11:24am Jul 16 2010
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Reoko awoke, And stretched out her wings. She wasn't used to the new sensation of black and white feathers on your back, But she would soon grow comforted by them. She sat on the edge of her bed, Observing one of her white feathers. It was long and soft, And strongly resembled an dove feather. Then she pulled over a black feather, It was smooth and looked almost as if it WHERE a raven feather. She sighed and dropped them to the floor, Left to collect with the rest. Slipping on a jacket and some shoe's, She exited her house and went into the cold street, Seeing that most people didn't hand around this part of town.
11:43am Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 115
Thalia sighed. Looking at the shelves she had nailed to the walls of her "home", a small, half-submerged underwater cave, she realized she was low on groceries-again. "Great," she muttered, thrashing her tail. Now she had to go "shopping", and try to steal some food from the nearest grocery store before it opened. Or, at least, try to steal some food. Even when you can literaly blend into the backround, it's hard to be inconspicious when you have fins and a tail, and are traveling at 3 mph in a wheeled fishbowl. More often than not, you get spotted. Well, she had to try. Thalia slid smoothly under the water and out of the cave. Surfacing, she looked around. In the quiet of dawn, the streets near the dock were empty, their residents still asleep. Thalia headed toward a nearby abandoned house. Inside, she lugged herself into her "wheelchair" a large gl*censored* box on wheels, filled with water. Activating the motorr she had salvaged from one of her underwater journeys, she slowly headed toward the store
11:57am Jul 16 2010
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Reoko rubbed her hand over the golden armor on her forearm, But then a motor buzzed through her ears. She sighed and began walking towards an alleyway. But them she saw what the sound was emitted from. A fish bowl..? Reoko pulled her hair behind one of her ears and unfurled her wings, But keeping them down.
12:00pm Jul 16 2010
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Bethany turned as she heard a low rumble. She thought it migh be a customer on a motorcycle, so she ran outside and across the street. She could hear another person somewhere, but she couldn't tell where they were. She watched as a wheelchair-looking device roll down the street.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
12:21pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 6,948
Dusk awoke from a deep slumber and stretched out her pale arms. She rubvbed the fins on them absentmindedly and stood up, patting the sword on her belt. She picked up the staff she used to walk with and yawned loudly. She felt the waves lap at her feet as as she walked near them and she moved her hands. The waves grew to a monumentous size and then returned to their normal state. She walked father into the water, after hiding her stuff in a hollow tree stump and dived. The gills on her neck started to work and when she breathed in, she breathed in oxygen. She twisted gleefully in the water. Ok, so the world was going to end, but it was fun to be able to live underwater. She could survive underwater for as long as she wanted, but she had become a vegetarian after feeling the lovely fish brush against her. She sightlessly watched the waves roll onto s*censored* from a rock in the middle of the sea. Would she ever find any civilization again? ((I snuck on, but I will not be on for the rest of the day.))
 <-- Click me
1:52pm Jul 16 2010 (last edited on 2:03pm Jul 16 2010)
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Crisis stared out at the city through the eyes of a skinny black dog. Her ears were pinned up as she began stalking down the hill. She would be in the city in less then half an hour. Her paws thudded on the ground but ceased to make a noise. She glared up at the sky, only to find tattered grey clouds, which she preferred over a clear blue sky(I hope the weather is actually like this in the roleplay. I just got that grey sky feel. xD) It wasn't long until Crisis reached the city, and she quickly morphed back into her human form, already dressed. She felt rather comfy with her leggings, jean shorts, t-shirt and boots. But her favorite part were the mummy bandages that covered her arm. Looking around with shifty eyes, she noticed a fishbowl scaling the street at a snail-like speed. Cocking one eyebrow Crisis watched as it headed for the store, she *censored*umed the lady in the fish bowl was going to buy food. But she peered inside the store and saw the no one was there, until another girl came crashing out and ran across the street. Looking around once more, Crisis observed that there was no one other then her, the fish lady, the shoplifter... and another that she could sense but failed to spot. ooc; I'll be on again later. I has a headache. D:
2:18pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 1,682
(( Question before I reply, do you guys want me to rp in 3rd person? I do better in 1st person, but I noticed you all were rping in 3rd))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
2:48pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 3,002
(( It doesn't matter to me, hun. ^.^))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
2:55pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 1,682
((Mmk, thanks. I just like to check in with others before doing something on a rp. xD)) Flying gave you a rush like no other. You can hear your heart thumping faster and faster with every wingstroke. It's a magnificent feeling, and I kinda felt glad that the government did this to me. Kinda being the key word. As I was soaring, I noticed a queer site below me. Someone was trying to steal something from a store, and someone was zipping around in what looked like an old wheelchair. I had to check this out. I took a dive, hurdling towards the ground, about 20 feet from hitting the ground, I pulled up and came to a stop. I landed with a soft thud. I walked over to where the confrontation was taking place. She noticed two other people standing around the shoplifter, who was running. "What in the world is going on here?" I asked.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
4:15pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Bethany completely ignored the girl. She didn't needany more distractions. She kept walking, and then spotted a car not far away. She reached in her bag fr a coat hangerand stuck it in the keyhole. Sheopened the trunk to see if anything was in there. She got out and picked up a fur coat that was left in the cars trunk. She dropped it onto the front seat, and walked to the engine. She stabbed and jerked some thigs until sheheard theengine rumble to life.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
4:17pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 115
Thalia froze. NOTHING was going the way she had hoped-or even vaugely *censored*umed-it would. The shopkeeper was up and about, someone-besides her-was shoplifting, and there were several other people there. And most of them were looking at her! She couldn't tell if they'd noticed her tail or not (the water was pretty murky) and maybe they thought her ears were fake, but they'd find out soon. And then they'd scream, or maybe throw stuff at her. What should she do? Maybe if she disapeared, they'd think they imagined it-altough the fishbowl would look wierd, just sitting there. She guessed it was worth a try. Thalia looked at the people hopefully as her body seemed to dissapear. Were they leaving yet?
4:21pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 3,002
"Before anything gets any worse, may I ask," Bethany started to speak from the front seat of the car "What the Hell is going on?" Even she was acting crazy, which made her feel extremely akward.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
4:42pm Jul 16 2010 (last edited on 4:44pm Jul 16 2010)
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Posts: 1,682
"Oh. Gosh. Nevermind. You people....." I trailed off before shaking my head and lifted off. I noticed quite a few mutated teens there, but I wasn't about to go all buddy-buddy on them. I had too many things to do, like find a place to crash and decided what the hell was my next move. Too much was going on, and I didn't want to be a part of it. I flew over a girl sitting in a car and it sounded like she was yelling. I rolled my eyes and flew faster.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
4:46pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Bethany closed the door quickly and fixed te gears, ect. She put one hand on the wheel and started driving away from the scene. ((braindeadness. :P))
Why the cloud, Sunny?
5:00pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 1,682
((Lol, I understand. xD It comes easily at the beginning of rps))
After flying for nearly two hours, my wings were starting to tire. I saw a thick forest, and decided to land. I started walking through the woods, and came upon a small house. It was pretty, except for the roof, which had caved in. I went in and looked around. It looked as if it was abandoned years ago. Dust and webs hung from the ceiling and coated the floor. A tiny doorway led elsewhere. I went further, and discovered nothing but an old bathroom. I decided it was ok to rest here for a little bit. I found the cleanest spot I could find, tucked my wings in, and fell asleep.
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
5:03pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 115
Thalia sighed with relief. They were leaving! Maybe she could get away now. Forget about the food-she had enough left for a few more days, until the people here forgot about her. Slowly, she moved her hand toward the motor and activated it. Please don't follow me, she thought
5:07pm Jul 16 2010 (last edited on 5:09pm Jul 16 2010)
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Posts: 3,002
Bethany drove off, she found a pretty much deserted town. There were a few house that had no cars or people around. She drove up into the driveway and pushed open the door to the car. She grabbed the coat and her bag. She walked up to the door, and found it was locked. She picked up a rock and threw it into the window. It broke, and she limbed into the room. She covered her scrapes with her hand and tried to find a bed. She walked over to a different room and sat down on a comfortable chair. She put her things down and closed her eyes.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
5:18pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 115
Quickly-or as quickly as she could- Thalia returned to her "home". There she thought about the events of the day. Forget watitng a few days she thought I think I'll just have to find a new place to live. It was time to move on again. Thalia quickly grabbed the few supplies she had left from her shelves and tucked them into tote bag she had "borrowed" from a beachgoer. Then, as an afterthought, she grabbed the shelves, too. No sense in leaving them here for people to wonder about. Thalia turned and dived out to search. After a while, Thalia found a small lake, connected to the ocean by an underwater cave. This will do, she thought. It wasn't ideal, but the cave was sheltered, with acess to plenty of water. She'd have to steal some waterproof containers to put her food in, but the houses around the lake looked deserted, so she'd probably be able to do it easily. Humming to herself, Thalia started nailing the shelves to the walls. ((I'm leaving now. I'll come back tommorow))
7:10pm Jul 16 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((Can someone find Dusk?))
 <-- Click me
2:13pm Jul 17 2010
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Posts: 3,002
Why the cloud, Sunny?