7:57pm Mar 25 2010
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Animal Hunter got up and turned to Piff, jerking his head. Follow. Piff nodded eagerly and jumped up to follow her Alpha. He lead her to the back door, which was slightly ajar, and arched his eyebrows. Laughing, Piff clapped her hands and pushed it open the rest of the way with her face, jumping off the porch.....and promptly tripping over her own feet, sprawling ungracefully on her face. Hunter looked at her, wondering if the fact she had been a double dapple dauchshund really had damaged her brain. ((Double Dapple Deckles are prone to birth defects. My real Piff is just as nuts, but I dont think that has anythig to do with her mutation thingy; its brobably just rubbed off from me. XD)) Human Jai looked back at the house, not knowing what she was expecting to see. The house on fire? Eh. Maybe. She shrugged and looked around, almost jumping at the sound of a very loud roar.
Resident mounted archer
10:56am Mar 26 2010
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((Hmm we need a way to get together...))
8:04pm Mar 26 2010
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Resident mounted archer
12:07pm Mar 27 2010
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Animal Gsir stared at the boy with her wide eyes. She took in a deep breath of air and took a small wobbly step forward. "Don't you remember me?" she asked in a low, whispery voice. Then she fainted and fell into Lila's arms. Human Lila stared at the girl, who had fallen right into her skinny arms. She glanced at Nero, who shrugged his shoulders. "Do you think she's crazy or something?" she asked slowly and carefully. Nero shrugged again, bangs falling into his eyes, hands in his pant's pockets. Her brother gave a small sigh. "Dunno," Nero said. "She looks pretty sane, except for what she said. What do you think we should do with her?" Lila murmured,"I guess we should keep her here for a while. Well, until she comes to." Nero gave a small nod, and took the blonde girl into his arms, cradling her blonde head. Then, he walked up the stairs again. Probably to put her in one of guest rooms, no doubt, Lila thought.
2:17pm Mar 27 2010
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Animal Piff ran after Jai, falling onto hands and feet and running awkwardly on four limbs. She came to a bouncing stop and sat on the concrete, tongue lolling out of her open mouth. Human Jai looked at Piff, then burst out laughing. Upon stopping, she glanced up and down the street. She saw two kids closing the door to their house.That was all. Good. Most likely no one had seen the girls odd behavior. Hunter came up behind her and muffled a laugh.
Resident mounted archer
2:57pm Mar 30 2010
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OOC: Hmm... Where do you think all the people/animals to meet? -thinks- I dunno... Maybe I'll cause something to happen that makes everyone gather... :/ Ravyn found she was walking along a road now. She knew not to walk in the middle of it on the yellow painted lines. Now that she was human her eyesight wasn't as keen. She, however, enjoyed the fact that she didn't need to tilt her head to see things that were right in front of her. Now she had to get used to turning her neck around. Oh well. She was certainly a strange sight. A teenage girl walking nonchalantly on the side of the road, looking as though she really had no destination. She looked around, feeling as though a part of her was missing, wondering what it was... Ah, wait! There was no birdsong. Had all the other birds been transformed into humans? Or that other type of thing? Maybe... As she was walking along she finally found herself in a cute town. She saw boxy-type-nests that she knew humans usually called "houses". Wait. Stop. She was a human now. She should stop thinking as though she wasn't one now. Then Ravyn saw an amusing and odd sight. Two human girls walking out of their nest... Ack, no their house. One of the girls started behaving... weirdly was the only word to describe it. Almost like a dog... Maybe she's like me Ravyn thought. Although she doesn't hide it well. Instantly Ravyn felt bad for thinking that. She probably stood out, too. She hadn't even used her voice much. The second girl peered around, looking to see if anybody had seen the other girl's odd behavior. Her eyes didn't seem to notice Ravyn. Ravyn decided to try and converse with this girl. She took a deep breath and then began walking over to the house. "Hey!" she called, smiling a bit and waving. "Hey". The word seemed to fall from her now soft lips. She new what it meant too. She had often flown nearby humans and listened to their conversations.
11:39pm Mar 30 2010
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Human Jai jumped and looked at the approaching girl and waved. No one could ever call her unfriendly. She looked back behind her at the blond male grabbing the girl by the arms and pulling her up off the concrete. It was then that Jai noticed that she was rather small for her apparent age, barely reaching her own height. Hmm. Someone shorter than me. She turned her back on the strange, and apparently mute, couple and faced the ebony haired girl.
Resident mounted archer
10:13am Apr 1 2010
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Ravyn walked up to Jai and stood there uncomfortably for a second. What to say? Ugh. This was harder than she thought it was going to be. "Hey," she repeated breathlessly. "Umm..." Think of something. Anything. You're standing out too much. Then she found a perfect exscuse. She flicked her hair behind her shoulders. It had gotten in her face, something she didn't want to have happen. "Sorry," she said, smiling apologetically. "I think... I think that I'm kind of lost. I was wondering-" Her perfect plan was interrupted by a beautiful, clear note, from some sort of bird. Ravyn looked up to the blue sky. Against the blue, right above their heads, soared a bird that Ravyn had never seen before. It looked like... Like fire, almost. And the way it flew... -x- Silver flew above a neighborhood, not caring who saw her at the moment. She let out a single note.
11:32am Apr 1 2010
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Human Nero carried the blonde girl into the nearest guest bedroom. He set the girl down lightly onto the bed and stepped back to look at her. She looked somewhat graceful laying there. Nero was about to walk back downstairs, but he heard movement coming from the girl, and turned around, to see the girl, struggling to sit up. Nero ran to her and helped her sit up. The blonde girl looked at Nero with her sparkling brown eyes. "Who are you?" she asked. "I've never seen you before." Nero stared at the girl. Did she have amnesia or something? "I'm Nero," Nero replied calmly. "You arrived to my house and met my sister, remember?" The girl nodded and said,"I remember seeing you, but I don't recall seeing you before. I only remember Lila." Nero stared at the girl with wide eyes. "How do you know her? What's your name?" "I told your sister already, I'm Gsir."
3:57pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 48
Human Kara sat with her eyes glued to the TV screen. The newscaster was saying that all the animals on the earth had vanished. There had been reports from all over the globe of missing pets, and zoos had been struck particularly hard. However, there had been a few sightings of creatures that seemed to resemble the legendary dragons and phoenixes, but Kara was sure that was just nonsense. The reporter finished up, saying, "If anyone has any information on this event, there is an international hotline you can call." A phone number flashed on the bottom of the screen. Animal Myr fluttered down to the windowsill and tapped on the gl*censored*. He saw Kara, who had always given him food before, turn to look. She jumped and made a funny squeaking noise when she saw him. Myr squawked happily in response, but Kara looked more frightened than happy to see him. She picked up a little black rectangle and began pressing on it in various places.
8:34pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 2,963
((Ohmigosh. Brain dead. X.X))
Resident mounted archer
10:40am Apr 6 2010
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OOC: me too... x.x
7:34pm Apr 7 2010
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((Haipee raimbow monkeez!!!))
Resident mounted archer
7:52pm Apr 20 2010
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Resident mounted archer
8:15pm Apr 20 2010
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OOC: Wollfffff!
9:09pm Apr 20 2010
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((Mmm...yup. Ish dead. *pokes*))
Resident mounted archer
5:45pm Apr 23 2010
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Human Nero narrowed his eyes then turned and left the room, leaving the room. Everything was so unusual today. First, the girl. Then, the girl knowing who Lila was. Nero shook his head worriedly. Animal Gsir watched Nero go, and after a long decision decided to follow him. She walked out of the room, more like she was trotting than walking, her hair draped over her shoulders.
8:21pm May 1 2010
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