Steven Universe?

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2:04pm Apr 30 2015 (last edited on 3:58am May 15 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 166

Hi there, everyone!! :D This more out of curiosity, though if it kicks off well I'd like to revamp this thread into an RP discussion/profile thread. :)

So! Here's the big question; if I were to start up a Steven Universe RP, how many people would join/be interested? I'm looking primarily for some one-on-one by rMail or via the private role play public boards, but I totally wouldn't mind trying out public role plays with more than one person at all.

You see, I've been itching to play Peridot for the past few days and seeing as none of my regular RP partners are currently into the Steven Universe fanbase or actively RPing it, I figured I'd look else where, because why the heck not? You guys are an awesome community, and I know there's a few fans of this fandom out there, as well as some very potential role players. So here is my call out to all of you. :P

I have one idea I've been brewing up and itching to play, but I'm open to others as well. The idea I had in mind follows almost strict canon, following the time frame shortly after the episode 'Jail Break.' This means this role play CAN AND WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS, so please don't post if you're not caught up/don't want to be spoiled!

Because of the nature of my original idea, I've included it in a paste bin--keep in mind that I've done this because it contains MAJOR SPOILERS for 'Jail Break' and other episodes!!! So don't click/read if you're not interested in hearing about these or being spoiled. :p

[okay well I'm rewriting it bc i watched joy ride recently and some stuff needs to be reworked/reworded WOOPS]
spoiler proofed, highlight for info: but it basically involves steven and them finding peridot who is still trying to destroy the earth and likely taking her into custody or something and her trying to get use to a) being prisoner and b) every day human life. since she hates organics and anything and everything organic this is going to be a huge feat for her

she's basically trapped on earth though and if they've got her they've probably completely rid her of her ability to contact home world/jasper/etc, cut off her ability to communicate with other gems for back up. She's basically trapped/imprisioned, probably somewhere within the temple

garnet almost absolutely DESTROYED her pod without even checking just because she thought it was Peridot so chances are they're probably going to try and destroy her but are likely stopped right before hand by steven

likewise I imagine the crash probably weakened her a lot? maybe it damaged her gem? idk I'll work on this more

I haven't watched past Jail Break yet so sorry if something is off. :v I'll probably be marathoning every episode after Jail Break in the next day or so and will edit accordingly if information changes.

Of course, I'm not limited to this idea. I wouldn't mind talking about other things, like maybe something home world based, or even with OCs if that's people's thing. Basically, while I'd really like to try out the one above, I wouldn't mind discussing other ideas. I'm a really chill person up for a lot of discussion/brainstorming, so long as I'm still playing Peridot in any of these ideas. It's one of the reasons I made this thread, after all! <3

The role of Peridot will be taken by yours truly, but before I go writing something less bare backed out, I was curious if anyone would even be interested. I'm really hoping to at least find someone who is willing to play the role of Steven or some of the other gems. I'll post up some more information on how I role play Peridot if anyone is interested, though as a base, just be aware I follow the more bio-mechanical route for her (I can't see anything else, sorry!)
I can also totally play Steven if anyone's interested. P: I'm apparently pretty A+ at playin' him.

Anyway, sorry for rambling, I realized this got long while it was just suppose to be a general 'interest check' and oops. Sorry. ; v; Post or rMail me if anyone's interested and we'll go from there?

Thanks for reading!!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own SU; it is owned by Cartoon Network. Thank.


2:32pm Apr 30 2015

Normal User

Posts: 166


2:32pm Apr 30 2015

Normal User

Posts: 166


6:18am Dec 21 2015

Normal User

Posts: 4
heya Mr.Darcy here (name is misleading im a chick) im interested in your Steven Universe RPing im totally caught up in the show and would love to join you in your love of the story canon or otherwwise. Msg if you'll have me :)
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