5:17am Mar 25 2013
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Posts: 165
Ooc: I am so sorry. I didn't know. We will continue like that error never happened.
AJ continued to get rid of the zombies. It was going on forever. "How many walkers are there?" asked AJ? "I bet in we found neurotoxins we could get rid of them faster." she added. She checked the flame-thrower's fuel gauge. It was at 50 percent. "Do you have any quick exits in this place?" She yelled really loud. Zombies made a good amound of noise.
"Hello, this is... Mom Universe. Yes, the children are playing swords. Sorry, playing with swords. They\'re bleeding, oh noo they are dead. Don\'t call again. * click * Sorry I panicked"
12:14pm Mar 25 2013
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Posts: 1,274
Ooc; Alright. c:
Amelia looked around quickly. "Well, there's an exit up in the attic, but we could fall right ontop of a mob of walkers just waiting for us." she yelled. "If we go into the master bedroom we might be able to open or bust the window and run off into the trees." She shoved a walker back into the counter to finish it off. "We might want to leave fast, in ten minutes we could be overrun."
5:11pm Mar 25 2013
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Posts: 4,873
[What about Ryan?]
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
4:54pm Mar 26 2013
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Posts: 1,274
Ooc; I'm not sure what you mean. |D Ryan's at the top of the bell tower. Sorry, uber confuzzled. xDD
5:55pm Mar 26 2013
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Posts: 4,873
Spirit pulled her bandanna up over her face and she put her hat onto her head. A smirk appeared under the mask as she put one hand on her belt, holding her Pistol with bullets, and a knife under the belt. She also rested her other hand on the handle of the motorcycle she sat on. She took her other hand and turned the motorcycle on and pulled out a the parking lot she had found in and sped out as she started to hear the moans of the "Walkers". As she turned down every ally and road, their was at least five of them popping out of no where. As she gained speed every few minuets, she began to slow to a stop in front of a small house. "Out! All ready!" she yelled and looked around. She then got off and bean to push it to a gas station, only about 35 yards away. Although she was pushing the motorcycle to the gas station, she was still avoiding zombies, though she acted as if she wasn't.
OoC:// Thats what I posted.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
6:44pm Mar 26 2013
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Posts: 1,274
Ooc; Still confused, lol. xD Maybe Ryan can just see Spirit from the bell tower? Idk. ;o;
Ryan looked down from the bell tower to see a girl with with a motorcycle near the gas station. "Hey!" he called out. Hopefully she would hear him, but he couldn't be sure, not with noise the walkers made with their groaning and whatever noises they made. What if she can't be trusted? He thought. Nah, honestly. I can't be worrying about this now. All I want to do is survive. And that's what matters. Even if I have to make allies with people I don't like, I'm just going to have to such it up and deal with it. Holding onto the ledge, he leaned over, looking around down below.
6:53pm Mar 26 2013
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Posts: 1,557
[[lol, sorry for taking so long, I will start replying soon >.<]]
7:14pm Mar 26 2013 (last edited on 7:15pm Mar 26 2013)
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Spirit kept walking until she heard a Hey, she paused. "The hell." she said to herself and looked around curious. Can... Can they.. Talk?? she began to wonder as she pulled out her gun. As she began walking, she began to look into every alley, nook, and crannie, scared it could of been one of the walkers. Each time she saw one, she pointed the gun at it, and shot it in the face. Years of practice with her how dead dad, had began to pay off. Right until what appeared to be at least fourty-five of them come from no where, and began to surround her. She gaped and was held back against a door. Not just any door... It was the door to the town hall. Right nest to a large tower of some sort. She looked up than realized, it wasn't a walker who called out Hey to her, it was what appeared to be a man on top of the tower. She looked back down to the walkers, crowding in front of her. She then busted into the town hall doors, and ran up the sets of stairs. By the time she had reached the top, she was out of breath. She couldn't stop though, the walkers were ever so slowly coming u behind her. Creeping up the stairs like hermit crabs. She then slid a window open and climbed out and to the roof. She closed the window with her foot, thinking the walkers were to dumb to try to open it, or even try to break it. That thought was wrong.She screamed as she fell back a little and the sound of breaking glass rung inside her ears. A walker had broke the glass, now they were trying to get to her. She looked over at the man and scooted back, all the way, her butt was almost hanging off the edge, she had never acted like this, after all, she had never been so scared in her life. "Help!" she called out. Doubting he'd do anything.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
7:25pm Mar 26 2013
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Posts: 1,274
Ryan whipped around and saw a girl nearly falling out of the window a little ways below. Climbing up on the ledge, he swung his legs over the other side and prepared to fling himself to the town hall roof below. Oh crap. I'm screwed. He flung himself at the roof, flailing like an angry chicken, and landed with a loud thud on the roof. Ow. Damnit. He gathered his bearings and sat down on the roof, looking around. He crawled down to the ledge of the roof, and saw the girl a little ways off, just a bit to the left. Risking standing up, he slowly walked over and pulled out his pistol. It was going to be hard to aim, especially since he was not about to kill a real live, living person. More than he's seen in a while, besides the dead people walking around. Aiming, he fired at a walker really close to the window.
7:39pm Mar 26 2013
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Posts: 4,873
Spirit looked up at him and her eyes widened. She was wrong! He was actually a nice guy so far. She helped herself up and almost fell backwards. But she quickly gained balance and stepped up. "What are we gonna do?!" she asked him and checked her amo to her gun. Only a few fires were left. She aimed at another and looked over at him then the walker. A tear streamed down her cheek and she looked away and shot at the figure, once, hitting it in the head. After hearing a thump, another tear streamed down her face and she began to move away from him, step by step.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
7:54pm Mar 26 2013
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Posts: 1,274
Ryan looked around quickly, knowing that the walkers weren't able to climb, at least, he damn well hoped they couldn't. "Hey, are you alright?" he asked the girl that was slowly walking away. "I'm not going to like, hurt you or anything." He let out a little nervous laugh, because honestly, he was actually relieved that he wasn't the only living person on earth. He looked around quickly again, and saw flames licking the sides of an old shack a little ways off. "Oh crap." he muttered. "Hey look, there's a house on fire over there. Do you think..." He couldn't finish the sentence.
8:20pm Mar 26 2013
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Posts: 4,873
She nodded and replied "Yes" quietly and quickly wiped away the tears. "I j-just... I just hate killing Walkers.. I know they're trying to kill us and all.. But.. They were people..." she replied still shaking. She then looked over at the house ad raised an eye brow. ".. Think? Think theirs people in it?.. Possibly.." she replied, quickly getting a grip of things and squinted up a little, looking up at the tower. "Do you think we could get back up their and ring the bell?" she asked.
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
3:44am Mar 27 2013
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Posts: 165
AJ whacked a zombie on the head with the end of the flame-thrower. "Okay, you lead the way."She yelled over the noise of the walkers.
"Hello, this is... Mom Universe. Yes, the children are playing swords. Sorry, playing with swords. They\'re bleeding, oh noo they are dead. Don\'t call again. * click * Sorry I panicked"
11:07am Mar 27 2013
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Posts: 1,274
Amelia ran up the stairs, waiting at the landing. She downed a few walkers with her sword, hoping that the mob that she last saw in the attic wouldn't come back down. "Up here!" Amelia called.Ooc; Sorry for the terrible post. I have to go shoe shopping, be back in a bit, and I will post Ryan's post then too.
3:43pm Mar 27 2013 (last edited on 3:43pm Mar 27 2013)
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Posts: 1,274
Ooc; Gonna continue Amelia's post and put Ryan's here.Amelia ran up the stairs, waiting
at the landing. She downed a few walkers with her sword, hoping that the
mob that she last saw in the attic wouldn't come back down. "Up here!" Amelia called. A walker clutched onto her arm and was about to sink its teeth in when Amelia let out a scream and slammed it in the head with her sword. "Damnit." she muttered. The ladder up to the attic creaked and groaned. She ran to the ladder and ripped it from the entry and some walkers fell down. Unless the walkers were stupid enough to fall and hopefully daze themself so they wouldn't be able to eat anything, she was satisfied that it would keep them up there.
Ryan frowned for a moment. He didn't like killing the walkers either. They were technically still people. Or, real people that are zombies now and have no feelings. "I don't think anyone likes killing them. But let's face it, unless there's a cure waiting out there, we just have to continue doing what we're doing." He looked around. "And I think you're right. They could be in trouble. But I got up to the bell tower from those houses over there." He pointed over to three houses that were indeed, much farther away than he had expected. "But we don't have time, and besides, we can just climb up that spire...er tower thing over there and jump---actually wait. It's too far of a jump. We have to jump from those other houses."

5:42am Mar 28 2013
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Posts: 165
AJ ran up the stairs as fast as she could. "Are you okay?" She asked. She checked the flame-thrower's fuel fuel gauge just to make herself feel better. It was at 30%. "Where to now?" she asked, once again, over the noise of the zombies.
"Hello, this is... Mom Universe. Yes, the children are playing swords. Sorry, playing with swords. They\'re bleeding, oh noo they are dead. Don\'t call again. * click * Sorry I panicked"
12:21pm Mar 28 2013
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Posts: 1,274
"To the left!" Amelia said. She looked around the corner and no walkers were in the hallway. "Go fast, they might be in one of the rooms! It's the last one on the left!" She sprinted down the hall and opened the door, running through. Sure enough there were half eaten walkers lying on the bed. The smell was horrendous, and Amelia pulled her shirt over her nose so she couldn't smell it. What if when we get down we have no place to go? She looked around, seeing if there was anything she could grab quickly. She grabbed the tissue box and ripped out the remaining tissues in it and shoved them in her jeans pocket. We can always just raid a few empty houses or maybe even a store.
1:13pm Mar 28 2013 (last edited on 1:13pm Mar 28 2013)
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Posts: 165
AJ ran as fast as fast as she could to the master bedroom. She looked at the half eaten walkers on the bed. The smell burned her nostrils so she plugged her nose. She asked "Jeez, what's deen eeding dose walkers? More on topic, what do we do now?"
"Hello, this is... Mom Universe. Yes, the children are playing swords. Sorry, playing with swords. They\'re bleeding, oh noo they are dead. Don\'t call again. * click * Sorry I panicked"
1:59pm Mar 28 2013
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Posts: 1,274
"We jump. Out that window." Amelia said. She walked over to the window and yanked up. The lock is on, stupid. Unlatching the lock, she opened the window. "There. We have to jump."
Ooc; Fail post. |D
2:33pm Mar 28 2013
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Posts: 165
AJ looked down. It wasn't too far down, but it still scared her. There barely any walkers. With a hesitant tone in her voice, she asked "Do you want to jump first?"
"Hello, this is... Mom Universe. Yes, the children are playing swords. Sorry, playing with swords. They\'re bleeding, oh noo they are dead. Don\'t call again. * click * Sorry I panicked"