Ivory listened to the girls squabbling about whether or not they should inform a teacher. the snooty one who spoke to her said that they should, but the other two, from what it sounded like, weren't sure. probably scared by one of the rumours that had been spread about her. they as$umed that because she was black, she had beaten people up. Ivory had an attitude, but she never picked fights with people, not unless they start it, but truthfully, that had only happened once, and she was defending a friend at the old school she used to attened.
"Alight, im coming down, dont get your panties in a twist." she sighed as she stood up ready to make the jump. She didn't care that her skirt flared, but the other girls did so they turned there backs.
she landed in a crouched position with her hand on the floor to steady herself. it was only two meters in the air, so it was nothing special in her mind. she stood up and wiped the dust off her skirt before leaning back against the same tree.