Who's watching it now? I am! xD
I'll update this post along the way!
Naima doesn't belong there, sorry. I don't like her.
Paul ... gosh ... Paul .... that smile makes me melt every time.
There's a ''je ne sais quoi'' about him that I absolutely love.
Very unique voice <3 but not his best performance!
Thia .. the Pocahontas song. It was a very safe performance. But I don't like her voice that much anyways. It's just not my style.
James ... awful. Sorry. Since the beginning, I find him so annoying. He had had -in my opinion- ONE good performance, and that's all. OMG, he messed up that Bon Jovi song so bad. I don't know what the judges see in him. O_O
Haley .. MY Haley. Was rough in the beginning, but she got back in it and nailed the ending. Definitely not her style of song .. she's more of a sensual blues singer .. but hey, I LOVE HER FOREVER anyways! <3
Stefano .. best so far tonight. Love the song, awesome performance.. and like Randy said: ''Hot Vocals Dawg!'' xD
Pia ... she nails every song. When she goes on those high notes, my whole body shivers! And God, she's incredibly pretty!
Scotty ... is good at doing country songs only, and therefore cannot compete with the other singers on American Idol, this year.
Karen ... in my opinion, she doesn't belong up there. My opinion.
Casey .. darn it! I LOVE YOU .. but I didn't quite enjoy that performance as much as the others. D: But I love you .. and you're still my favorite! <3
Lauren ... she's back! With the flu on top of that! xD Good for her! <3
Jacob ... I find that he's trying to put too much now. I fell in love with his first performances, but i don't know .. the two last ones didn't do it for me.
And that's the end of this! xD