You mean to tell me{Literate}You like SNAPE?!?{Rp}

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6:58pm Aug 19 2010

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((Lol, it happens.))


7:00pm Aug 19 2010

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((thanks... Its just one of those weeks... but anyways, should i just put them back in?))

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7:45pm Aug 19 2010

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(( I sorry my mom took my comp DDX Where are we now? ))

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

7:45pm Aug 19 2010

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(( I sorry my mom took my comp DDX Where are we now? ))

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

8:50pm Aug 19 2010

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((Detention during a Quidditch game between Slytherin and Gryffindor. And yeah, just edit your posts to make it that they're at the game... An Slytherin is winning.))


9:12pm Aug 19 2010

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((how's that post look chanceh?  *points to edited post*  again sorry for my mega embaras.sment fail))

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9:14pm Aug 19 2010

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"Oh, thank you Professor!" Melanie was out of her seat and to his desk to give him a quick hug before she ran out the door. She didn't seem to realize that she had just embraced one of the most hated person on her list of people she hated. She was at the Quidditch field in two minutes, screaming for Gryffindor.

We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.


9:24pm Aug 19 2010

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Severus stiffened as her arms encased him, fighting the urge not to slam her against the wall. What the hell just happened? He mentally cursed himself, repeating over and over again that he was getting senile due to premature aging and becoming soft as a result.

"I'm giving every last Gryffindor extra homework." 


9:30pm Aug 19 2010

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((Omg. His reaction. Love. ♥))

Melanie suddenly came back to reality. What the hell? Had she...hugged Snape?

"I have to take fifteen showers!" She cried a little too loudly. People stopped cheering and stared at her.

We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.


9:37pm Aug 19 2010

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((Lol, I couldn't help myself there. Had it coming.))

Truthfully, the last person to hug Severus had been male, though he'd never admit it. The name of which, was a different matter in it's entirety. He'd take the name of that damned werewolf to the grave.

Severus looked around him, glad no one could enter his mind at that moment. He needed to start thinking of ways to torture his students. 


9:56pm Aug 19 2010

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((Weeee Timeskippp~))

Melanie dragged herself relunctantly into Potions. She knew she was probably going to get it for hugging Snape, not to mention her fingers were pruney from the amount of showers she had taken after the Quidditch Match on Saturday. She sank into the seat next to Hermione, who stared at her and asked, "What's wrong?" Melanie mumbled back, "I, err..." She stood up a little and whispered, "I hugged Snape Saturday. But I didn't mean to, I was overly exicted and, well, he was the nearest person!" Hermione's face turned from surprised to angry to disgusted in a matter of five seconds. 

"Ew!" She cried.

"I know!" Said Melanie.

"But how could you-"

"I don't know, I just-"

"I can't believe you would-"

"I know, I'm so-"

"You should be!" 

We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.


11:00pm Aug 19 2010

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Severus strode into the dungeons, turning on his heel when he made it to the front of the cl*censored*.

"Wolfsbane. Make it." Was all he said as he tapped his wand to the board, ingredients appearing. 


10:08am Aug 20 2010

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Melanie groaned. She knew this was an extremely difficult potion to make, and she sighed. Was Snape trying to get the entire Hermoine-into Remedial? Probably. She did her best to follow the instructions on the board, carefully adding each ingredient properly.



Melanie cursed her friend and kept adding ingredients, less carefully because she was angered by Hermoine. She didn't notice when she added a little too much Wolfsbane, the most important ingredient, of course. She stirred and stirred until it started to smoke. First it smoked a light blue, then a green color, then purple, and it continued to smoke purple. "Is this right?" She asked Hermoine. She took one look at the potion, sighed, and kept working on hers, which was starting to smoke light blue. It wasn't changing colors like Melanie's did, which made Melanie nervous.

We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.


12:44pm Aug 20 2010

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Silvie sat calmly in her seat, preparing the wolfsbane, which was a more difficult potion then yesturdays sleeping potion... she sighed heavily, pulling her hair behind her ear,  she had only prepared wolfsbane once, and only read about it for a brief amount of time.  However she was confident she had the ingrediants correct and stirred gently... it began to smoke a calm light shade of blue.  She gave a sigh of relief, and double checked her work.  She reas.sured herself and placed the potion in front of her, studying her work.

-fail, sorry im failing today-

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5:37pm Aug 20 2010

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Severus looked over at the cla.ssroom, a snide smirk spreading over his lips as he saw that almost every Gryffindor had done it incorrectly. He walked down the isle, noting all of the flaws.

"It seems that the pure hearted Godric Gryffindor did not pick his students on intelligence." He sneered, earning sniggers from the Slytherins. "Let's see..." He counted, "Fifty points from Gryffindor for lack of brains. Oh, what is this?" Severus  drawled out, stopping in front of Melanie's desk.

"Explain why your potion is purple." 


6:59pm Aug 20 2010

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Silvie's head perked up at Snape's voice... she glanced at her clas.smates, eyeing Melanie's potion.  She rose an eyebrow but didnt speak a word, she wanted to hear what the girl had to say.


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7:04pm Aug 20 2010

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((Oh, Fun, next two chapters are up, btw.))

"Well?" Snape growled, glaring down at her. Oh, how she had hell to pay. 


7:08pm Aug 20 2010

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((yayness :D I will read *is addicted*))

Silvie held back a chuckle, she never truly took Snape seriously when it came to threats, it may just be because she was bold but she shrugged away the thought... she hoped Melanie would pay in front of the whole clas.s.  Perhaps Snape would make the girl give her wolfsbane to a werewolf and make her stay around to see if it was a success.  She smiled wickedly at the thought, what a sight that would be.

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7:35pm Aug 20 2010

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((Lol, your addiction makes me rich with muses.))


Severus through a look over his shoulder at Silvie, her thoughts blaring into his head. He smirked at her, curving an eyebrow.

"I should make you give this to a werewolf, just to see what happens, but the one I know happens to be someone.. Well, no."


7:46pm Aug 20 2010 (last edited on 7:47pm Aug 20 2010)

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Silvie rose her own eyebrow to anwser Snape, a dark smirk on her face.  She rolled her eyes, "Great, maybe it will change me and I can miss some night" she said in a sarcastic whisper with a fake grin on her face.  She made the smile fade, placing her hand once again underneath her chin, the bored look returning to her face.  Draco kicked her under the table to tell her to shut her trap.  Silvie glared at him for a moment before returning to her bored stance, she knew Snape would give her a detention.  What ever.  Cant be worse then last time.  Of course Snape was defending a Potter from her evil thoughts, because he secretly feared them... probobly why Snape picked on all the students, the Potters more then usual, because he was taking out his own past's troubles and insecurities on them, to try to make them feel half as bad as he did... at least thats what she thought.  But who was she to judge?  But then again, she didnt take any of her teachers seriously, even though she was a great student academically...

((is that okay?))

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