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3:52pm Jun 14 2012 (last edited on 5:30pm Jun 14 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,557

I really hope you didn't expect anything from reading the ti

Well, I'm looking for a roleplay (Isn't everyone now-a-days...), and yeah.

I really don't care what's the plot (if it even has one), who the characters are, or that one french word that looks like gene. (Though I would like to do something pokemon related...)

The only thing I care about is for this to be semi-lit-ish and that it will be seriously quick.

So just reply and we'll see what we can do.

And yeah.


4:14pm Jun 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 6,409
Hello there. Urm. I'm known for my plot-making skills, and we did a roleplay a long time ago with your male vampire character and my female human character... I can't remember my names, but it got a bit slow-moving and then it died.

Anyways, I'd love to do another roleplay with you, if you wouldn't mind. I think it would be interesting to do a realistic version of the pokemon series with our own original characters. Does that sound good?

Love is all we need~


4:23pm Jun 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,557
...I still blame myself for ending that rp....

Anyway, sure. I'd love to do that with you (I'm repeating your words, aren't I?). Do you have any preference on genders and do you want to do a bio or just start out? (And do you want to do this on another thread or on this one?)


4:48pm Jun 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 6,409
Um... I'd prefer not to make another thread, and I currently hate bios, so no bios. >.>

And don't blame yourself for ending that one. If you liked it, then we could start it again but with new characters, because I can't remember much about the character that I used.

If you still want a new roleplay with the realistic pokemon and stuff, then that would also work for me.

And I prefer to roleplay as a female character.

Love is all we need~


4:53pm Jun 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,557
We can still do the pokemon one still. And what do you mean by 'realistic'? Do you mean that they don't know awesome-possum moves right when you catch them and they feint semi-easily?

I'll play a guy.


4:54pm Jun 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 6,409
Well, what I mean by realistic is that, instead of saying their species name when they make noise, they make noises like growls or barks, depending on what they look like. Perhaps even roars or grunts.

And they aren't super-strong. A tiny little Starly can't use fly and take you halfway across the region. Stuff like that.

Love is all we need~


5:00pm Jun 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,557
I've never really thought about the noises that pokemon make, but I doubt that they would ever make the sound of their name. The electronic sounding noises in the Nintendo games sounded way more realistic. So there's no problem there.

And I think I will be able to prevent myself from using poor small pokemon in cruel ways like that.


5:03pm Jun 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 6,409
I so agree on the electronic noises. So, I think it would be good if we did a pokemon roleplay set in the setting of modern day with the technology that we have.

And please refrain yourself from being cruel to small pokemon. XD

So, do you have any ideas on the plot? I have a pretty good one, if you'd like to hear it. *Excitedfais.*

Love is all we need~


5:06pm Jun 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,557
...The only thing I can think of at the moment is robot dogs eating little bird pokemon.

I think we'll use your plot xD I don't need to know what it is to know it's a lot better then mine.


5:16pm Jun 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 6,409
O.o You so stole my plot.

Just kidding.

So, the plot that I had in mind is that there's a huge war going on between the team rocket people and their spin-off teams and the regular, non team-whatever people.

Each side is after the legendaries to see if they can get them on their side. Our characters can be either regular people or team-whatever people. I don't care what your character is, but mine's a regular person.

So, that's all I've got so far. XD

Love is all we need~


5:19pm Jun 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,557
I loled at 'non tean-whatever people'.

That sounds good to me. My person can be a ex-whatever who backed out because he's too much of a siss- er, it wasn't his forte.

Will your person start out with pokemon, or will she be a new trainer?


5:24pm Jun 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 6,409
She'll start out with one pokemon. Cause her parents didn't want her to go on a pokemon adventure when she was eleven. And they were scared for her because of the war.

And it takes place in modern day aread. No regions. The regions always confused me. XD But they were cool in the games.

So, should we do it on here or on another thread?

Love is all we need~


5:26pm Jun 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,557
I thought you said that you wanted to do this here xD

So does that mean that all of the pokemon are all mixed together and everything with happy sunshines and triple rainbows?


5:28pm Jun 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 6,409
I did say that, didn't I. We'll do it on here, then. XD Bahaha.

And all of the pokemanz are all together. In America. But there isn't anything happy. Heck, they're all in danger because of the war. XD

I use the 'XD' face alot. o.o

Love is all we need~


5:30pm Jun 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,557
In America!

...Then really bleak sunshine and triple rainbows threatening to bring doom?

And the 'xD' face means you're laughing. And when you laugh, you live longer. So use the face as much as you can.


5:32pm Jun 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 6,409

You happy? XD

Anyways, back to seriousness. Yes. Bleak rainbows and sunshiny things that can spontaneously combust into certain doom at any moment. :O

Would you like to start, or shall I?

Love is all we need~


5:32pm Jun 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,557
That sounds wonderful.

And you can.


5:46pm Jun 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// Here I go. Sorry if it's a little bit failish.


The spring air made Elodie feel like she had to sneeze, and she did. Over. And over. And over again. By the time she finished, her eyes were watering and she was nearly in a laughing fit. Her houndoom barked slightly, its ears perking forward as it nudged her hand.

The auburn-haired girl pulled out a packet from her messenger bag and pulled a pill out of it. Knocking back her head, she swallowed the pill with several gulps of water. "That should help my allergies a little," Elodie said to herself.

Though she loved the spring, the spring didn't love her all that much. She had sneezing fits that would always end in her being either angry or amused. Her houndoom was always amused, though.

She wiggled her nose and sniffled a bit before the urge to sneeze one last time finally left her. She put the items that she'd pulled out back into the green bag that she loved so much and sighed. She'd only left the house a week ago, and she'd began to get tired of sleeping in the uncomfortable pokemon center beds.

And, much to her dismay, she hadn't connected with another pokemon.

"Cinder, do you think that I'll be okay out here?" Elodie's light grey eyes looked down to her dog-like pokemon, who simply cocked his head in response. Elodie hadn't really expected an answer from Cinder, but that was alright. At least he was listening.

"C'mon. We need to keep moving. It looks like it's about to rain." Elodie gestured to the clouds hovering in the sky, which was darkening each minute. No sooner had she mentioned the rain than when the watery droplets began to bullet down. Elodie broke into a run. She had a phone in her bag that did not need to get wet.

After crossing the somewhat busy street of the downtown area of the medium-sized town that she was currently in, she ducked under the front awning of a pawn shop and sat against the brick wall. She hadn't talked to her parents in a while, and she really had no urge to.

Her home was a stifling place that held conflicts that she sometimes thought were greater than the very war itself.

Love is all we need~


6:03pm Jun 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,557
[[ dad is flipping out because there's a squirrel outside. A squirrel. >.< ]]

Ari looked at Natu and Hoothoot through the glass window. He watched as both of his flying pokemon struggled to breath the thick oxygen that was pouring out of their face masks. They were both bruised and beaten, their feathers ruffled every which way.

They had gotten it much worse then Ari himself had. Though the scratches stung and the small burns hurt like hell, he wasn't the one hooked up to some machine and needed some serious medical help. He would live. His pokemon, though, were another story.

He had rushed to the Pokecenter right after the horrid battle had ended; he hadn't even taken the time to put them back into their Pokeballs, he just picked them up and ran. Thank god that Pokecenters were still open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and didn't charge you anything if you had nothing.

"Mister, you need to rest. I know you're worried, but watching them won't change anything." A kind and sweet voice said to his right. Ari tore his eyes over to Nurse Joy. She was the head nurse at the center. Though she looked soft, it was obvious she was very skilled with medical things and knew how to run the center.

"What are you suggesting I do?" Ari asked, trying not to sound bitter.

The pink haired woman shrugged. "Why don't you walk around for a while. It's going to rain soon, so come back soon." She managed to make the suggestion sound more like an order than anything else.

Ari huffed and walked out the sliding doors to take a stroll.


6:19pm Jun 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 6,409
Elodie was watching her phone's screen. The little buneary on the screen would do a little dance every time she pressed a button, and though the girl was a young adult, she couldn't help but laugh. She was childish, she had to admit. But she had moments when she was mature.

She was brought back to reality when Cinder whined as a man exited the pokemon center across the street. Cinder always had the uncanny ability to pick up on others emotions from the way that they moved and acted, and simply by the air around them.

Elodie watched as he began to walk. The phone vibrated twice in her hand, and she ignored it, but then it began to ring, singing a song by a lesser known indie rock group. She was startled and looked at the caller ID.

Her parents. Great.

She answered it quickly, not wanting to make them think that she wanted nothing to do with them. She shook as her father told her what he had to say.

"Wait, my brother is missing? They didn't even find his body on the battlefield?" Her voice became high-pitched and frantic, tears threatening to prick in her eyes. Cinder nudged her hand and she lowered her voice, though there weren't many other people around due to the rain.

The man ended the call after speaking a few words, and Elodie was left speechless. She was glad that they hadn't found his body, because at least that meant he probably wasn't dead, but she was scared that he had become a prisoner.

Running a hand through her auburn hair, she sighed, her pale skin beginning to shine with sweat from the humidity. She had fought the tears off, luckily for her.

Love is all we need~

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