5:37pm Jun 28 2011
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Wat. ಠ_ಠ
5:38pm Jun 28 2011
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[[ Yay, Detters joined :3 I haven't been in an RP with you for some time, Det D< So when are we going to start, Ree? owo ]]
5:46pm Jun 28 2011
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She loved the way that the darkness seemed to glide around her pale blonde body. It made her, even more, evil. However, she was not currentely admiring her gliding skills, but making a sly tut-tut noise as she does, and staring pityfully at the small apprentice before her. "You are weak." Ravenspark utters the first insult. "You don't even deserve my sympathy." there's the second. "What do you plan to do when you fail as you will fail?", ah, the third and final insult of the day for the poor blue apprentice. Nothing feels better than insulting a cat who doesn't have the guts to say anything like what you just uttered back to you. It made Ravenspark feel happy inside. Happy about herself. Yet angry about the world outside of the Dark Forest. Angry at Starclan. Angry at Ashclan. Angry at her parents. Angry at herself for failing. Very, very, angry... ~~~ Shallowstripe wandered around the bleak, night-ridden camp. Dark as it was, it gave him a small pleasure. The pleasure of memories. Ashclan was alright. Darkclan was feared. Starclan was loved and missed. Shallowstripe remembered his parents. Redtail, who wasn't actually red at all. Who made Shallowstripe laugh. Who taught Shallowstripe everything. Amberheart, who had amber eyes that bested the actual honey like liquid. Who was kind and patient with Shallowstripe. Who answered his endless questions, however silly they might be. Who still loved when betrayel was in the air. Shallowstripe even remembered his sister. Ravenspark, who's pelt was actually a blonde color. Who put up with Shallowstripe during kithood. Who, even though she killed their parents, he still loved. The memories during the night were the only place where Shallowstripe could truly let go. Of all his pent up anger. All his emotions which well up inside. All his sadness for their loss of the world. (Tippaw is in bed, being a good apprentice, for once....)
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
6:00pm Jun 28 2011
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[[ Oh, we're starting now? ._. ]] Coalpaw paced alongside Larkwing [ derp, they be pacing, 'kay Det? ono ], eager to begin their lesson. The Dark Forest was so new and surreal to him, surrounded by cats both alive and dead. He barely spoke to Bluepaw and Nightpaw during their trainings, although he wished he could. Coalpaw just didn't feel like it was right, and wanted to learn his past and become stronger at the same time. After all, all he wanted was to be the best apprentice, then later the best warrior. --- Thrushsoar sat by the outskirts of the AshClan camp, looking up at the night sky, up at Silverpelt. He sighed to himself. A rustling and padding of paws made him turn his head sharply, eyes narrowed and claws instinctively unsheating. His muscles relaxed, however, when he saw who it was. "Swallowtrill, shouldn't you be asleep?" Thrushsoar asked his sister. The silver she-cat sat by her brother, looking up at the sky. "I was looking for our deputy." She replied. After a long silence, Swallowtrill looked at Thrushsoar. "Still thinking about him, aren't you." She said. It was more of a statement than a question. "Hawkpaw? How can I forget?" Thrushsoar replied in a somber tone. "I'm sure he would be proud to know that his brother is now the clan deputy." Swallowtrill purred in an attempt to comfort her brother. "Come on, you need to rest up also. The dawn patrols will begin soon." She lead the brown tom back towards the dens, where they both settled in. --- Icepaw is sleeping -w-

6:31pm Jun 28 2011 (last edited on 6:35pm Jun 28 2011)
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Bluepaw knew better than to try his hardest at retorting. "I won't fail," He said, his voice quivering just the slightest bit- the faintest sign of weakness. He saw the look in Ravenspark's eyes. In their little clearing in the Dark Forest, she was the one who had the power. He had the chance to relive again, to not fail when he had before, but the she-cat in front of him had succeeded, if not completely. He couldn't even kill one queen. Bluepaw's fur rose slightly, and his breathing quickened. Yes, he was weak compared to her- that he accepted- but someday, he wouldn't be. "Remember," he purred softly, "If I fail...it may as well be your fault too." There was the sudden rustling of leaves, and Frostnose emerged. The light grey tom padded across the clearing, his movements smooth and graceful, like water. There was an iciness to his gaze, and the tom couldn't even surpress a snort as he passed Ravenspark. To him, that she-cat failed even more than he did. True, she had managed to kill her parents, but they were a generation above, weaker and as frail as the leaves that apprentices liked to crush. They were an easy target. The only reason he failed was because he was trying to kill a queen backed by StarClan. Otherwise, his victory would have been sealed. "You will fail if you keep listening to her," Frostnose remarked coldly, taking his place beside Bluepaw. "Ravenspark. I hope you know that his time here is limited. Either you teach him properly, like Shadowstar assigned you to do, or you tell the leader that you're unfit for your position. I'm pretty sure I know the better methods of teaching him anyway." As the older cat spoke, Bluepaw couldn't help but stare at him in awe. At one point in time, he and Frostnose had been equals- best friends on a quest for power...but now things were different. Nonetheless, the fact that a cat, despite the circumstances, was willing to help him after all those moons was almost...touching to him. Bluepaw nodded furiously.
--- "Mothflight." The medicine cat twitched in her sleep, but felt a cool breeze scatter across her pelt. As it stirred her gently to awakeness, she stretched, rolling over on the grass, and opened her eyes. A ginger she-cat with thoughtful emerald eyes and a pelt dotted with stars smiled back at her before gracefully padding over to the she-cat. "Thrushfang," Mothflight breathed, her eyes wide. "I've missed you." Her mother nodded, feeling the same. "You've been doing well." There was a loving look and contentment, but the latter was quickly replaced with concern. "Mothflight. The pathway to the Dark Forest has been barricaded. We can't access it anymore- one of the StarClan apprentices almost rolled through it, but it didn't let them pass." A chill settled over Mothflight. "Locked out? How?" "I don't know. They don't have the power to do that." Thrushfang's whiskers twitched. "I'm just warning you. I don't know what's going on there, seeing as no one cat has enough power to close it off completely. You might want to keep a careful eye out, as I know that they have the ability to walk dreams just as we do." Her daughter nodded her head, worry giving her a small twitch in her tail. "Thank you." "Good luck, Mothflight." With a small smile, her mother leaned over and gently licked her child's head, before turning around and walking through the trees. As she did so, the environment faded, and Mothflight woke up abruptly, back in the coolness of her den. --- Brightfang and Silverfur slept peacefully in the warriors' den. --- Nightpaw, as sassy as she was, couldn't help but feel a burning admiration for her leader before her. Shadowstar...she had heard, from Frostnose's explanations to Bluepaw, how fierce he was...and his skill in battle. She was the lucky one, having been personally assigned to him as an apprentice. After all, he had to have been great to have ended up here anyway, maybe not for good reasons, but he must have succeeded near to enough. She analyzed Shadowstar again- oh, there was no doubt about it. He would teach her more than that petty Shallowstripe ever could.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
7:01pm Jun 28 2011
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Larkwing turned her eyes skyward, though here in Dark Forest there was no StarClan above to pray to. Cornflower-blue depths narrowed sharply as she swung her head around, gazing at the black-furred 'apprentice' she had been forced to train. The pale golden she-cat had better things to do than deal with some scrap of fur that would no doubt turn out useless. Just like the others had. Owlkit and Ivykit. Oh, when they were born they had shown such promise. Strength and vitality had glimmered in their eyes. And then, it had dulled. They had disobeyed her, their own mother, and turned away from her. But they learned their lesson, she thought, a shadow of a smile appearing on her pointed muzzle. Shrugging the memory away, as she had business to attend to, training this kit. "Do you think you have what it takes?" she asked suddenly, whiskers twitching. "To destroy the Clans that now hold power and to begin a new era? A better one?" Without waiting for an answer she whirled around claws scratching the rocky outcropping the two stood on. "I am to teach you what to do, but it is not the what that counts. It is how you apply it. Look around you! Most of the spirits here are large, brawny toms who took what they wanted by force. They did nothing to garner the inner strength. The mind." Lifting up one paw Larkwing inspected the silver claws that adorned it, flicking each one in and out experimentally as she continued on her tangent. "Think of me. The murder of my kits was learned while I was on my last breath, gored by a badger. I chose to tell them when they could do nothing about it. For taking revenge on a dead cat is considered a lowly thing to do." Smirking Larkwing flicked her tail and sat down facing the apprentice, eyes holding his. "I will teach you to fight with your mind and body. Combine those two and we have the perfect warrior." Her voice was a seductive whisper. One that spoke of power and leadership. One that promised great things for only one price, his mind. -- Crowsong could not sleep, though that in itself was not unusual. Compared to her clanmates Crowsong was an unusual cat by many means. Her husky voice, her strange eyes, and her nocturnal rambles that often carried her to the strangest of places. At the moment she was paused outside of the medicine cat's den, drawn to it by unknown means. Mostly it was due to a dream she had just had. Thinking back Crowsong stifled a long sigh of annoyance. The dreams were becoming more vivid, more realistic, and the warrior was having trouble separating them from reality. Just the other day she had called Sleetpaw Poppyfrost, the old medicine cat who kept on popping up for nighttime visits. That wouldn't have been so terrible if not for the fact that Poppyfrost had long since been banished to Dark Forest for her heinous crimes. Unfortunately Crowsong didn't know what to do about this. Poppyfrost was not speaking to her, or moving or doing anything. Just being...there. Like a dark shadow that hovered in her mind. So Crowsong wasn't sure if she was halluncinating or going mad or simply having bad dreams constantly. Grimacing she peered into the den, hesitant to wake up either Foxpaw or Mothwing. Both needed their rest, but Crowsong was feeling antsy and nervous and she wanted answers. -- [Other cats are sleeping c: Is it alright if Crowsong is getting visits from Poppyfrost accidentally? Poppyfrost was her mother's sister]

7:01pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 496
"You." Ravenspark said coldly, "Have no right to tell me what failing is. Come away Bluepaw. We shall continue our lessons farther into the Dark Forest." Without a backwards glance, ravespark turned coldly, and walked away, expecting Bluepaw to follow her. As Ravenspark made her way through the forest of the blackest night, for that was truly what it felt light, she kept thinking about her own failure. 'I did more than most cats around here. The fact remains, that I killed two cats, of my own kin. The only reason I did not defeat Shallowstripe was because I was weak from fighting both of my parents.' she thought angrily, finally stopping in another clearing, far enough from Frostnose as Ravenspark would like to be.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
7:05pm Jun 28 2011
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[[ -has nothing to do- >.< Is it alright if I add a brother and sister to the Dark Forest, Ree? o3o ]]
7:09pm Jun 28 2011
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@Tld, well, you could go and bother Shallowstripe. He was pretty much ignored, although I placed him smack in the middle of camp and enough cats seem to be up (I really don't know how you missed him). @Det, Foxpaw changed to Tippaw, just so you know.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
7:11pm Jun 28 2011 (last edited on 7:11pm Jun 28 2011)
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; I can have Goldfeather meet up with one of your cats, Tld. C:
My Foxpaw, Nom. <3 Foxpaw is Med. Cat apprentice. xD And she sleeps in Mothflight's den.
7:12pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 496
Det, sorry, got confused..... >.<
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
7:38pm Jun 28 2011
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((Sure, Tld. And Det, that's fine. Though Larkwing was interracting with Coalpaw- Larkwing is Coalpaw's Dark Forest mentor...so he should be training with her now since all of the others are currently doing so.)) Frostnose snorted. "I very well do. I know failure, as do all of us here. You have told others multiple times how the only reason you failed was because you were weakened. Your parents were so old then, they might as well have been elders." As Ravenspark walked away, Bluepaw began to follow her, had Frostnose not jumped in front of him. The quickness of the tom's motion frightened Bluepaw for a moment, and he let out a small yelp. Another sign of weakness. He cringed, hating how defensive he was being, and looked at Frostnose, who was staring at him with a challenging look, daring him to fight his way past him to Ravenspark. "I won't take it personally. We used to do this all the time," the tom whispered, too light for Ravenspark to hear. Bluepaw stared at him, and then nodded. He dropped down into a crouch, his eyes blazing with a thirst of challenge. Seeing this spark, Frostnose grinned, the familarness of it all actually giving him some sort of contentment. As power hungry and greedy the tom was, he actually did miss Bluepaw during the 6 months he was too young to even register the fact he had another life. The apprentice leapt, claws outstretched, towards Frostnose. The tom stepped to the side, grabbing the younger cat by the scruff of the neck, and tossing him over. He looked somewhat sympathetically at the blue lump, and then rolled his shoulders, yawning. "It's okay. I'm sure you'll become a better warrior once you get the proper training. I hope Ravenspark doesn't bring down your natural skill too much." The tom quickly turned around, running off between the trees and into the shadows, out of sight. He would let Bluepaw deal with his own things now. Distractions would be detrimental. Bluepaw winced, knowing that the side he had landed on would be sore in the morning. Shaking it off, he hurried on after Ravenspark, hoping his slight limp wouldn't show. Yes, he couldn't waste time. He had to become the best. --- Mothflight settled back into sleep. Brightfang and Silverfur continued to doze in the warriors' den.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
7:49pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 496
Ravenspark tutted her tongue lightly as she sat in the clearing, waiting for Bluepaw to run in. "You're terribly late you know." she says (MadHatter, Alice in Wonderland, I know). "Well, we'd best begin our lessons where we left off. Let me see you fighting skills. Hit me with you best shot." Ravensparks says, doubting this young apprentice already. ~~~ Tippaw flicks her ear ever so slightly, yet it is enought to waken her. 'What a strange dream. I could of sworn that I saw some cat from StarClan. It's probably nothing.' she thinks as her head rises in the blackened den. Most of the other apprentices around her were dozing off into their silly little dreams. A few were even snoring. 'I wont get back to sleep now.' she thinks. Rising cooly off her bed of ferns and soft plants, Tippaw begins to lick herself clean. It's almost dawn anyway. Done with grooming, she carefully shifts around the other apprentices, trying her harddest not to wake anyone. Outside the den the first orange rays can be seen darting bravely across the midnight blue sky. The stars are already paling, and do not glisten as brightly. Some other cats are also still up. "Hmmm, I wonder what mischeif I can get into today..." Tippaw thinks aloud.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
8:47pm Jun 28 2011
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Ooc; I'll wait for Tld if that's alright? o-o
9:21pm Jun 28 2011
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Looking out at the small meadow, blades of grass dancing gently in the wind, Fallenstar sighed in contentment; at ease for the first time in what seemed like moons. The ti tle as leader was not as gratifying as apprentices, and even young warriors, seemed to think. There was no knowledge to be instantly learned, no extra strength given. The position was tiring, both mentally and physically, as he tried to think of every cat and keep up with patrols and each clan members personal problems. He'd only been leader for one season, and already he felt moons older. He could almost picture grey fur popping out along his muzzle. The thought made his whiskers twitch in amusment. "And even then you'll still have the urge to throw a moss ball around with the apprentices; old and grey." A bemused voice proclaimed from across the meadow, the sound carrying easily over the breeze. Fallenstar watched as a small silver she-cat bounded closer, her too familiar scent creating an ache in the Ashclan leaders chest. He'd forgotten how much he missed his mate during the trial of leadership, but the grief returned full bloom at the sight of Shimmerpool. "Don't look at me like that Fallenstar. You have a clan to worry about and protect; you cannot lose focus. Particurally now." Her last words caught his attention and he jerked from his thoughts, turning his attention to her stern yet love filled eyes. "What do you mean? Is something coming?" He asked, heart rate picking up. He took a small step forward, placing them nose to nose (though he had to stoop his shoulders a little considering her much smaller height). If she knew anything, anything at all, he prayed she'd tell. He was a younger leader, and wanted any assisstance the starry warriors could give. He did not wish to fail those he was sworn to protect. "Shimmerpool?" He asked again, noting her far off gaze. She needed to tell him what she knew. The Starclan warrior's icey blue eyes regained focus, worry making the fur along her neck ruffle slightly. "I do not know if anything is truly wrong. The Dark Forest cats have created a barrier to their territroy. One none of us can pass." A soft growl escaped the normally gentle she-cats throat. "We do not know if this means anything or not, but it worry's us none the less. They should not be able to block us, yet they have; as if hiding something." Shimmerpool licked Fallenstar's check gently before backing away, tiny paws swiftly carrying her to the other side of the meadow, stopping only when the shadows made her hard to see. Fallenstar opened his mouth to call her back, not wanting to be seperated again. "Watch over your cats Fallenstar, carefully. Until this threat passes, none of you can be to careful." With that the dream world shattered and Fallenstar awoke in his den, the moon creating odd patterns across the floor. --- The hushed pawsteps of someone skimming across the apprentice den woke Silentpaw up from a restful sleep. He amber eyes blinked in confusion momentarily to try and process the other cats shape and color, intending to put a name with the face. But it was the scent that gave the other away. Where's Tippaw going now? Silentpaw mentally grumbled, yawning. She'd better not get into any trouble, she'll make the warrios cross and I don't want to deal with an angry Weedwhisker. He thought, forcing himself to sit up. His bac creaked in protest and he stretched, glancing around to make sure no other apprentices were awake. Why me? He thought in irritation, slinking from the den as well. "Hopefully none." He muttered to her self-talking. Pasuing at the entrance of the den and sitting down, tail curled across his paws, the tabby apprentice eyed her wearily. "By the way, you pad around like a angry badger. It's a wonder any of us can get some sleep. --- Gingerfox's front paws twitched slightly, tail tip whisking across the den floor as her dream self bounded happily after a plump rabbit.

9:29pm Jun 28 2011
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Tippaw almost jumped as she heard a voice creep up behind her. "Ahh, Silentpaw. You startled me. And I do NOT pad around like an angry badger!" she protests. 'Well, I don't.' she thought to herself. She stood up and walked back over to sit by Silentpaw. "Soooo. What you been up to?" she said, trying to start a conversation. Things around camp had been quiet and boring. Almost too quiet.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
9:38pm Jun 28 2011
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Sleetpaw looked up from her nest and cast an irritable look in the direction of the entrance. Two voices floated through clearly, carried by the invisible wind until it reached her ears. Flicking them irately she rolled over, trying to get some more sleep before the sun began to rise. Of course Tippaw had to reply just as loudly as she had been tramping around and now Sleetpaw was thoroughly awake. Snorting with disgust the she-cat clambered out of her bed as gracefully as her sleep-dulled senses would allow and crept past the nests, whiskers twitching as she exited the apprentices' den. The moon was half hidden behind a large cloud, but what was visible cast a watery light on the clearing. It seemed the second apprentice had been Silentpaw. Rolling her eyes at the two she let out a small mew of irritation and padded up to them. "Rather eager aren't we," she meowed scathingly, fatigue shining in her amber eyes. "Do you really want to start training this early? There are only, what, two or three warriors up? Maybe not even that." The normally reserved she-cat was roused by lack of sleep, having been driven the day before to do a plethora of battle moves that had only worsened her normally cool attitude.

9:57pm Jun 28 2011
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Silentpaw's whiskers twitched in amusment as Tippaw retorted about her walking, clearly offended. But at least she seemed to enjoy herself, by creating mischief unfortunetly. To each their own. He thought, mentally rolling his eyes. Unlike some apprentices who stalked around like cranky elders, she knew how to have fun. Sleetpaw's scathing voice cut through his though his thought, forcing him to jump slightly. Speak of the elder-wannabe's and they shall appear. The tabby tom turned his head slightly to peer at the irritated apprentice, head tipped to the side. He thought about rebuking her, but decided aginst it. It was their fault she was awake before the crack of dawn anyways. "Er, sorry Sleetpaw." He meowed, voice cautious. He was unsure how to cold apprentice would respond.
10:01pm Jun 28 2011 (last edited on 10:02pm Jun 28 2011)
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Galled by the quick apology Sleetpaw was taken aback for a moment before regaining her composure. Her whiskers twitched again, this time more a gesture of amusement than irritation. Regarding the two quietly for a moment she let out an exaggerated sigh and settled down on her haunches, tail flicking back and forth slowly. "Uh, well, I'm up anyways," she meowed after a moment, feeling a bit awkward now that all her anger had faded away, leaving the old and terribly shy Sleetpaw behind. Ducking her head the she-cat wanted nothing more than to leave now, but after having acted so callously towards Tippaw and Silentpaw there was nothing else to do but stay. Besides, her nest would be cold by now. Taking a deep breath she glanced around the camp cautiously and then grinned suddenly. "We have a while 'til to the warriors and other apprentices get up. Want to go exploring?" Sleetpaw wasn't sure where this sudden adventurous personality had sprung from but she suspected Foxpaw was rubbing off on her. The last time they had snuck out of camp had been a great success, seeing as they hadn't been caught.

10:03pm Jun 28 2011 (last edited on 10:10pm Jun 28 2011)
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Tippaw felt slightly ashamed of herself that she had not only woken one, but two apprentices in her effort to get out of the den. As if she was going to let that show on her face. Her emotions that were on her sleeve lied and said that she was still defiant. "Sure, whatever. Camp's boring anyway. Nothing ever happens." she said brightly to Sleetpaw and Silentpaw. "I'll lead the way!" she said, feeling adventurous all of a sudden. 'Maybe we could go and visit the stream, or even better, the pond. You can get frogs there, and they taste great.' she thought to herself, wondering about all the magical and great places she could lead them too.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.