As the ti
tle says, I'm looking for some partners. Here are a few of my roleplaying requirements/preferences/habits and so on...
-1x1 is fine for me, and I don't mind multiple players, either, though too many (more than about five) gets overwhelming.
- I am OK with most topics, but no Pokémon or animal RPs.
-I like supernatural/paranormal.
-I don't mind a bit of all.
-Please only post if you're about semi-lit, which means that you should know your grammar and be able to write something interesting.
- Please also post an example of your work.
-I write in present tense, first person, but I don't mind what tense/person you write in, provided it is consistent.
-You should be able to write at least five lines per post.
-You should be able to post often. (Preferably at least once a day, but less frequently is OK.)
Post if you're interested! I don't have any ideas at the moment but we can cook one up.