melanie said with a laugh.

We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

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