if you lovelady gaga and her music comeRescreatu - Virtual Pet Gamehttp://www.femalefirst.co.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/lady-gaga-paparazzi-cover.jpg here now
I love lady gaga. My favorite songs are Poker Face and Paparazzi. I like Paparazzi so much i have it recorded in seven diffrent ways on my phone.=^..^=.
Skar the Star i am to be feared.
Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return.
To obtain, something of equal value must be lost.
I find some of her lyrics rather.. disagreeable, but her music in general is still ridiculously catchy. Poker Face came on the radio yesterday and it took me a few seconds to recognise, but then I just had to find a face to poke. xD I find it a lulzy song.
well i like her songs but thats not far how someone doesn't like her music sucks, come one a lot of people don't like her music and they don't complain to other people to force them not to like her
I used to hate lady gaga ( i dont even capitalize her) still I do her clothes are very weird and her music is worse shes like a robot but hey shes very different and we dont see a lot of that in Hollywood.