Name: Tippaw (the warrior name can be anything except: claw, pelt, or tail, because I want this to be unique.) She also goes by Tippy.
Gender: Female
Age: [Kits are under 6 months, apprentices 6-12 months on average, warriors 12 months+] 7 moons
Rank: Apprentice
Family: [Just list names, don't have to be actively roleplayed.] Mother: Raintail {deceased} Father: Oakheart {deceased}
Mate?: Too young
Kits?: Too young
Physical Deion: Foxpaw has a mostly reddish orage hue to her tabby pelt, and white paws. The tip of her tail is mostly white, and her fur is slightly bushy and longer than some other cats. She has long limbs and a thin, sleek body, easily suitable for sneaking around without notice. Her eyes are pale green with a slight yellow hint to them
Personality: Foxpaw is a sneaky little devil of a cat. She loves trouble, that is indeed the only way to put it. She's a trickster, and sneaky about it. She slinks around, looking for something to do that is bound to get someone upset. Evil and mischevious as she is, she will not be intentionally mean to certain cats. She chooses her friends carefully, and occasionally, without their knowledge. She can be judgemental and extremely picky.
History: [optional] Not important
Other: N/A
Name: Shallowstripe
Gender: Male
Age: [Kits are under 6 months, apprentices 6-12 months on average, warriors 12 months+] 14 moons
Rank: Warrior
Family: [Just list names, don't have to be actively roleplayed.] Father: Redtail {deceased}, Mother: Amberheart {deceased}, Sister: Ravenspark
Mate?: Open
Kits?: Open
Physical Deion: Shallowstripe is a large gray cat with a pale base color and ashy gray stripes. His fur is slightly lighter than expected, and his stripes don't really follow any normal sort of fashion. He has a large body with a slightly barreled chest and short stocky limbs with large claws. His tail is long, yet thick, and his fur is bristly. His eyes are pale yellow with a hint of a ruddish brown color.
Personality: Shallowstripe is often all brawn and no brain. The big brute often doesn't know what he's supposed to be doing or where he's supposed to be going half the time. He has a terrible memory, but it is a mouse more than a formidable oponent. He may look menacing, what with his size, but he's just a big marshmellow.
History: [optional] Not important
Other: N/A
Name: Ravenspark
Gender: Female
Age: [Kits are under 6 months, apprentices 6-12 months on average, warriors 12 months+] 12 moons
Rank: Darkclan Forest Cat
Family: [Just list names, don't have to be actively roleplayed.] Father: Redtail {deceased}, Mother: Amberheart {deceased}, Brother: Shallowstripe
Mate?: None
Kits?: None
Physical Deion: Ravenspark doesn't actually have a sleek black coat ('cuz I know you were thinking that). Her pelt is something like a blonde. Her fur is short and bushy, and she's not half the size of her brother. Her limbs are long and dexterious, and her tail is long, yet still bushy. Her eyes are slightly orange in color, with a hint of brown here and there.
Personality: Ravenspark is envious and evil. Hating most others, she despicizes other cats with a vile hatred. She was not born this way, but this happened over time. Her nature is to be evil horrible, mean and even kill, and then leave and forget about the whole thing. She's all brains, and seems sometimes like she got her brothers brain as well as her own.
History: [optional] She is in Darkclan for killing her parents under a misunderstanding, and then attempting to kill her brother, but failing to do so.
Other: N/A
((Hope you like them! ^^ ))