10:05pm Jun 28 2011
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Posts: 496
@Det, sorry, must of posted almost at the same time. Just go with yours. I'll edit.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
10:23pm Jun 28 2011
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[[ Uhm, still not sure what I should do >_> ]]
10:39pm Jun 28 2011
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Silentpaw blinked at the sudden change in Sleetpaw's behavior, startled. Normally she did not seem this eager to do much of anything that involved possibly getting into trouble. Perhaps she was more of an apprentice then he thought; curious and adventerous of the world. His ears pricked, amber eyes begining to gleam at the prospect of exiting the camp while still dark without a warrior escort. The things they could do without getting into trouble; chase a leaf like a kit, attack and chase prey for the fun without worrying about catching it as a meal. A slow grin built and he nodded enthusiastically. "If you all are going then so am I." He purred, bounding to his feet in anticipation.
10:53pm Jun 28 2011
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((Tld, you roleplay Coalpaw as a corrupted apprentice, meaning that in Coalpaw's dreams, an assigned Dark Forest cat mentors them on how to take power and such. That is Larkwing, so Coalpaw should be learning from Larkwing while he is dreaming since that's the only time he can meet with her.)) "Happy to oblige," Bluepaw growled, and then using the same method that had failed on Frostnose, leapt forward with anticipation on his face. Remembering how Frostnose had tossed him to the side, Bluepaw quickly jerked to the right, skidding beside Ravenspark's flank. He quickly reared up on two and dashed forward, claws aiming to land a nice scratch. He would not fail. He couldn't fail.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
11:40pm Jun 28 2011
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[[ Err, I already did ._.'' I'm waiting for Det to reply. ]]
12:42am Jun 29 2011
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((I thought she did in her first post. o_o))
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
6:02am Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 496
Ravenspark continues to tut her tongue as Bluepaw begins. 'Simple. It's obvious what he had planed.' she thinks to herself as she quickly dodges out of the way of the scratch he had planned. "Although nicely planned, it was fairly obvious that you were going to do that. You need to work on your element of surprise more. Do something that the don't expect at all." she tuts to him. Sliding gracefully around the small arena, Ravenspark swifty moves over to Bluepaw, but then back. Then, she leaps over him, and then, has disappeared from sight. Suddenely, she reappears right in front of him, having jumped back over him several times. "See? Like that." she says.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
11:36am Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 1,148
{{{Alright. Alice is back!  tle="Smile" /> And she missed a lot.  tle="Frown" /> Anyone want to give me a recap?}}}
12:23pm Jun 29 2011
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((Alice- Ravenspark and Bluepaw are training in his dream in the Dark Forest. Coalpaw is training with Larkwing, and Nightpaw is waiting for Shadowstar to reply because he is her Dark Forest mentor. Swallowtrill and Thrushsoar were discussing the past. Mothflight and Fallenstar receive warnings from Thrushfang and Shimmerpool from StarClan about how the Dark Forest barricaded them off. Crowsong is seeing Poppyfrost everywhere. Sleetpaw, Tippaw, and Silentpaw woke up early and decided to go exploring. I'll wait for you to post as Shadowstar since Nightpaw is waiting.))
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
12:32pm Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 496
((Is EVERYONE ignoring Shallowstripe?! >:( ))
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
1:14pm Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 6,216
((I'm not trying to ignore anyone, I'm waiting for Alice to post.))
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
1:14pm Jun 29 2011 (last edited on 1:18pm Jun 29 2011)
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Ooc; I've replied to Coalpaw. Never saw another reply anywhere else. ._. I have no idea if we're all going blind or something, but you never said anything back. :x And I dunno what Shallowstripe is doing. Most of my characters are preoccupied. Sleetpaw nodded enthusiastically, accentuating this with a stretch of her long calico body. Yawning a bit, since she wasn't entirely away yet, the she-cat glanced around the camp guiltily. There were two warriors she could see up, Shallowstripe and Crowsong. However, both of them seemed preoccupied. The marmalade she-cat was peering into the medicine den and Sleetpaw wondered why she wasn't just walking in. So far as she knew Mothflight was open to midnight visits if you were hurt or feeling ill. Shrugging her shoulders she turned back to Tippaw and Silentpaw. "Okay, so, where to?" she asked, feeling slightly deflated now that she realized she hadn't quite thought this out. The usual areas around the camp had already been explored during mentor-apprentice sessions, and wouldn't be any fun to go to.
Crowsong muttered under her breath, ignoring the three chattering apprentices, and ducked her head into Mothflight's den. There was really nothing else to be done. Blinking her twice-colored eyes nervously she let out a small mew of hello, still unsure of her decision. Mothflight shouldn't have to deal with her, a anxious, dream-ridden she-cat who was seeing her relatives all over the place. The medicine cat already had enough with all the sick cats from Poppyfrost's poisoning and then the normal patients on top of that.
Then that brought a pang of sadness to the she-cat. Honeypelt, her mother, had been murdered by her own sister. And if that wasn't bad enough Reedwhisker had lost both his parents only a few moons after having been made a warrior. Gritting her teeth at the memory Crowsong waited for the medicine cat to appear.

1:20pm Jun 29 2011
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[[ Ohwait. Sorry, Ree. This board is so full of posts I get lost easily >-< ]] Coalpaw drank up every word that Larkwing spoke. He was happy to receive such a gifted mentor, one that cared not only for muscles, but for the mind also. He only wished that his day-time mentor could have taught him those things, instead of just fighting and hunting. He tried not to think of the killing of Larkwing's kits, as Coalpaw could only think of the young as innocents. But Larkwing was strong and sly, in Coalpaw's mind, and obviously had a good reason for their murders. "I'll learn, Larkwing." He said in the most serious voice he could muster. Coalpaw's eyes betrayed them though, as they sparkled with excitement. --- Swallowtrill and Thrushsoar entered the warrior's den, weaving in and out to make their way towards their nests. Before they reached them, Thrushsoar heard a thud and a small muffle. "Sorry, Goldfeather!" Swallowtrill mewed, scrambling up. --- Icepaw's lonely ._. Maybe she could join the other apprentices?

1:33pm Jun 29 2011 (last edited on 1:36pm Jun 29 2011)
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Posts: 6,216
((Fine. I'll wake up Brightfang to talk to Shallowstripe. And it's no problem, Tld. c: I didn't really even expect this many people to join. XD Do you want Silverfur to come out and talk to Icepaw?))
Mothflight opened her eyes blearily, hearing a mew of greeting outside her den. Gah, why did so many of them have to be morning birds? She stretched again, remembering Thrushfang's words of caution, and slowly padded out to see Crowsong. At first, she was going to snap at her for disturbing an already restless sleep, but upon seeing the look in Crowsong's eyes, she bit her tongue. "Is everything all right?" She asked hesitantly. --- "Okay," Bluepaw replied, gritting his teeth. He hated surprises. It put you at a moment where your guard was down, and the adrenaline rush was just a horrible surge of terror. Shaking his head, he glanced at Ravenspark, trying to find an opening. She definitely had a better stance than he did, but it was worth a shot. Bluepaw shot forward, towards her left, but as soon as Ravenspark was parallel to his body, he swerved and kicked off the ground. Dirt flew and he drew out his claws, ready to latch onto Ravenspark's back. --- The sound of apprentices woke Brightfang. She yawned, not too grouchy seeing as with all the apprentices, sleep was bound to be limited. The she-cat glanced outside and was surprised to see it was so early. Must've been one of those exploration days for them. She quickly smoothed down her fur and gently walked out of the den as not to disturb a sleeping Mudfall. As she exited it, she noticed Shallowstripe. "What are you thinking about?" Brightfang asked curiously, wondering how he could seem so serious when there were apprentices running around.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
1:33pm Jun 29 2011 (last edited on 1:42pm Jun 29 2011)
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"Good," Larkwing purred, though she felt a bit miffed at the slight hesitation that hid behind the apprentice's strong facade. Obviously he did not approve of her choice of victims, but that hardly mattered. The kits were not to be hurt in the takeover of the Clans anyways. Perhaps as bartering chips for more power, but that could come later. Arching her back to stretch it out the sand-hued she-cat flicked her eyes back and forth for a moment, as if she was searching for someone. Then, with a small impatient huff she settled down again, appearing to relaxing and completely at ease. "Look at yourself, Coalpaw," she mewed softly, watching the tom carefully. "Unlike me you are strong, powerful. Everything about you suggests a fierce warrior just waiting to appear. So there is need to nurture that part of you. But you have a sharp mind as well, so let us see if we can meld the training together." "Take a glance around, and tell me what you see. Then, tell me how it could aid you in battling me. I don't want mere observations, I want ideas, strategems, purpose."
Goldfeather woke with a start and murmured grumpily, though there was no real acid in her tone of voice. Blinking her golden eyes tiredly she let out a small sigh when she noticed the moonlight filtering into the den. If the moon was still up and shining brightly then it was far too early for her to go and start her duties for the day.
But finding she couldn't fall back asleep Goldfeather stood up and stretched, letting out a jaw-cracking yawn. She couldn't blame Swallowtrill for waking her up. Everyone had their clumsy moments. Shaking out her pale orange fur the she-cat gracefully padded around Swallowtrill and mewed a hello to Thrushsoar. Dipping her head at the deputy she exited the den, her muscles groaning slightly from a night of disuse.
"Where have you two been," she mewed, turning around and giving them an amused look.
Ooc; Thrushsoar is really young to be deputy. :x I'm not sure how old they are in the books, but 19 moons feels a bit...underaged. o-o
Crowsong fidgeted nervously before whispering one word, "Poppyfrost." Wiskers twitching restlessly she gave Mothflight a helpless look. "She's invading my dreams Mothflight!" she exclaimed in a slightly panicked whisper. "There's no talking, no omens, nothing but her eyes staring at me. And it's gone on for a while. I...called Sleetpaw Poppyfrost the other day. I don't think she knew what I was talking about, but..."
Shaking her head fitfully Crosong sighed impatiently, knowing full well that Mothflight couldn't do much about these visits.
"Does it mean anything?" Crowsong meowed after a moment, worried eyes settling on the medicine cat.
Ooc; Foxpaw's a heavy sleeper :3

1:38pm Jun 29 2011 (last edited on 1:41pm Jun 29 2011)
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Posts: 5,998
[[ Pft. Icepaw's boring -flicks- I think I'll have her just returning to the camp from her own expedition instead of sleeping ._. If that's alright if you guys. ]] Coalpaw followed Larkwing's instructions and gazed around their surroundings. He couldn't really see anything special. They were in a clearing, surrounded by the usual trees that were shrouded by the unnatural darkness created by the Dark Forest. He opened his mouth to say something, then stopped, narrowing his icy blue eyes at Larkwing. "Wait, why would I tell you strategies that would help me defeat you when you are my enemy?" He asked Larkwing. Coalpaw wondered if she had given him a trick question, but this was just to buy time as he tried to think up plans. --- Icepaw inched back into the camp, occasionally pausing to hide behind trees, in case there were any patroling warriors. But she had given herself a mental map of the camp, and the times where the warriors were usually on guard. Most cats would be asleep or just be wandering through the camp by now. Giving herself the all-clear, Icepaw stepped into the camp, only to freeze, seeing Silentpaw, Tippaw and Sleetpaw merely a fox-length away from her.

1:40pm Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 6,216
((Whatever works for you. ^^))
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
1:45pm Jun 29 2011 (last edited on 1:45pm Jun 29 2011)
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Larkwing chuckled. "I do not mind if you beat me to a pulp, Coalpaw. I am dead after all. And it's a training exercise for the mind, not the body. But, if you can defeat me after giving away your plans, well, that shows some natural skill already waiting to be honed." Larking shrugged casually, as if the thought of a mere apprentice defeating her in battle did not upset her. But it didn't. Larkwing's only purpose was to see that the next generation was stronger than the first. That meant that she would never win against Coalpaw, and that suited the crafty she-cat quite well.
Ooc; Edited my replies in my other post. xD I forgot about them.
1:46pm Jun 29 2011 (last edited on 1:54pm Jun 29 2011)
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Posts: 2,092
OoC: Edit. Late post. BiC: Silentpaw looked towards the camp entrance curiously, ears flicking back and forth. Clearly Sleetpaw, who came up with the idea, had no idea as to where they should go. The thought of the usually tactful apprentice stumped made him want to chuckle; though it would probably earn him a swipe at the ears. Keeping his thoughts to himself, Silentpaw thought back to when Reedwhisker had taken him fairly far from the camp, though the times were few. Most places they'd visited were swamped with the scents of other warriors, meaning the place was fairly common and would be no fun to explore. But he could remember a area at the edge of the territroy that was dense with foliage that they'd bypassed. Perhaps there was something in there? "Me and Reedwhisker went to this place at the edge of our territroy the other day that seemed rather abandoned. There were losts of bushes and hiding places, perhaps even old fox dens or something." He spoke up, flushing as he noted his voice wavering. He hated speaking up. His amber eyes blinked curiously as Icepaw stepped into camp. "Where have you been?" He asked, whiskers twitching. --- Voice cutting through the vivid dream, Gingerfox scrammbled to her paws at if burned. What time was it? Was she late to rise? The thought made her heart sink, she would have missed the morning patrols; her favorite because it was still cool. Blinking her sleep crusted eyes to try and peer out of the den, the she-cat let out a sigh of releif as she noted it was still dark outside. Not late then. Heart still slightly fast, she knew she'd get no more sleep so opted to see if anything interesting was going on outside the warrior's den. Slinking out on a stretch, Gingerfox glanced around swiftly. Nope, just warrios trying to wake up or apprentice talking. What were they doing up so early anyway? She decided to ignore them, hoping they'd keep their noses out of trouble. --- After fidgeting around in his nest for what seemed like half a day, Fallenstar gave up on getting back to sleep. He wanted to see if he could contact Shimmerpool again and question her on what she knew. But that plan was useless now, and with a tired groan, the ginger tom stood up and stretched. Once he felt half-way normal and like himself, the leader padded to the front of his den and peered out into the camp, feeling again the rush of possessive loyalty that came when looking out among his clan. But he did not feel like joining them in their morning routine, his mind still hazy and Shimmerpool's scent lingering in his nose. If they needed him, they'd ceom, or yell.

2:04pm Jun 29 2011
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Posts: 6,216
((He is young, but if he became a warrior at 12 and apprenticed a cat who became a warrior when he was 18, I suppose he can be deputy if he has the right relations.)) Mothflight winced at the panic in Crowsong's voice and glanced behind her, not surprised to see Foxpaw was still sleeping through it all. That apprentice had such a thick head. "Well, if she hasn't tried talking to you, I don't know. Maybe she's just messing with your head...but normally cats can block dreams from Dark Forest residers. Haven't you already made it clear you don't want to see her?" The thought chilled her, and Thrushfang's words echoed in her mind. Had something happened in the Dark Forest? StarClan itself was a powerful force, and after all, being the stronger of the two post-death clans, they had always been able to pass into the other one. If StarClan didn't know what was going on, then Mothflight had full right to be just a tiny bit nervous. --- Gingerfox's quick actions had been the last it took to rouse Silverfur from his sleep. He opened one eye, and then the next, staring blankly at shadows the trees cast on the others. Licking his lips, he sadly realized that the vole he had been eating wasn't really real, and he would have to go hunting for the clan before actually eating anything. The warrior sighed and lugged himself up, taking care not to step on Mudfall. The tom had splayed himself out after Brightfang had left, obviously enjoying the extra space. "Don't be so quick to move when you're leaving the den," He grumbled to Gingerfox.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ