1x1 no limits roleplay

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5:17pm Oct 6 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1
Hey guys! I haven't been on the site in quite some time and mostly came back for the roleplaying community.
I'm hoping everybody is still pretty active here, as it used to be my favorite RP spot.
If anyone is interested in a private roleplay just shoot me a message. I'd also like to be making friends in the process so we can also get to know each other and whatnot. I'm extremely open minded and haven't taken the time to build up any characters recently, though I am generally literate and would like the same from you. A paragraph or two from each of us each response shouldn't be too difficult to muster up! 
I like just about all topics and can work with almost anything you have in mind.

Don't be shy! My name is Rachel, what's yours? (:

3:25pm Oct 7 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1,667
Heya, Rachel! 

I would open up and tell you my name, but I'm a bit secretive...  :P Being as I am, you can just call me Wolfie ^-^
The Roleplaying side has died down a little (oh no!! XD) but there are still quite a few roleplayers who wouldn't give this up for anything. I'm a bit obsessed with it as well... 
I would do a private Roleplay with you, but most of the time I get a little lost for ideas. There are still lots of public roleplays out. The most recently posted ones are what I'd recommend, due to the fact they're all still highly active! 

Haha, I was off for a while as well, so now there are a few more categories (Roleplay discussion, private roleplays etcetera). I really don't know, but this might be moved to another category? It's gotten quite complicated!! 

Anyway, I'd love to get to know you. You seem lovely! 
Hope to see you around more. :P

~A few great roleplayers are Lilie, TinkyTasha, Repetition, Then00breturns and Blacksasscat. Some are off for a while and most certainly will be back soon! <3

I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:

8:18pm Dec 30 2015


Posts: 2,161
Moved to a more appropriate category c:

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