4:55pm Apr 28 2011 (last edited on 6:21pm Apr 29 2011)
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You wake up one morning, the light shining in your eyes. You dress and head downstairs. As you do so, you notice a small letter sitting on your bedside table. For a few moments you stare at it, confused. There is only your name on the outside of the envelope. There is no return address to indicate where the letter came from. Your heart pounding in your ears, you open the letter. Greetings, you read. We here at Zareth's Academy have heard about you and would like to welcome you to join our exalted ranks. Enclosed in this letter are directions to the nearest train station, where one of our Retrievers will bring you to the academy. What is Zareth's, you ask? Our full name is Zareth's Academy for the Supernatural. Yes, we have heard about what you are. We know, and we understand. Zareth's is a place where you will no longer be feared and discriminated against. You will meet other supernaturals like you, and supernaturals of other species. Even a few select humans will be allowed into the school. The term starts on September 8th. We sincerely hope you join us. Sincerely, Zareth Adams, Headmaster You stare at the letter in your hand for a few moments, a grin slowly spreading across your face. You will go to this academy, you decide after a few moments thought. Who knows? It could be fun. Rules; Listen to me at all times. Five characters per person max. Gay/bi/les characters are allowed, and encouraged. Romance and violence are extremely encouraged, but keep it civil. Kids can access these forums, you know. BE LITERATE. For me, this means no chatspeak, and at least three sentences per post. I do understand writer's block. NO IMMEDIATE CRUSHES. All characters are from 14-18. It's basically like a private high school. So, 9th-12th grades. Post "peanut butter M&M's" in your favorite color to join. These rules are subject to change. The Species; Vampire: Not the creatures of the night that they are suspected to be, all vampires can actually walk in the sunlight. Regardless to popular beliefs, only holy water, fire, and a stake through the heart can harm a vampire. Most vampiric students only feed on animals, but a few sneak off campus to feed on humans. Werewolf: Werewolves are humans with the power to shift into wolves. Most, including the newly Changed, can only shift on a full moon. The first Change is the most painful. The stronger werewolves can shift on any time other than the full moon, and the strongest can control the Change so that they don't shift on the full moon. Shapeshifter: Shapeshifters are people who have bonded with a single animal. That animal gains the power of human speech, and can turn into a human if they so choose. The human of the pair can change into their bond's animal form. Mage: A creature that can control magic. They are easily discerned as a mage by their inhuman feature (cat eyes, fangs, etc.). Each mage specializes in a certain element (earth, fire, air, water) and develops their abilities in that field. Human: If I have to explain this to you at all, you are an idiot. Demons; Demons are unholy creatures of the darkness that have similar powers as Gods. They have their own magic, though, it is twisted and corrupted by shadows and blood. These creatures have their own subspecies that originates from different parts of the world [ei. Incubus, Succubus, Charonate, Nibiru, etc.], and can breed with humans when they want to, creating Half-Demon offspring that don't come into their powers until around their twenties. The half-breed offspring have their own powers, but way less God-like. The half-breeds have no magic, although they can shapeshift and control the elements as well as read people's emotions, move things with their minds, and bring up a person's worst fear. Demons and angels are mortal enemies. Werecat: Like the werewolf, they shift witht he moon, but instead of the full, the use the New. And they turn into wolf-sized housecats with ruffled fur that matches their hair-color, and no other kind of feline is accepted. And it goes based on their NATURAL hair color. Not dye. P: All werecats have slight feline features, such as claws, fangs, or slitted eyes, but no ears and tails, and are alo built very...slender. They are wily, twisted cratures that can bend most others to their will. Werebear: These creatures shift with the new moon as well, and turn into giant bears that, like with the werecats, matches their natural hair color. They are built tall and muscled, and have sharp fangs when in human form. These are among the toughest in physical strength, and are not exactly the brightest star in the sky. They generally have gentle dispositions, and hate the Wererats with every fiber of their being. Wererat: They shift on the full moon, like the werewolf, and turn into rats the size of medium dogs. They and the Werebears are mortal enemies, and the wererat is, besides the werecats, the most intelligent of the were-species. They can find any form of hiding place, and can hide their own things where nobody will be able to find them, They're also a bunch of kleptomaniacs, and enjoy stealing the precious objects of others. When in human form, they have rat-teeth and are still obsessively klepto, so keep your precious items with you at all times. Angel: These creatures, though being called angels, are not fully angels. One of their parents was an angel, while the other was a human. True angels cannot take corporeal form except on the Celtic festival of Samhain, when the veil between the worlds is the thinnest. Angel offspring are known for having pale complexions and the abilities of telepathy and telekinesis. They can also control peoples' emotions, and sprout the wings of an angel at any time. Angels are extremely intellegent and excell in their clas.ses and sports. Angels and demons are mortal enemies. Suggestions for more species are welcome. Bio; Name: Gender: Age: Species: Looks: Grade: S.O.: *Personality: *History: *Other: * = optional Users Webaweba Dragonstar Ribunny123 RikaTheFallen Characters Teachers/Staff Zareth A***s, Headmaster [Half-Angel Half-Human] Romulus Haizen, ? [Mage] Ariskye Siome, Art Teacher [Half-Demon; Nibiru] Draek Siome, Gym Coach [Half-Demon, Nibiru] Seniors Rexon Moys [Shapeshifter; Tiger] Juniors Elias Manxe [Werewolf] Sophomores Artemis Rutherford [Shapershifter; Hawk] Isidora Maxwell [Fire Mage] Freshmen Ribunny [Shapshifter; German Sheapard/Pit Bull mix]
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
5:10pm Apr 28 2011 (last edited on 5:13pm Apr 28 2011)
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Posts: 11,785
((Can I join as a gay mage, a bisexual shapeshifter, and a bisexual werewolf? ouo Peanut butter M&Ms. And. Might I suggest a species? c: They're like werewolves, but instead of wolves, they shift into cats. There's also werebears, and wererats. So, I suggest Werecat, Werebear, and WereRat. c: And maybe a necromancer species?))
5:12pm Apr 28 2011 (last edited on 5:20pm Apr 28 2011)
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Posts: 2,713
((Lol, sure. I'm willing to bend the rules for you, Rika-chan-sama. :D)) Name: Artemis Rutherford. Gender: Female. Age: Sixteen. Species: Shapeshifter. Her pair bond is a black hawk named Odin. Looks: She has long black hair, fair skin, and steel grey eyes. She wears black clothing all the time - black T-shirts, black jeans, and black boots. If you beg her long enough, she might wear another color. Grade: 10th. S.O.: Lesbian.
~ Name: Isidora Maxwell. Gender: Female. Age: Seventeen. Species: Mage. She specializes in fire. Looks: She has long, white-blonde hair which she usually keeps held back in a ponytail, fair skin, and pale blue eyes. She wears dark colors all the time, never light ones. Grade: 10th. She got held back. S.O.: Bisexual. *Other: She sometimes has trouble controlling her magic.
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
5:13pm Apr 28 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Join? And I love the Human one. :D Is it okay if I join as two teachers that just happen to be siblings? "peanut butter M&M's" [black is my fav colour]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:13pm Apr 28 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((The mage'll be a teacher, so he won't count. xD))
5:17pm Apr 28 2011
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((ONEE-CHAN!!! :DDD *tackles* Sure. :3 And would you will be willing to write a deion for those species please, Rika-chan? c:))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
5:17pm Apr 28 2011 (last edited on 5:19pm Apr 28 2011)
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Posts: 4,848
((Breeze. <3 May I join as a shapeshifter? c: Fft. I don't know if I should bast the animal on my cat Miles for my dog Halley though. xD *Bad at decisions* o_o Peanut butter M&Ms, I ALWAYS forget something.))
5:18pm Apr 28 2011
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Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
5:27pm Apr 28 2011
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OoC;// -ishtackled- Oh dear, Imouto-chan, excieted much? And my chars are demons, do you want me to write a deion for the species?
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:29pm Apr 28 2011
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((Yes please, Onee-chan. :3))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
5:35pm Apr 28 2011
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Posts: 4,848
((Nya, I'll use Halley for the pet, I never really use her in RPs, plus she's awesometastic.)) Name: Makes others call her Ribunny, She doesn't say her real name. Gender: Female Age: 14 Species: Shapeshifter Looks: She's average hight for her age, and not to fat or skinny, though a little on the chunky side. She wears glas.ses, since her far sightedness is horrible, but her sense of smell makes up for it. She has beautiful aqua colored almond shaped eyes. She wears two necklaces around her neck, one that she had gotten from her mom's friend that told her it had Buddhist symbols on it that contained 'good energy', as she called it, and the other being an amethyst stone, even though it wasn't her birth stone, she had read it helped with headaches. She also always wears a camouflage hoodie, refusing to take it off even in warm weather. Grade: 9th S.O.: Eh, doesn't really like anyone *Personality: RP it out *History: *Other: Her animal is her german shepherd pit bull mix named Halley. Ribunny is also based off of me, and her dog is based after the real Halley. c: Halley looks like This And yes, that actually is her. <33

5:37pm Apr 28 2011
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Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
5:38pm Apr 28 2011 (last edited on 6:15pm May 2 2011)
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Posts: 11,785
((Random, but... Here's my Na'vi name. ouo Tanywral That is all.))
Name: Romulus Haizen Gender: Male Age: 24 Species: MAAAAAGE. Looks:
 Just give him claws and fangs. xD Grade: Um. Teacher. ouo; He teaches...um...Science? S.O.: GAAAAY. *Personality: He's a relatively sweet man and likes it when his students can consider him a friend, or at least someone to talk to. He also seems to have a slight...obsession with cute things, like baby dragons and the like. *History: Mmm... He'll tell it to those he believes worthy. P: *Other: Can he have a pet dragon named Remus? ouo
Name: Rexon Moys Gender: Male Age: 18 Species: Shapeshifter Looks:
 That's him in a partial transformation, hanging out with his pal, Fang. c: Grade: Senior...12th. S.O.: Bisexual. *Personality: RP out since I have no clue what to do with him? XD; *History: Blargh. *Other: Mneh. None. c:
Name: Elias Manxe Gender: Male Age: 17 Species: Werewolf Looks:

 Grade: 11 S.O.: Bisexual *Personality: Blegh. I'll RP him out, too. x.x *History: Nope. *Other: None~
5:40pm Apr 28 2011
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Posts: 2,713
((Sure to the dragon, Rika-chan. :3 And accepted.))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
5:43pm Apr 28 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((I feel dumb. xD; I was just writign the deion for the werecat when I clicked something else. xD))
5:49pm Apr 28 2011
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Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
5:52pm Apr 28 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Alright -types- Demons; Demons are unholy creatures of the darkness that have similar powers as Gods. They have their own magic, though, it is twisted and corrupted by shadows and blood. These creatures have their own subspecies that originates from different parts of the world [ei. Incubus, Succubus, Charonate, Nibiru, etc.], and can breed with humans when they want to, creating Half-Demon offspring that don't come into their powers until around their twenties. The half-breed offspring have their own powers, but way less God-like. The half-breeds have no magic, although they can shapeshift and control the elements as well as read people's emotions, move things with their minds, and bring up a person's worst fear. My chars are going to half-breeds of the Demons.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:57pm Apr 28 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Werecat: Like the werewolf, they shift witht he moon, but instead of the full, the use the New. And they turn into wolf-sized housecats with ruffled fur that matches their hair-color, and no other kind of feline is accepted. And it goes based on their NATURAL hair color. Not dye. P: All werecats have slight feline features, such as claws, fangs, or slitted eyes, but no ears and tails, and are alo built very...slender. They are wily, twisted cratures that can bend most others to their will. Werebear: These creatures shift with the new moon as well, and turn into giant bears that, like with the werecats, matches their natural hair color. They are built tall and muscled, and have sharp fangs when in human form. These are among the toughest in physical strength, and are not exactly the brightest star in the sky. They generally have gentle dispositions, and hate the Wererats with every fiber of their being. Wererat: They shift on the full moon, like the werewolf, and turn into rats the size of medium dogs. They and the Werebears are mortal enemies, and the wererat is, besides the werecats, the most intelligent of the were-species. They can find any form of hiding place, and can hide their own things where nobody will be able to find them, They're also a bunch of kleptomaniacs, and enjoy stealing the precious objects of others. When in human form, they have rat-teeth and are still obsessively klepto, so keep your precious items with you at all times. And will all of them, the more skilled the werecreature, the more they control their shifting. Werecats are the most intelligent, werebears are the least.))

5:59pm Apr 28 2011
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Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
6:06pm Apr 28 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Sweet. I'll add my chars up soon, and is it okay if I modify the character skeleton slightly?
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.