Against animal abuse

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1:38pm Aug 3 2011

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Posts: 4,893
I'll definitely join this. Hurts my heart when I see any type of animal abuse.

i’m such a gamer uwu

6:26pm Aug 6 2011 (last edited on 6:43pm Aug 6 2011)

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Posts: 104

Anybody who abuses animals should be treated exactly how they treated the animal(s) they abused then be given a life sentance in prison!!!! I break out in tears when I see those animal abuse commercials Dx I would risk my life for any animal in need from a tiny mouse to a crocodile to an elephant and everything else in the animal kingdom...other then bugs/insects/arachnids.

I would willingly give my life for any animal and I love animals more than I love human babies/kids. I watch the animal abuse commercials becase, though it hurts now, someday that hurt will be turned into fuel that will burn in the soul, give us a hunger for justice against those who ever did animals wrong and compell us to take and demand action against the abusers.

People who abuse animals are power-hungry jerks. They had/have a tough life and/or want a high power that they cannot obtain any other way so they buy a helpless animal and torture it to feel better about themselves and because they feel that if they can't be happy then nobody can be happy. Someday those abusers will stand on trial before God and He will ask them, "Why did you abuse the poor animal(s)?" and the jerk who will not admit to what he/she did will hopefully rot in Hell's flame for eternity, never again to harm an innocent life.


I will join.

Count Olaf is me

3:00am Aug 7 2011

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Posts: 1,956
Joining. When I see a kitten getting strangled, I kill everyone.


7:21pm Aug 8 2011

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Posts: 1
i agree with windwalker but not so much the burning in hell part. I will join.

9:59pm Aug 8 2011

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Posts: 104
Lol whats wrong with the burning in hell part? xD

Count Olaf is me

1:02am Aug 9 2011

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Posts: 1,003
I just hate it when people think animals....
1) are completely stupid and incapable of thought at all
2) cannot feel pain
3) are stupid logs of meat for us to torture, eat (as in, thats all they're good for) and exploit for financial gain


10:14am Aug 17 2011

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Posts: 104

I totally agree with dragon393! My aunt and my girl cousin on my mom's side are exactly like that.

One time I was at my cousin's house and she has a lake in her backyard. She and her friend Hunter were out by the lake throwing chunks of CONCRETE at some baby alligators that weren't any bigger than 3 ft! I yelled at them and tried to stop them but they're so much bigger than me and told me "Stop acting like this. They're alligators, they kill people." and I told her they kill those who tresspass on their territory but she kept throwing rocks so I went home crying.

Animals were on Earth long before humans and they have every right to attack us because we are on THEIR territory, not the other way around. Animals are more than just toys or beings put here for our amusement, they are living, breathing creatures and we have no right to think otherwise.

Count Olaf is me

2:05pm Aug 17 2011

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Posts: 17,364

WindWalker: I would of probrably pushed them into the lake. :) Then show them that Alligators do kill what you hurl concrete at them. <3

I have problems.


12:42pm Aug 18 2011

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Posts: 1,003
"they kill people" ....what do you expect? a highly tuned hunter giving people hugs and acting like a lap dog? on the concept of they kill people, does that mean livestock should try to kill people on site weather or not that person was going to eat them? >_> (sometimes I think the animals should attack farmers just because of how horrible and corrupt the meat industry is)


9:29pm Aug 18 2011

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Posts: 17,364

I'm mentaly scarred for life. I tried watching an animal testing video, but after 10 secs I died inside.


11:36pm Aug 18 2011 (last edited on 11:37pm Aug 18 2011)

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Posts: 1,775

Hi guys, I'm actually not too crazy about protecting cats and dogs and stuff (though I am against abusing them, I don't perform any sort of activism for them). I just wanted to put out a little message for you guys.

I'm basically all about food activism, I appreciate food immensly and I prefer to eat sustainably and humanely rather than give up meat products as I'm a bit of a foodie. I also find convincing people to eat less meat rather than no meat a lot easier (so we can get people eating more humane and sustainable foods).

I just want to talk about my little friend, the chicken. It's a very common meat to be eaten. I've heard about them animal testing videos you guys have been watching. I just wondered, have you ever seen the workings of a mass scale chicken farm before? I've been inside one and seen how they raise their chickens first hand. 

Basically, they cram hundreds of chickens in a cramp room. They have no room for themselves. Many of the chickens feet are blistered and they cannot walk due to the floor being covered in faeces, they are huge and fat due to their pure protein diet and lack of excersize. They seriously are suffering, I could see at least 10 chickens who were half dead and due for slaughter in a week. It's very upsetting.

However, there is an alternative. You can get free range meat, those chickens live happy lives and live outdoor. They eat inscects, corn and a lot of other things chickens are supposed to eat. These are truly happy and healthy chickens and have lived a good life up until they get slaughtered.

But there is a bit of a problem when buying free range chicken.  Some chicken that is labelled 'free range' are not actually living a blessed life like I described above. Some of them actually live in the horrid, crowded barns that I described earlier. If you live in America, you have to be careful. In America, the words 'free range' means they do not live in even cramper cages. Free range chickens in America actually live in cramp barns. So 'free range' chicken in America is not actually humane. I can't really tell you how to know what is a truly free range chicken in the US unfortunately. But I can tell you how to visually recognise a free range chicken.

A free range chicken is smaller than a battery farmed(/inhumanly farmed) chicken because they aren't fed on pure protein feed. They also have a huge la
yer of fat under their skin (which is hard to tell if you're not experienced in butchering). But generally, if your chicken looks like a miniature turkey, it's not humane. If you live in the UK or South East Asia (which is generally the only places I have experience in buying food from), 'free range' really does mean humane. 

Another problem that I've been told of was 'free range chicken is too expensive'. Well, simple solution: Eat less chicken in general. It's not going to kill you. Vegetables are dirt cheap, just fill up your plate with more grain (not rice because rice is unsustainable due to soil erosion and the irrigation that's involved in growing them. It's also really fattening) or vegetables.If you still want more meat, I can tell you that rabbit is an excellent substitute for chicken. I find rabbit slightly more fragrant and leaner though. It's easier to build up flavour profiles on rabbit and the natural juices are tastier. 

So, what do I want you guys to do? I want you to practice this and spread the word. If you're already a vegetarian, I can tell you it's easier to convince people to eat humane meat (or even less meat) rather than no meat at all.

I'll tell you guys more about other meats later xD


Feel the love man D:<


6:27pm Aug 19 2011

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Posts: 1,003
All I have to say is thank-you for posting that ping. I wanted to say stuff about the meat industry but it would have been too long to type with the wii screen keyboard, and I just would have ended up pissed of anyway. And if any of you are wondering just how bad those conditions ping was talking about realy are, let me say this

The workers have to wear gass masks when they go in there

yeah, thats what your chicken sandwich was living in.

Don't even get me started on cattle...


12:21am Aug 20 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,775

Thanks Dragon, I actually never thought that there were many people out there that are concerned about the welfare of commercially raised animals xD

When you compare the case of the chickens with the abuse of cats, dogs and other household pets, the chicken's case is far more severe. Chickens are abused on a mass scale. Thousands of individuals live in poor conditions whereas there are far fewer cases of abused cats or dogs. Futhermore, there are more initiatives to prevent the abuse of household pets, many abused pets are taken away by animal shelters and rehabilitated, whilst the chickens are just slaughtered.


Feel the love man D:<


9:37am Aug 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 140
When I see animal abuse I almost break into  tears.


9:44am Aug 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,256
That was really interesting, Ping! Thank you <3
I hate seeing a fat dog or cat. I hate seeing them fat far more than seeing them starved.

Albino Uilus 24/120

9:35am Sep 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 41
I'll definately join this, how could anyone not?

6:45pm Sep 17 2011

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Posts: 2,836


9:07pm Sep 20 2011

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Posts: 432



3:55am Sep 24 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2
ok lets started im going to be a zoo keeper for 4 hours so you can tell i just animals.when i get fish fot food i NEVER eat it. Chicken is another thing i wont eat it mutch but when its in yummy stuf i still wont eat it.evry night i think, why do pepole eat rabbit,rabbits are cute soft. i will never no

i will join

3:07pm Sep 26 2011 (last edited on 3:08pm Sep 26 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 325
I HATE ANIMAL ABUSE!!!!! Its soooooooooooooooooooooo sad. YAY!!! I just asked my mum if we could go to the SPCA and look after a pet! She said maybe but next term. I will join.

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