2:10pm Jul 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 15,067
Damon nodded, putting an arm around her shoulders. "Alright, come on."
2:14pm Jul 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 10,925
Melanie nodded, walking slowly. She didn't want him to go.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

2:16pm Jul 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 15,067
"Man, I've really effed up things this time."
2:25pm Jul 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 10,925
"No, you haven't. Shut up."
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

2:27pm Jul 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 15,067
"Yes. I have. Guess Stefan's gonna be the best man now."
2:31pm Jul 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 10,925
"No. You're still going to be. Somehow, everything's gonna fall into place." Melanie said, mostly to herself. ((OMG Awake just came on my iPod and now I'm legit crying ;w;))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

2:32pm Jul 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 15,067
((Don't cry, bby, you know they can't fight. For long. I think.)) "Hope so." Damon sighed. "He has every right to kill me."
2:35pm Jul 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 10,925
((I CANT HELP IT THAT SONG ASDFGHJKL)) "No. If he killed you, I... I don't know what I would do. Probably pull a Bella Swan in New Moon."
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

2:39pm Jul 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 15,067
"Oh God, don't say that." Damon chuckled."
2:41pm Jul 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 10,925
"It's true."
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

2:44pm Jul 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 15,067
"No it's not." Damon argued. ((And that song is ASKFDEHFDKG))
2:45pm Jul 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 10,925
((D:)) "Yes, it is. I don't know what I'd do without you."
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

3:01pm Jul 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 15,067
"Same here." Damon said, stopping in front of the portrait. "And here's where I leave you off."
3:03pm Jul 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 10,925
"Sorry, Damon," Melanie sighed out, going on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "G'night."
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

3:10pm Jul 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 15,067
"Night." Damon replied, turning to go.
3:12pm Jul 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 10,925
Melanie sighed again, glancing at Damon sadly before heading to bed, knowing she wouldn't be able to sleep.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

3:13pm Jul 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 15,067
Damon shot one more look at her, before his figure blurred as he disappeared.
3:19pm Jul 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 10,925
Melanie groaned as she plopped down on her bed, laying on her stomach. She wished Hermione was up; they could've talked. But once 'Mione was asleep, you never woke her up unless it was something really important. ((Skip? o_o))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

3:20pm Jul 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 15,067
((Sure.)) Damon groaned, rolling over. He sat up, rubbing at his eyes. He had gotten absolutely no sleep. At all.
3:24pm Jul 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 10,925
Melanie was wide awake until she had noticed it had started getting brighter in the Dorms. She groaned, getting out of bed slowly. She didn't bother getting ready besides changing her clothes, and she slung her bag on her shoulder as she walked down to the Great Hall, yawning. What a great way to start off her Seventh year.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.
