8:44pm May 8 2014 (last edited on 2:23pm Apr 5 2015)
Posts: 2,161
A separate thread for bio posting, so they can be easily referenced and edited~
My Bios:
Designation: Sentry
Spark Type: Vitreous-Positive
Age: 20 vorns
Appearance: Sentry is a tall, about 24 foot, muscular-looking robot with a golden orange and royal blue color scheme. His optics are bright aquamarine blue, which is the same color as his biolights. On the sides of his helm he has cat-like audial fins that are in the same place that ears would be if he were a human. His thighs and upper arms are a light silver, as well as his midsection. The doors of his alternate vehicle form rest on the sides of his thighs like sheathes for swords. On the backs of his lower legs, he has tank treads. His shoulders are angled slightly and have tires sticking out slightly from the sides. His chestplate looks like it should transform into the hood of a pickup truck, but it does not stick out. On his left shoulder blade, a tank barrel/canon type weapon is mounted and able to shift forward for him to use as a weapon if need be.
Height: 27.9 ft
Alternate mode: He transforms into a Cybertronian version of a halftrack with a tank barrel kind of mounted on top.
Weapon of Choice: His canon, along with smaller arm canons which his hands can shift into.
Function: Former law enforcer and now captain of the Explorer Delta
Spark: As a former law enforcer, Sentry is adamant about the protection of innocent civilians. He's young and sometimes reckless, and a little too sure of himself. Despite this, he's got natural leadership qualities and a knack for observing his surroundings, often opting to use the environment around him to his full advantage whenever possible. Despite his age, he takes his role of captain seriously, and is fiercely protective and loyal to his crew. He's often pegged as 'impulsive', often coming up with out-of-the-box solutions to issues and sometimes getting his crew into trouble. Nevertheless, he fears letting the lot of them down more than anything else, and is determined not to.
'Gender': Mech
'Sexuality': Bisexual
Additional information: Sentry is very closely protective of the ship's medic, Code Blue in particular. They were partners before the war; Sentry doing his duties as a law enforcer and Code Blue tagging along to help assist any injured civilians when he could.
Voice Claim: Chad Kroeger (lead singer of Nickelback)
Designation: Code Blue
Spark Type: Ferrum-Negative
Age: 18 vorns
Appearance: Code Blue is small and slender, appearing like a femme at first glance. His color scheme is mainly pearl white and azure with golden yellow accents. He's got a chevron on his forehead, which is bent slightly downward to make him appear shy or nervous. His optics are large, slightly angled amber orbs with biolights of the same color coming out and down his face in angles. On the sides of his helm, where 'ears' would be, he has gold winged audial fins. His chestplate looks like it should form into the hood of a speedy sports car. Sticking out from their joints on his shoulder blades are large doorwings; the doors of his alternate mode. They have an electrocardiograph pattern across the middles. His waist is slender like the rest of his body and his legs are long with tires sticking out from the backs of them.
Height: 18.3 ft
Alternate mode: He transforms into something that looks as though it should be a Cybertronian version of a ferrari 458 Speciale, although it's not got an exact resemblance to the car itself.
Weapon of Choice: Though he prefers not to wield a weapon of any sort, he's got blades that shift out of his forearms for self defense purposes. Although he rarely ever uses them, even in the situations that involve a patient being threatened.
Function: Code Blue was a medic/paramedic who was still being trained before the war came about, and still is.
Spark: Quiet and timid, Code Blue prefers to stay close to Sentry, as he knows him best. Though appearing helpless at first glance, Sentry ensured Code Blue could protect himself, in case of emergency. The small medic is a master of circuit-su, a Cybertronian martial art. His slender, aerodynamic frame is perfect for executing the most challenging of moves, several of them including backflips. Possessing this knowledge comes in handy when defending a patient or dodging obstacles while attempting a rescue.
'Gender': Mech
'Sexuality': Bisexual
Additional information: Code Blue was not always a medic. The little speedster was once a racer in the Cybertronian Hydrax circuit. He left that function because he disliked being in the spotlight, idolized and having everyone watch his every move. His is not the spark of a celebrity, rather, the spark of a healer. He also has a minicon called Catalyst, who is a tiger sporting the same color scheme.
His timidity comes from an anxiety glitch in his programming, causing him to be very skittish. Catalyst's purpose is mainly to help ease his anxiety and allow him to actually function normally. One of the only places Code Blue is truly at ease, even alone, is the medbay, which ls like the ones he's spent a good part of his life in. One thing the speedster always has a problem with though, is needles and any type of sharp medical equipment really. He's fine when he absolutely has to use them on patients, but as soon as he's the one receiving treatment his fellow medics can expect panic attacks.
Voice Claim: UNKNOWN
Designation: Catalyst
Spark Type: Isomeric-Negative
Age: 26 vorns (he's been around longer than both Sentry and Code Blue)
Appearance: Catalyst is the cat standing next to Code Blue in his reference. His color scheme matches that of Code Blue, save for his optics and biolights, which are gold rather than amber.
Height: 7.2 ft
Alternate mode: He transforms into a subspace containment unit which can hold nearly infinite tools and medical equipment.
Weapon of Choice: His teeth and claws are made from a special conductive crystal which builds up electric charge that can be released during attack if he so chooses.
Function: On Cybertron, before the war, there were feline minicons like himself that served function as 'therapy animals'. Catalyst's basically there to try and keep Code Blue calm, because of his anxiety glitch. He also functions as a guard as well, and is extremely protective of his master.
Spark: Catalyst is... Antisocial would be the best word for it, although it's not entirely fitting. He's very particular about who he trusts, and is extremely protective of Code Blue. It takes a lot to earn the kind of trust he has in the medic. Sentry has earned that similar trust over a loooooong period of time, and there are circumstances where Catalyst still treats Sentry with hostility. It just takes a lot to get under that thick plating of his and into his spark. But once you have, you can be certain one of the most loyal Cybertronians you've ever met is now on your side.
'Gender': mech
'Sexuality': Asexual (the whole trust thing is really to blame)
Additional information: Catalyst is a ninja kitty and stays clamped to Cody's back out of sight for long periods of time. His spark energy is close to his master's so the two kinda meld together and it's difficult to tell he's even there over half the time.
Voice Claim: UNKNOWN
All RPers, after I've approved your app, please copy/paste it to a reply here on the thread for easy access. Thank you~
8:51pm May 8 2014 (last edited on 7:56pm Oct 24 2014)
Normal User
Posts: 174
Designation: Tailwind
Age: He didn't keep track, but he's a young adult.
Appearance: A lithe Flier, and in fact quite a bit smaller than your average flight-capable mech. Athletic in appearance but without nearly any bulk. Extremely streamlined, and with no 'soft edges', giving him a slightly predatory look, and composed with stark opposites with clear patterns. Tailwind is completely monochrome in color. His wings are almost bird-like and pure obsidian black. Tailwind's main is ivory white, accented with black throughout his back, with black covering most of his legs and arms, as well as his crest. Tailwind is never seen without his silver drop-down visor engaged, and the lens completely covers the top half of his face, obscuring his optics. No one has ever seen his optic color.
(And yes, it is chibi, so proportions are off, and yes I messed with his wings. I'll draw one that's more plausible later. Due to point mentioned in Additional Information, he looks like the Without version.)
Alternate mode: For all anybody knows, Tailwind might not even have an alternate form. He sure as heck doesn't use it. Whether or not he knows how to shift is a sensitive topic.
Weapon of Choice: Tailwind doesn't have any weapons except for his body. The retractable silver blades on his arm- and leg- guards serve him well.
Function: Scout of sorts? No body knows whyTailwind is even around, even himself. He just... Tags along. But his skill asset has proven handy in most cases, and it's always nice to have another at your back.
Spark: Rather unsociable, Tailwind is rarely ever seen around the ship, and has a habit of randomly appearing and scaring the daylights out of his crew members. It's not sure whether or not he does it for fun. Sarcastic and slightly pessimistic in nature, Tailwind is a witty bot with a razor-sharp tongue. He does know how to have a good time, however unapproachable he may seem. Tailwind doesn't trust easily, and his friendships are seemingly nonexistent. His social skills are rusty at best, but he is capable of showing sympathy, and while it may take some time, he is a capable- if slightly snarky- good friend to have.
However, he is rather secretive, and is uncomfortable with any physical contact whatsoever (he's super ticklish). He doesn't like to talk about himself, and has a habit of negative self-talk.
'Gender': Mech, but because of his small stature he is often mistaken for femme.
'Sexuality': He doesn't even know himself, but he *assumes* he is Asexual.
Additional information: Tailwind is incredibly weak physically in his normal form, and is deathly afraid of the dark. His biolights do not function.
Designation: Signal
Age: 21
Appearance: Signal is well-built, sleek and lean but plated with protective armor and equip with . Not particularly tall, in fact, one may say that Signal is slightly on the short side. Composed mainly of silver, gold, and a warm white. His deep, verdant green optics stand out in stark contrast against the rest of his warm-colored body and reddish-orange biolights. The seat of his alternate form is situated on his lower back (better to sit on! :D), with his wheels in his shoulders and in his ankles.
Possesses mobile finials that almost resemble sheep ears. (If he knew about animals on the planet Earth, he'd likely claim they are more like horse or fox ears)
Alternate mode: Motorbike, resembling this.
Weapon of Choice: A 'jack of all trades'- though just because he knows how to use it doesn't mean he's good at it. He is most skilled with his [s]lightsaber[/s] contained plasma sword.
Function: [s]Relief of Tailwind's angst.[/s] Honestly, a hacker, but likes to call himself a technician. Not even that the ship needs one but whatever, he's proficient at fighting too.
Spark: Headstrong and wild, Signal is a rather interesting bot. Signal is sometimes aggressive, but for the most part he is fun-loving and quirky, as well as extremely silly. Daring, Signal can get himself into some serious trouble, but he has his ways of wriggling out of danger- most times unharmed. He's mostly just a big goofball, but has a habit of being incredibly blunt with his words.
Extremely suspicious, and will fight for whatever he believes right- even if others do not think so, and he is incorrect. A terrible liar.
'Gender': Mech
'Sexuality': Heterosexual.
Additional information: Has a habit of sticking himself into places where he is unwanted. Possesses a... gadget... that is self-sustainable (energy wise) and is somehow able to connect to a variety of servers.
Don't try to understand his humor. His version of 'funny' doesn't quite translate into Cybertronian.
9:18pm May 8 2014
Normal User
Posts: 209
Designation: LeadShock
Age: 22 vorns
Appearance: Leadshock is kind of short at only 17ft, Flimsy looking structure, Contains mostly orange and black with two small metal plates that resemble small ears, some of his under side along his mid section is just a plain polished Silver. his lower legs are were the car door sticks out jaggedly and often gets him caught on things, his chest is where the engine is but it is not protected very well since his metal can break easily if hit just right.
Alternate mode: https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQOizG9oOB6FclRE7D6CKbfA18cOBe_iy11dyb2ANRP68-EwuIz (Sorry cant use link thing on mobile. Also yes I did take just a random picutre becuse I never thought of it too much.)
Weapon: small cannons clipped to his arms that are quite powerful to make up for his defense flaws.
Function: protects a small power plant that is near a major city.
Spark: Not being built like the others had always been kind of a challenge for him, but he is very defensive and would rather die himself than harm another.
'Gender': N/A
'Sexuality': Pansexual, since none of them really have genders.
Additional information: He has very low knowledge on Medical treatment but is very helpful once he is told what to do.
2:00pm May 11 2014 (last edited on 8:39pm May 14 2014)
Normal User
Posts: 47
Designation: Sabertooth
Age: 26 Vorn
Appearance: Sabertooth is black with faint gray stripes and green optics
Alternate mode: Sabertooth actually has the form of a Sabertooth cat to blend in with the native wild life of the planet she calls home
Weapon of Choice: Her claws
Function: Sabertooth is a Medic first and foremost
Spark: Sabertooth can be outgoing unless someone has done something foolish to land them in her Bay
'Sexuality': Bisexual
Height: 25 ft
Additional information: was on the planet long before the others arrived
Designation: Lighthammer
Age: 30 Vorn
Appearance: Lighthammer is a pure black Praxian with green optics and silver chevron
Alternate mode: Black Panther
Weapon of Choice: His Claws
Function: former Sniper
Spark: Very protective of Sabertooth
'Sexuality': Straight
Height: 20 ft
Additional information: Lighthammer was once a Praxian and you can tell cause he still has his Silver chevron and he has nubs where his doorwings used to be; also the mate of Sabertooth
5:33pm May 12 2014 (last edited on 12:55pm Nov 2 2014)
Normal User
Posts: 96
Designation: Spinbreak
Age: 35 Vorns. But acts more like 25.
Height: 16.5ft tall.
Appearance: Light blue body that almost looks shell-like, with green tints in certain areas. Has a piece of metal akin to a bandage covering where the Autobot/Decepticon affiliation sign would sit. His armour looks fitted, and strong. His blasters look almost like they were hammered on though.
Alternate mode: Small One-Wheeled vehicle that is highly maneuverable. Could be almost called a monocycle.
Weapon of Choice: Dual (minigun type) blasters, that are deceptively powerful for their size. And where his name comes from: When you hear the blasters spinning, the bad un’s will be a’ breaking. Also has a stealth module, as that was where his size was useful before the blaster upgrades.
Function: Blaster-for-Hire (thats what he says anyways).
Spark: Somewhat loud and brash considering his size, would rather be in action than babysitting the young ones. Happy to take a job if the pay is decent, but will keep to a moral code. Has a few energon ghosts in his spark chamber, which he would rather not talk about. Has a trick where he will shock someone by appearing (or disappearing) in the bl ink of an eye. Is also a bit of a practical joker.
In battle, he will always go for the biggest opponent on the battlefield, even if he knows it will hurt when he is hit, in some stupid attempt to prove his strength. Has to be stopped if he does this.
'Gender': Mech.
'Sexuality': Straight. Additional Information: Former Autobot Soldier that deserted. Hides the symbol and the metal scars he gave himself with the bandage on his arm. Doesn’t take kindly to jokes about his size.
Smart: Sidror Non-smart: Ubacus Combined: Dracorus
Age: 22 orns
Appearance: Physically, the same, except Sidror is coloured silver and Ubacus is coloured Dark Blue. Their faces are round, with faceplates of the opposite colour, square shoulders, and roundish bodies. Their legs end with the Dragons faces as half a foot each.
Height: 25ft tall
Alternate mode (shared): 2 headed dragon, that is half longways of their respective colours. Somehow, they are capable of working well together in this form, considering their differences. They have rather large wings, which can carry their weight, plus possibly a smaller robot. They only have 1 tail, capable of shattering armour and doing damage. They can also fire a dragons breath attack that is very powerful from both mouths, capable of melting steel after a prolonged burst of fire, which is coloured blue.
Weapon of Choice: Sidror: dual small hand blasters, of his and his brothers colours. Ubacus: Fists, or whatever is to hand, including other robots.
Function: Ubacus: Scientist. Sidror: “Experiment”, and a former scientist.
Spark: Shared spark. They were both once highly intelligent, gifted in ancient biology and future technology until they tried to do an experiment to increase their brainpower. It backfired spectacularly, draining most of the intelligence of Ubacus, and depositing it all into Sidror. That made one of them super-intelligent, and reduced the other to base instincts and not much else.
'Gender': Both mech.
'Sexuality': Sidror: Asexual. Ubacus: chemically neutered, for everyone elses safety.
Additional information: Sidror has too much intelligence, and can easily get distracted in sciencey stuff, and when speaking to him, he speaks in long words that can leave others stumped.
Ubacus has enough intelligence left to sometimes let out an occasional slurred word, with a lot of effort. Otherwise, Ubacus will try and show dominance to anyone, usually smaller robots. And even inanimate objects on occasion.
Sidror is the only one that can (somehow) understand Ubacuses grunts and roars. They can only transform when they are together.
There is, I think, humor here which does not translate well from English into sanity.
5:05pm Jun 30 2014 (last edited on 5:46pm Jul 1 2014)
Normal User
Posts: 11,785
Designation: Defcon
Age: 25 Vorns
Appearance: Defcon is a slim mecha whose body is mostly black, his optics and biolights being a deep, but still brightly colored, pink. His back and wings, which are usually folded to keep out of the way, are covered in neon splotches not unlike his alternate form. His front side is free of those splotches and a shade lighter than his back. Face is grey with a black visor than can slide down to hide his optics.
Height: 20.5 feet
Alternate mode: Fabulous fighter jet
Weapon of Choice: Skilled with firearms and other long-ranged weapons.
Function: Sniper. Sticks close to base and fights from a distance.
Spark: Comes off as cold and distant at first but really, honestly isn’t a bad guy. He was hardened by war, having had to watch others he had been relatively close to lose their spark and never move again. It isn’t exceedingly difficult to get close to him despite this if you’re willing to look past his initial cold shoulder. He is more at ease with medics, since they would have been the life-saving bots in the war so to him they should be trusted. He essentially speaks to them much easier than other bots at first, but play your cards right and it won’t take too long to be on even ground, possibly even further.
Holds higher-ups in high regards and will speak to them with respect and will also tolerate no disrespect towards them.
Also is fiercely protective of comrades. Unwilling to see any more fall.
'Gender': Mech
'Sexuality': Technically would be classified as bisexual I suppose since he doesn’t really care if the other is a mech or a femme lol
Additional information: As I mentioned in his ‘Spark’ area, Defcon was a Sniper in the war. He is skilled at this function and will always perform to the very best of his abilities. As well as the sniping he is also a skilled flier and if needed can be sent on recon missions. ______________________________________________________
Designation: Recon
Age: 17 vorns
Appearance: Tiny, slender femme who is pure black with a lighter face. Has pastel purple biolights and a visor like Defcon. She uses it to mimic him. 8)
Height: 5 feet
Alternate mode: She changes into an attachable stealth unit, usually ends up attached on Defcon's frontal area so he can protect her.
Weapon of Choice: She prefers not to fight but if need be she is also trained in long-range weaponry. 8)
Function: Minicon companion and separated stealth unit. c:
Spark: Okay so Recon is like Defcon's visual opposite. While Defcon comes off as cold and distant, she's actually very warm and welcoming and is more often than not seen mimicking Defcon to try to make other bots laugh. She is also usually seen riding on Defcon's shoulders when she is around him, as he likes to keep her in sight and is actually afraid he may end up stepping on her otherwise.
'Gender': Femme
'Sexuality': Pansexual uvu
Additional information: Recon is adorable sorry guys. Also Defcon if very careful in handling her and would appreciate if everyone else is too.
((I got permission to make a minicon and was talking to Ratchet about it last night. uvu))
6:17pm Jul 8 2014
Normal User
Posts: 620
Designation: Flux
In metallurgy, a flux is a chemical cleaning agent, flowing agent, or purifying agent. Fluxes may have more than one function at a time. They are used in both extractive metallurgy and metal joining.
Age: 23 vorns
Appearance: A red femme 'wings' extending off of her helm and a construct similar to a welding mask that usually sits atop her helm, but can drop down to cover her face when she's doing repairs and working on the ship. Despite not being of Praxian origin, she also has a pair of doorwings, an upgrade she had installed to provide her better peripheral awareness when she's working on the outer hull of ships, as her welding mask cuts off a good part of her vision. Flux isn't too concerned with her physical appearance, and usually ends up with more than a few smears of dirt and grime from her work. She also doesn't feel handicapped by her relatively short height, finding her small stature useful for climbing into the very bowels of ship engines.
Height: 16'
Alternate mode: Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano~
Weapon of Choice: She always has an energon blade hidden in her 'boot', as well as a tool belt with a variety of wrenches. For those more chaotic encounters Flux also possesses a pair of close range, yet powerful, blasters that transform out of her arms.
Function: Mechanic and engineer. Flux has far more patience for ships than for 'bots.
Spark: A rather impatient and sarcastic 'bot, Flux prefers to tinker quietly away at ships and engines rather than socializing. To her, a well kept ship is the difference between life and death, and it is truly unwise to interrupt her during her work. Despite this, once Flux warms up to someone, they'll have a friend for life. During a firefight, it's not uncommon for her to throw herself into the midst of it all, with very little thought to her own safety, to defend a crew that's earned her trust.
'Gender': Femme
'Sexuality': Heterosexual
Additional information: Has always remained a neutral. Flux used to own a somewhat successful repair hub in a central port location before the war. It was destroyed not long before the exodus from Cybertron, and this is probably the only reason she's interested in taking up arms against the Decepticons.
2:43pm Aug 25 2014
Posts: 2,161
Bloop :3 (bumping so necroposting doesn't happen by accident lol)
3:35pm Sep 2 2014 (last edited on 3:35pm Sep 2 2014)
Posts: 2,161
Heeeey :D I got a great idea! Voice Claims will now be an optional addition to the bios~
Sentry= Chad Kroeger. This is canon.
Code Blue is... idek yet. |D
2:26pm Apr 5 2015
Posts: 2,161