*Kingdom Hearts Fan Club*

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8:54pm Apr 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 91

Ah, OK.

I love your signature, lol. XD 

Axel Pictures, Images and Photos <3 him!

11:54am Apr 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,018
Random Fact; Even though my bestie und I are both female. We gave eachother Kingdom Hearts nicknames. I'm Axel she ish Roxas. 8D


6:07pm Apr 12 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,943

Up. Yusss.

"Never bring that horrid drink here again."

"It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."


5:46am Apr 14 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,062

Sorry I've been neglecting this, guys.

I hate school.

I know I'll have more time for contests and stuff once school's out. xP Won't be too long.

Again, I'm sorry. I hate being busy. 

Thanks for sticking with me. ♥


8:27am Apr 14 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,943
Nu, s'okay. School is always infuriating. I've been busy myself. I can help with the contest/trivia questions and such.

"Never bring that horrid drink here again."

"It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."


1:09pm Apr 17 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,062
That would be great, Ferret. <3 I'll let everyone know when I'm ready to do a contest/trivia.


7:27pm Apr 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,062


11:28pm Apr 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,943
-Scribbles Down Questions- I got my Axel tear -ridden friend to help me out. -Scratches Head with Eraser-

"Never bring that horrid drink here again."

"It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."


1:40am Apr 24 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,062
Oh? O: Good work. ;-; -proud-


7:33pm Apr 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,062
Bump. <3


10:28pm May 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,062
Bump. n-n


5:34pm May 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,943

-Performs CPR-


"Never bring that horrid drink here again."

"It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."


6:32pm May 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 238
i like the game kingdom hearts it is fun. my brother has playe and beat it  6 times.

"it's me job to protect you" --Edward Cullen

10:09pm May 12 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,062

CPR. xD <3

Wow, six times? o.o Nice.


8:22pm May 13 2010 (last edited on 8:25pm May 13 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,279

o3o; .... I'm a horrible person for not coming here in, liek, a long time. *clings to you all and crys* ;~; *sniffles* I-I'm sorry! *cries sum moar*

I finally found a semi-good con picture, if you guys still want to see it. .3.

Liek I said, I'm Fem!HT!Sora... And I look so very pudgy in this picture, but, oh well. And my keyblade broke whilst poking my friend in his big ol' booty, so... Fail it is. D|

~> [link]


9:07pm May 13 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,943
Ptchaaa! Peace sign! Yus, I'm jealous of you and your cons. I went to Sakura-con.....last weekend? the weekend before? I dunno. Unfortunatly, guess who forgot to take pictures? -Points to self- Yah. Sorry, I actually didn't go in costume for the fourty-eifht hours of madness, but I had the greatest time staring down an L in the main room. He and I literally sat there for fourty-five minutes without moving, but I got bored, so I left, but whenever I walked by there, he was still sitting there. Huh. And eating. He, like, had people bring him food, so he just sat there for at LEAST four hours and ate. I'm surprised his legs didn't like, die after sitting liek that for so long....

"Never bring that horrid drink here again."

"It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."


7:45pm May 16 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,062

xD Kudos to that L.

Aww, Roddie! ;3; You look a-dorable. <3 Such a nice costume.


4:17pm May 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,943
Argh! Curse rain!! I left my fully hand styled Griell wig outside, and it RAINED! It's riuned! I'll have to wash it, straighten it, and style it again! So much work! Ahh, Greill! -Sobs- Ruined....

"Never bring that horrid drink here again."

"It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."


4:13pm May 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,062
Awww. D: That really sucks. -snugs-


6:42pm May 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,279
Oh noes! *hugs* I'm sorry that happened, Fer-bear. ;3; Wigs are tricky bisniz.

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