Name: Ariskye Siome
Gender: Female
Age: Twenty
Species: Half-Demon; Nibiru
Grade: O.O She is the Art Teacher
S.O.: Straight
Powers: Ariskye's powers are different than what most people things. They are not used for “good” or “evil.” She can choose which side she can used them for. Her powers are wild and sometimes uncontrollable, but she can keep a tight leash on them... that is... when she feels like. Ariskye has Telekinetic abilities which allows her to move objects with her mind. But the heavier the ob
ject, the more effort she has to put in to make it move. Linked to that is Telepathy which she is able to read peoples thoughts, sort through their memories and erase certain ones, and she can project her own thoughts or memories to another person. Tied to both abilities of the mind, she can also project a working mind-shield. She can also Shape-shift into five different animals; an oriental dragon, king cheetah, dire wolf, osprey, and demon. By looking into another person's eyes, and concentrating deep enough, she can use anybodies Fears against them by repeating it over and over until they go mad, or she deems in necessary to stop. By controlling the Shadows, she can bend it quite easily as it rolls off her shoulders, wings, and tail. It also makes her a bit more intimidating in a fight. Her control over Fire is impressive. The flames are silver and hotter than regular orange flames. With her control over Lightning, Ariskye can strike at any opponent that is at a distant. Although, her lightning is very different than the ones found during storms. The bolts are a mixture of shadowy black and metallic silver.
Demon| Ariskye has alien crimson eyes that betray no emotion whatsoever and they unnerve people to not end. But when she gets angry enough, thin, black pupils will fade into the crimson orbs. Her hair is long, blue-black in colour and ends at her hips. When it is up, it ends at her waist. Not to mention it is silky smooth and super soft. She doesn't wear the normal clothes of the mortal race... well... not in this form. She prefers to wear metallic black armour. It is only on her top like a sleeveless shirt, but it ends under her bust and curves around to her neck were a black cowl is attached. And when it is pulled up, her face is cast into shadows. Hugging her hips are tight leather pants that end at her knees and is covered by black chain mail. She wears no shoes. But tied around her waist is a leather belt than can be used to hold any type of weapon. Ariskye stands close to seven foot in this form. The colour of her skin is hard to determine because she is covered in blue-black scales. Sprouting from in between her shoulder blades are large bird wings with black feathers and the five fingers of the standard dragon wing. The wing span is twenty feet. At the bottom of her rib cage, there is another set of wings that only has a ten foot wing span. Her spine continues out into a very long, flexible tail that ends in the traditional spade. Silver slashes outline the spade. Her fingernails are long, wickedly curved claws that can be sheathed to look like normal fingernails and the nails are black. The heels of her feet are brought up to she can walk on the balls of her feet. She has four toes on each foot and they are tipped with black talons that curved back towards the ball of her foot. Jutting out on the middle of her feet is another toe with a curved black talon that helps her grip into surfaces more easily. Ariskye has no fangs. All her teeth are sharp, pointed and curved towards the back of her throat. Though, her canines are slightly longer. She has a barbed, forked tongue hiding among the flesh-rippers she calls teeth. Something else to mention, her ears are long and pointed; her right ear is pierced by three gold hoops on the fleshy part and her left ear is pierce by three silver studs on the cartilage.
Human| Ariskye still has her crimson eyes, but this time, they are confined into two small circles surrounded by white. The crimson irises are hazy and clouded, but the pupils seem to be non-existent. But when she gets angry, her pupils fade into being in the form of narrow slit-like pupils. Her hair is still hip-length with its blue-black strands that seem to reflect crimson in certain light. When she has her hair up in a ponytail, part of her bangs covers the left side of her face and a jagged, white scar that runs from her hairline to her lower jaw. Ariskye is dressed in all black which blends in with her dark olive-like skin tone, and the white scar stands out brightly against the dark colouration of her skin. Her shirt ends at her waist while it curves around her neck, it is skin-tight, and the shirt is sleeveless. Her pants start at her hips and does down long, muscular legs until it reaches her ankles. The pants are also skin-tight. Her shoes are black boots with silver skull fastenings. The boots also have two-inch heels. Ariskye also wears and ankle-length, sleeveless black coat. The coat is split in the back and the split starts just above her tail bone and it has two pockets on each side. Black scales start at her shoulder blades and curl down her arms until it ends around her wrists, looking like a long tattoo. Her fingernails resemble claws and they are tapered to a pretty sharp point. Her canines are slightly longer and she looks animalistic when she smiles. Her hair covers the tips of her pointed ears; the right is pierce three times with small gold hoops on the fleshy part and the left is pierced with three silver studs on the cartilage. Ariskye stands at six one.
Oriental Dragon| As a dragon, Ariskye is very serpentine. Like an Oriental. Angular features make her head very triangular and have a very pointed muzzle. Two horns – one on each side of her head – sprout from the back of her head and curve slightly as they extend high over her long neck. Dark, alien crimson orbs are mounted on the front of her scaled face and are slanted at an angle as the backs curve to the side of her face. When she gets any kind of strong emotion, black pupils will start to become visible; whether they are circular or slitted. Inside her maw are long, sharp teeth that curve towards the back of her throat. Her canines are slightly longer though. Behind the serrated teeth, a forked barbed tongue lay in acidic saliva. Sprouting around the horns are dark crimson feathers that surround the first third of her neck before following down her spine to her narrow shoulders, down her back, and tail. The wings are dark crimson – closer to black – and carry the five fingers of a dragon. The wingspan is around fifty feet since this form is longer than the length of a football field. Her legs are long, muscled, and each paw sports five, curved silver talons. Now, just above her hind legs is another set of wings, but this set has a wingspan of about twenty-five feet. Her tail is half the length of her body and neck together and it is tipped by a tuff of dark crimson feathers that help steer when she is flying. The right side of her maw is pierced with three golden hoops while the left is pierce with three silver studs. She stands five foot at the shoulder.
King Cheetah| As a king cheetah, Ariskye is slightly bigger than the average one. Her fur is longer and more rugged. Still has the sleek, aerodynamic figure, she has more speed than the regular cheetah. Her pelt is pure black. With stripes and spots of crimson dappling it. Though, the tip of her paws, ears, and tails are white. Long legs hold muscles gained from running for long distances. A large chest cavity holds longer and larger lungs so she doesn't pass out from lack of oxygen. Ariskye's heart is also a little bigger. Her body length-wise is also a bit longer. As mentioned slightly before, Ariskye has two tails. But they are longer than normal and have a bit more flexibility than some would like to think. Her claws are sharp and small; mostly used for traction as she runs. Her canines are long and the top tips can be seen even if her mouth is closed. Alien crimson orbs mount themselves on the front of her feline face and they have a slight slant on them. When she experiences instances of extreme emotions, black pupils will fade into her eyes; whether they are rounded or slitted. On her right ear, it is pierced thrice by three golden hoops, white her left ear is pierced the same number of times with three silver studs. Ariskye stands four foot six at the shoulder.
Osprey| As an osprey, Ariskye is bigger than the average male. She weights around nine pounds and is three feet long with a twelve foot wing span. At the end of her ribs, is another set of wings that has a six foot wingspan. The upper parts are a deep, pitch black while the breast is light crimson that is streaked with white. The underparts of the wings are a light crimson. The head is crimson with a black mask across the eyes, reaching to the sides of the neck. The irises inside her eyes are non-existent for her whole eye is basically all one colour; a deep crimson. But when she does experience extreme emotions, a pupil fades into being; whether it be circular or slitted. A third eye-lid slides across her eyes. The membrane is a cloudy crimson. Her beak is black and curved and the cere on it is the same colour. The feet are coloured gray with dark crimson talons. Her tail feathers are longer than the average osprey. With long, narrow wings, it is easy to see the four long, finger-like feathers and the shorter fifth. Ariskye's right wing is pierced thrice by three golden hoops while the left is pierce the same number of times by three silver studs.
Dire Wolf| As a dire wolf, Ariskye is huge. She is around 14Hh at the shoulder and is weighed down with a bunch of coiled muscles behind her furred skin. Her fur is jet-black, rather long and ragged on her neck, body, legs, and tails. Her paws sport some feathers at the back. Tipping her paws are black claws whose points looks like they were dipped in blood. Her body is very arrow-like. Triangular and pointed in the face, ears and paws, her shoulders are broad because of a wide chest. Her hips are skinny, but covered in hard muscle. It is because of her arrow-like form that she is an aerodynamically sound runner. Two long tails extend from the base of her spine. Both are catlike in appearance, but the rugged look makes them appear wolven. Alien crimson orbs mount themselves on the front of her canine face. Slanted slightly at the ends, it gives off the appearance that she is rather mischievous. When she experiences extreme emotions, black pupils will fade into her eyes; whether they are rounded or slitted. On her right ear, it is pierced three times with three golden hoops while her left ear is pierce the same number of times with three silver studs.
Personality: Ariskye is very mysterious in her own, unique ways. It is because of that, that some people are drawn to her; thinking they can unravel the mystery behind her. Because she comes off as cold and distant the first time somebody meets her, she is rather hard to befriend and/or “tame.” She has very few people she can actually call her friends because of it. To those select few, she is loyal and protective. Not to mention, if anything were to attack them, she would give all of herself to save them from impending doom. When caught in a corner, she will fight to escape it. When she fights, she can receive a viscous blood-lust that will take a while before it is sated.
Other: Ariskye can speak Greek, Gaelic, Japanese, Spanish, and Latin as well as her native tongue. She likes the male race to a certain extent, and she is single for every time she finds somebody she loves, she ends up killing him for no reason. The tones of her voice vary from seductive while in her human form to harsh, echoing, and demonic while demon. Ariskye can always be found with a sketch pad in her hands, along with a pencil, some charcoal, and a coloured pencil. She also has an iPod with her filled with heavy metal rock bands, like Disturbed, Godsmack, Korn, and Drowning Pool. Two of her favourite sayings are “What do you want from me?” and “Ready to die?”. Unbeknownst to her, Ariskye's blood is very poisonous.
Name: Draek Siome
Gender: Male
Age: Twenty-five
Species: Half-demon; Nibiru
Grade: O.O He is the Gym Coach
S.O.: Straight
Powers: Draek is in full control of his abilities. And he rarely ever has a moment when he looses his control. When his control does slip, his power increases, but it fails in comparison to his half-sister. Draek doesn't use his powers for the scums of the world or for the good-doers of the universe. He uses them for himself and only himself. Well, whenever he absolutely needs to use them. Draek has Telekinetic abilities which allows him to move objects with his mind. But the heavier the ob
ject, the more effort he has to put in to make it move. Linked to that is Telepathy which he is able to read peoples thoughts, sort through their memories and erase certain ones, and he can project his own thoughts or memories to another person. Tied to both abilities of the mind, he can also project a working mind-shield. He can also Shape-shift into five different animals; a wyvern, demon, jaguar, haast eagle, and grey wolf. By looking into another person's eyes, and concentrating deep enough, he can use anybodies Fears against them by repeating it over and over until they go mad, or he deems in necessary to stop. By controlling the Shadows, he can bend it quite easily as it rolls off his shoulders, wings, and tail. It also makes him a bit more intimidating in a fight. Hisr control over Fire is impressive. The flames are silver and hotter than regular orange flames. With his control over Lightning, Draek can strike at any opponent that is at a distant. Although, his lightning is very different than the ones found during storms. The bolts are a mixture of shadowy black and metallic silver.
Demon| Draek has alien crimson eyes that actively shows the emotions he is unwilling to show through his facial muscles. His pupils only fade in when he get extremely angry. Shoulder-length black hair, he has a stripe of silver in one of his bangs. The silver strip of hair is extremely soft while the rest of his black hair is rough. While in this form, Draek does not wear the mortal clothes of the modern times. Just, not now. He wears black metallic armour all the time. There is a collar around his neck that holds a rough black cowl that casts his face into shadows when it it up, over his head. Hugging his hips are black leather shorts that end roughly at his knees. The leather is covered by black chain mail that has a tiny bit of a crimson tint. He wears no shoes. Diagonally tied around his waist is a black leather belt, woven, and can be used to hold any type of weapon. He stands at seven foot four in this form. Because of the black scales that cover his body, it is hard to determine the actual colour of his skin. But the scales do cover a fair about of muscle. Sprouting from in between his shoulder blades are large bird wings with jet-black feathers and the five fingers of a dragon's wing. The wing span is twenty-two feet. Sprouting from the bottom of his ribcage is another set of wings – smaller at twelve feet – and has the same structure as the ones near his shoulders. With his spine continuing out into a tail, it is long, flexible and covered in black scales while the end is tipped with a spade that is outlined in gold slashes. Long, sharp, slightly curved fingernails tip each finger on his hands and can be sheathed to look like semi-normal nails. The nails are black and tipped in what looks like blood. The heels of his feet are brought upward so he is on the balls of his feet whenever he walks or stands. Four toes are on each foot and they are tipped with black talons that curve back towards the ball of his foot. Jutting out from the instep of his foot, another toe is there to help grip onto things whenever he lands on a ledge, branch, etc. Fangs? He doesn't have them because all his teeth are pointed, sharp and long. They also point to the back of his throat. Although, his canines are a little longer and thinner than the rest of his teeth. A forked, barbed tongue lies behind the flesh-rippers he calls teeth. Draek as long, pointed ears. The right one is pierced thrice by three golden studs while the left is pierced the same number of times by three silver hoops.
Human| Draek's eyes have deep crimson irises and in the middle of the irises is a darker than black, cat-like pupil. The ends of his shoulder-length black hair is jagged and meant to look that way while he has a streak of silver in one of his bangs. His black hair is rough compared to the silky texture of the silver streak. A small scar breaks his right eyebrow in half. The scar is a faded white and he received it in a small accident at school during recess. Draped over his shoulders is a tight black t-shirt. Just plain black. And it ends at his hips while hugging every muscle he has on his torso. Starting a few centimeters below the end of his shirt are black leather pants that hugs is well-toned legs and ends at his ankles. The space between the top of the pants and the bottom of the shirt slightly show the V as it dips beneath the leather. Sheathing his feet protectively in leather, are black boots that end just under his knees and have dark silver fastenings. Covering the black t is a black leather jacket. It ends at wrists in small cuffs and at the waist in another cuffed end. Small skulls are used as unused buttons and there is a while skull-and-cross-bones sewed onto the back. Around his throat are black scales that look like it has been tattooed into his skin. It goes down his shoulders to his arms and then to his wrists where it coils around; ending its path. Draek's skin tone is a dark tawny and his teeth flash white whenever he smiles. He also stands at six foot three. As mentioned before, his teeth are white and his canines are longer than average. Pointed and curved towards the back of his throat. His ears are slightly pointed and pierced three times. The right by three golden studs and the left by three silver hoops.
Wyvern| Click
Jaguar| Click
Haast Eagle| Click [The giant, flying thing]
Grey Wolf| Click
Personality: Draek is more easy to read than most. Even if his emotions aren't clear on his face, they show in his eyes and in his words. Generally quiet and reserved, Draek never likes to be the center of attention in any crowd. He can relax and have fun around people, but it is only around it friends, and he doesn't have very many of them. Once relaxed, he can joke, laugh, and become a whole lot more animated than when he is alone with people he doesn't know. Draek is protective of his friends and loved ones, even if he doesn't convey it.
Other: Unbeknownst to him, Draek's blood has healing properties.
Name: Sethera Fero
Gender: Seventeen
Age: Male
Species: Human with Abilities
Grade: Junior
S.O.: Straight
Abilties: Sethera has telekinetic abilities that allow him to move objects with his mind at various speeds. But the larger the ob
ject is the harder it is for him to pick it up. Also he has slight telepathic abilities by only being able to sense the surface emotions and thoughts of aperson's mind.
Looks: Sethera has bright, cat-yellow eyes with a ring of black around his pupils. He has shoulder length black hair with jagged ends and has streaks of white accentuating his bangs. Standing at five foot ten, he has light tawny skin even though he does not spend a lot of time outside. Along the right side of his lower jaw is a darker white, jagged scar that he received when he was smaller and Sethera is not too keen about telling the experience to nosy people due to the lack of knowledge how he acquired it. He also puts his hair up in a small ponytail located at the nape of his neck. When itis like that, his ears are visible and his right ear is pierced with two golden hoops on the cartilage and the lobe on the same side is pierced with a silver stud. As for clothes, he usually wears grays or reds with jeans and black converse.
Personality: Sethera is a quiet guy. He only talks when he needs to and sometimes watches from the shadows. When he is riled up, he can be very fierce and slightly aggressive. Sethera also takes everything rather seriously and doesn't have much humor in his life. Because of that, he rarely smiles but the closest thing he came to smiling would have to be a slight twitch of his lips. Sometimes a friendly dude, he likes his friends and will protect them when necessary, but people have to get used to his distant personality. Not to mention, trouble always seems to find him no matter how far he runs from it.
Other: Sethera can draw pretty well and his pictures are more anime-like while he only draws humanoid-creatures, canines, dragons, birds, and felines. The anatomy of the other creatures makes his head spin. He does have an iPod and it is full of metal rock, alternative rock, and some hip-hop music. Sethera is also pretty good in Martial Arts.
[[Pictures copyright their original owners. And Imouto-chan, please tell me if you think they are too Mary-Sue-ish. ]]