11:37pm Jun 30 2011
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Shallowstripe quickly nodded to agree with Brightfang, not liking to make whoel decisions on his own. "Yeah. I'm fine." he nodded quickly, practically lying through his teeth. Unsure of what to say next, he just sat there, admiring the hazy glow of the sun which was now obviously rising. He twitchd his bushy tail slightly, letting it move across the ground as he counted in his head, randomly. 'One..Two...Three...um...Four....' he thought, watching the sun and then turning back to Brightfang, and occasionally to glare carefully at the apprentices. ~~~ Ravenspark rose and shook her pelt like a dog, before sitting down and smiling again. "Well done. You have learned part of the element of surprise, but yout hold was poor and weak. Work on that, and we'll try again next time." she said before attempting to rearrange her blonde fur. It took several minutes of furiosu licking before Ravenspark noticed two things. One, her fur was stubborn, and two she could see a faint orange like glow way beyond the reaches of the forest. "You'd better be getting back now. We don't want any awkward questions now do we?" she said, before going back to lick her fur again. ~~~ "Actually," Tippaw said, her voice silky and smooth, an indicator that she was up to no good, "Silentpaw here has had the brilliant idea of going to an area that his mentor took him. Apparantely is covered in fox dens, and I asked if he had actually seen a fox, but he said no. We're going to go there. Would you like to come with use? It will be thrillingly dangerous." she ended with a smile. An evil, up to no good smile.
Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
2:15pm Jul 1 2011
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Ooc; Poppyfrost was the most recent med. cat. :D Otherwise Crowsong would be a bit older, since it was her mother's sister. Also, Marshclaw was poisoned by Poppyfrost but managed to survive. :D If you want to have cats (NPCs I'd guess) that were poisoned, feel free. :U Crowsong let out a small sigh and dipped her head quietly. "Poppyfrost was more a mother than Honeypelt, all due respect to her. So it was a terrible thing to learn what she had done. I always preferred to think of it as her being driven mad by Dark Forest, or lured by some evil cat." Wincing at the thought Crowsong's attitude turned sympathetic, as Mothflight would have been close to her mentor. "I...I'm sorry you had to become medicine cat at such a time," she meowed gently, brushing her tail against the she-cat's flank. "And, is my father alright? I know he wasn't one of the worst hit by the deathberries, but I can't lose his as well." Eyes brightened gently with sorrow as Crowsong fixed her gaze on the darkness of the den behind the two. -- Larkwing hissed as a claw lashed through her ear, leaving behind a crimson trail. Rolling off of Coalpaw and landing on her side awkwardly she tried to scramble to her feet. Despite her narrowed eyes there was a hint of pride in them. Proud that Coalpaw wasn't holding back and he was doing his best to defeat her. Purring she danced away, though limping slightly on her front leg. Blinking irritably in a futile attempt to clear the blood from one eye she gazed at the apprentice coolly. "Nice try," she rasped, neither approving or disapproving at the moment. "We may have to wrap up soon, however. The sun will rise soon and you will have to go on your duties. However, I expect you to remember what I've taught you. Use it in your everday life and you will see the improvement." -- Sleetpaw frowned at Tippaw's airy attitude. There was nothing fun about putting oneself in danger. "Tippaw, I don't want to get us hurt, and I doubt Silentpaw does either. Maybe we should head to the river. I'll take boredom over foxes any day." If the ginger apprentice was going to chew her out for being a coward then so be it. Better alive and craven than dead and brave.

4:08pm Jul 1 2011
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"Foxes sound alright, if there's less than two." Icepaw said cheerfully. She didn't pay much attention to Tippaw's facial features, and as far as she was concerned, spending moons wandering the forest alone was the scariest thing to Icepaw, not foxes. "I don't mind either, but if we go to the river, we can bring back prey and make our mentors proud in case we get caught." Icepaw shrugged. --- Thinking the lesson was over, Coalpaw descended from his rock, sitting near Larkwing. "Are you hurt bad?" He asked, feeling sorry for the she-cat. He didn't know how dead cats took hits, and how much it would've hurt. He winced when the adrenaline faded from his body, feeling scratches and bruises on his back from Larkwing's landing.
10:25pm Jul 1 2011
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"You know, I really wonder what goes on your head." Brightfang remarked bluntly. While the she-cat had a good sense of privacy, it only irritated her slightly that while she showed direct concern, he didn't wish to share. Sure, it was understandable...maybe it was horrible- but, still. She wasn't used to be pushed away. As she took another view around, she realized while most of the apprentices were up, all of hers were still asleep. This notion reminded her of Mudfall's late wake ups. They were just like her father. A small smile temporarily broke through her veil of annoyance. --- Bluepaw almost exclaimed that he was much younger than her, his muscles less developed, but realized that sounded like a petty excuse. He held his tongue, knowing to be grateful for the praise and advice. When she spoke again, he turned slightly, seeing just the faintest glow of fiery colors. It seemed so out of place in the dark forest, where the only light came from a starless sky with a lone moon. "Okay," he said quietly. "Thank you."
--- "I respected her plenty...and I still do. I'll never know why she did what she did, but I'm sure she had some reason. Maybe she was just driven insane. She had the natural gift of healing, I do believe." Mothflight's words became rushed, and she began to shake slightly, showing some signs of weakness she had always been trying to hide since Poppyfrost's death. "Your fathehr is recovering well. He's strong...do you want to see him?"
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
3:58pm Jul 2 2011
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4:18pm Jul 2 2011
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"If we get caught we'll get in trouble no matter what," Sleetpaw meowed with a shrug. By this point the sun had begun to rise and they would have to leave soon if they wanted to get any exploring in. "But we need to make our decision quick," she added, flicking her tail to the sky. Peeping above the trees was a faint line of light, contrasting with the pale disc that the moon created in the dark sky directly above them. Glancing around the camp she was relieved to see no one new had gotten up. The warriors seemed preoccupied in their duties, and that suited the apprentices just fine. -- Larkwing dipped her head at Coalpaw, eyes filling with mirth. "I'm dead," she rasped, amused by his concern. "Though thank you for caring, but remember. Too much love can be as bad as too much coldness. Try not to coddle your warriors and companions. It makes them weak." Letting out a hoarse purr and nudged Coalpaw's shoulder and twisted her head to look at a faded path leading from the stony clearing. "There lies reality," she meowed quietly. "Do not forget what you have learned here and we shall see if you have improved when you come back. And most of all, stay strong. Gain your mentor's trust, and the trust of your Clanmates. You will need their support." Ooc; How old is Coalpaw's spirit-cat thing. o_o I don't want her treating him like an apprentice if the spirit is like, 400 moons old. xD -- Crowsong's eyes were pained as Mothflight stuttered slightly, leaning in close to younger she-cat. She had always respected Mothflight's wisdom, despite her young age. She was medicine cat for a reason, after all. Shutting her eyes for a moment Crowsong breathed quietly, trying to quell the sorrow that was threatening to rise. "I...he...I think he needs time to recover from Honeypelt's death," she mewed finally, blinking at Mothflight. "I know I remind him of her, and I don't want to confuse him while he is still recovering. Perhaps tomorrow." Shaking her head the she-cat stood up and stretched, dipping her head in thanks at Mothflight. "Thank you for talking to me. I hope my dreams don't trouble you," Crowsong rasped before padding off, head held high as if she was trying to defy the shame and fear she was feeling. -- Ooc; Given the rate we're going at, will the apprentices even be able to get out of the camp before sunrise? o_o;

4:38pm Jul 2 2011
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[[The whole actual moons thing doesn't matter, they really go by the age at which they died which you can choose by yourself. Bluepaw was a deputy and was killed at around late 20 something moons, and was around the same age as Frostnose. I really don't think in the Dark Forest, how long you've been dead counts towards seniority as from the books, it doesn't seem that way in StarClan. When they were all reborn, they ended up getting that childlike mentality though, so Larkwing is justified in treating him as an apprentice since he's basically growing up again. And the apprentices will be the last to get up, but I guess we can make some of the other warriors come in and wake them up faster...Brightfang could, since she'stheir mother/adoptive nurse after all.]] ---
"No, I am glad you told me. Who knows, maybe there's a warning in what's happening, and I'd like to at least be semi aware of it than completely ignorant if something happens." Mothflight smiled at the she-cat, grateful for the comfort. "All right. Foxpaw should be tending to him, but I'm not sure if she's awake yet." --- Silverfur dragged himself blearily around the camp, trying to shake himself out of his sleep. Once he was able to be somewhat awake, he allowed himself to observe his surroundings. The apprentices were out already, being noisy as always. A frown came over his face as he realized his apprentice wasn't among them. Coalpaw wasn't the only ones missing- there were a few others that weren't in the group. That was odd. He had hoped Coalpaw would have been up already so they could begin training immediately. The tom sighed, tired. It was one of those days. He padded to the apprentice den, briefly reminded of the days he slept there, and searched the shadows for Coalpaw. [[Would it be okay if Silverfur woke him up and dragged him out of the Dark Forest by waking him up?]]
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
7:29pm Jul 2 2011
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[[ I'd be fine with that, Ree. ... I think I should make up a past for Coalpaw -_-'' Let me think for a moment o-o ]] "Right then, let's go!" Icepaw already headed out, but stopped when she heard more pawsteps in the camp. She quickly hid behind a nearby rock, poking her head over to see a warrior sticking his head into the apprentice's den. "Silverfur! He's awake!" Icepaw said frantically, ducking her head and making her way quickly back to the apprentices. --- "I won't forget." Coalpaw replied, trying to return to a steady voice. But how could he? He was just so excited! Silverfur would be impressed once he found out how skilled Coalpaw was when it came to fighting. "But how can I even get close to Fallenstar?" Coalpaw asked, ears twitching. "The apprentices and warriors are easy enough..." He sighed.
8:50pm Jul 2 2011
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Silverfur located Coalpaw's sleeping form, and unceremoniously jabbed the apprentice with one paw. "Wake up! Most of the clan is up, yet you're just lying here like a piece of prey. If you want to keep up with the progress of every other apprentice-" He paused, dully noting the sleeping forms of Bluepaw and Nightpaw, and changed his words. "-of almost every other apprentice, you have to learn to wake up early."
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
11:04pm Jul 3 2011
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Wat. ಠ_ಠ
11:41am Jul 4 2011
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9:07pm Jul 4 2011
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Ooc; Don't hurt me. D8 I got taken up to the cottage rather suddenly and there wasn't time to get online. xD; Crowsong dipped her head, and, at an attempt at light-heartedness, mewed brightly, "best go wake up your apprentice then. The sun has already begun to rise." Nodding her head again quickly Crowsong padded out of the medicine den's area, feeling some weight lift off of her shoulders as the sun cleared the horizon. Perhaps it was true that talking about something made it easier to bear. As if you were sharing the load with another. Searching around for her apprentice Crowsong noticed a group of them gathered in one corner of the clearing, one in particular. Seeing the slightly frantic look on Icepaw's muzzle Crowsong could only imagine what sort of trouble they were getting into. Shaking her head ruefully the ginger she-cat trotted over to the apprentices, a stern look in her eyes. "I hope you're all excited about training today," she meowed dryly, tail flicking from side to side as she glanced at the four. -- Letting out a tired yawn Reedwhisker got up from his spot, muscles creaking in protest as the night chill was slowly chased out of them. The night watch had been uneventful and the sleepy tom wanted nothing more than to go to bed right then. However, he had an apprentice to train and he knew most of the fatigue he felt was from sheer boredom, not lack of sleep. Padding past the fresh-kill pile Reedwhisker approached Crowsong and purred at the sight of Silentpaw. "You there," he meowed quietly, favoring Crowsong with a quick glance before turning back to the sandy tom. "We're doing battle training. Would you like to ask Coalpaw and Silverfur if you can team up?"
The question was blunt and to the point. Obviously the dour black tom had no interest in what Silentpaw was doing. Only what he was supposed to be doing now. -- Noticing the two warriors approach Sleetpaw gave a frustrated sigh and backed up a bit, hiding behind Silentpaw. "You know what?" she meowed nervously. "We're kind of stuck. There's no time to go." Frowning at this loss of adventure she glanced around for her own mentor, Gingerfox. So far she had seen no sign of the she-cat, meaning she was likely to be sleeping. At Crowsong's statement Sleetpaw felt a thrill of fear shiver through her. Hopefully the ginger she-cat wouldn't prod too much at what they had been talking about. Letting out an anxious purr Sleetpaw ducked her head respectfully. "I certainly am," she squeaked. -- Larkwing sighed and glanced at the tom with a tired expession. "You do good deeds. Fallenstar notices most of what goes on in his Clan. He won't miss you being an exceptional apprentice. Offer to take care of the apprentices, be kind and compassionate to your denmates, catch the most prey and be the best fighter." She shrugged then, as if this was a simple task. "But...be careful you do not seem like you are fawning over Fallenstar and would do anything for him. It will not gain you points with many of the younger warriors, as well as your fellow apprentices."

2:27pm Jul 5 2011
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((It's fine, now I'm just hoping everyone else will post.)) After Crowsong left, Mothflight turned and headed deeper into her den, silencing her steps as she padded past her sleeping patients. "Foxpaw, wake up," she hissed at the sleeping apprentice. "You know you're supposed to be caring for them. Just because you're training to be a medicine cat doesn't mean you can sleep like you're in StarClan!" She flicked her tail, annoyed.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
2:42pm Jul 5 2011
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Deep in sleep Foxpaw started when she felt Mothflight's warm bulk squeeze past her, sneezing as an errant tail tickled her nose. Wrinkling her muzzle Foxpaw blinked open her bright azure eyes and gazed at the medicine cat innocently. "Oh, me?" she mewed softly, though there was a roguish glint to her eyes. Clambering out of bed she glanced around sleepily before setting her sights on a nest lying near the small pool of water in the den. There lay the large brown bulk that was Marshclaw, his sides heaving weakly every few heartbeats. Frowning she padded over to a corner of the den and gathered up a bundle of moss, soaking it in the pool water. With that done she trotted up to Marshclaw with the moss in her jaws and gently fed him some cool water, purring encouragingly when he managed to do it on his own. "Marshclaw is getting stronger," she meowed at Mothflight, ears twitching.
6:15pm Jul 5 2011
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Posts: 650
((hey guys, I'll post Silverfur and Nightpaw's bios later ^.^ Sorry I was gone, I just got back from camp today. :c))
12:02am Jul 6 2011
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((Welcome back Wolfy! Alice was supposed to be Nightpaw's Dark Forest mentor but she didn't reply to my rmail and hasn't posted.)) "Yes, you," Mothflight hissed, though the angry facade was broken by a small chuckle that escaped her lips. She watched Foxpaw gently feed him the water, a small sense of pride filling her. It was nice that the apprentice knew how to take care of him. Mothflight didn't even have to remind her what to do. She looked at Marshclaw, having high hopes for him. He would make it, he had to...though, it wouldn't be the first time she would be wrong if not. Poppyfrost's face flashed in her mind in a brief memory, and Mothflight cringed. "I'm glad," she replied, smiling.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
3:43pm Jul 6 2011
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Wat. ಠ_ಠ
5:25pm Jul 6 2011 (last edited on 5:36pm Jul 6 2011)
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(( yah i'm not sure what to do, since I am also waiting for a response from Tld xD )) Name: Silverfur Gender: Male Age: 16 moons Rank: Warrior Mate?: Morningtail (deceased) Kits?: Nightpaw Physical Deion: Very light gray tabby with a glossy, well-groomed coat, which makes his fur look silvery. Silverfur has grassy green eyes and is reletively slim. He is an outstanding hunter and a great fighter, although his skinny build gives him a slight disadvantage in battle. Personality: Fiercely loyal to his friends and clan, Silverfur is responsible and serious, but also witty at times. History: His mate, Morningtail, died when giving birth to his kit, Nightpaw. Silverfur was devestated after her death and greived for many moons. ((err, can't think of anything interesting >.>)) Other: nope ^o^ Name: Nightpaw Gender: She-cat Age: 9 moons Rank: Apprentice Family: Silverfur (father) Morningtail (deceased mother) Mate?: Too young! Kits?: Way too young! Physical Deion: Dark gray and black tabby with white on her chest and yellow-green eyes. Her build is thin, and almost lanky. She is a quick-thinker on the battlefield and an excellent hunter. Personality: Sassy and even disrespectful at times. ((sorry its so short XD)) History: Erm, nothing interesting. Other: She is one of the corrupted kits. ((Sorry the bios are kinda short XP))
5:34pm Jul 6 2011
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[[ sorry guys, I'm experiencing a creative slump due to summer school :c ]] Coalpaw was about to nod, but he jumped when he heard Silverfur's voice in his dreams. Larkwing was quickly disappearing from his sight. No! He thought. I want to learn more! Coalpaw tried to stay in the Dark Forest, but it was too late. His eyes blinked once and he was awake, staring at Silverfur right in the face. "Hnnnf, sorry, Silverfur." Coalpaw mumbled, getting to his paws.
5:53pm Jul 6 2011
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Posts: 650
((erm, not sure what to do... Wasn't Silentpaw going to ask Silverfur and Coalpaw to do battle training with him and his mentor??)) Silverfur padded towards the entrance of the den, expecting Coalpaw to follow him outside. He had some battle training in mind for today. Maybe they could team up with another mentor/apprentice pair for practice. ((eh, don't want to PP by saying Coalpaw did follow him))