Flight Rising

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2:32pm Sep 8 2013

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Posts: 862
D: That was a very wonderful thing you just did there. Your powers of temptation are too much for my brain.
I'll regret things later if I don't get her. How much you want? XD


2:35pm Sep 8 2013

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Posts: 863
Yesssss... Can sell ice to an eskimo.

XD I wanted to try getting at least 10k so I can reach my 300k mark.


2:43pm Sep 8 2013

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Posts: 862
I had to think about that for a minute. XD I was like, "why would an Eskimo want more ice?" I think I'm tired... Lol.
And sure, I can do the 10k. :3 I'll set up a Crossroads in a minute. What are you going going to be getting at the 300k mark? c:


3:12pm Sep 8 2013

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Posts: 863
A majestic imperial dragon!!! :D it has to be perfect though, it might take me a while to find that perfect dragon :p


3:39pm Sep 8 2013

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Posts: 862
Ah yeah, it'll definitely take some searching, but I bet you'll find a lovely one just right for you. :3 I saw a very pretty one just yesterday. An Aqua one with a Midnight secondary. c: I would have loved to have him.


6:11pm Sep 8 2013 (last edited on 6:12pm Sep 8 2013)

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Posts: 1,752

This beauty grew up, still don't have a name for her.

primary-sand basic
secondary-silver seraph
tertiary-gold basic


6:17pm Sep 8 2013 (last edited on 6:17pm Sep 8 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
I bought her... for 9k:

The PC market is so deflated right now it isn't even funny ;o;


6:35pm Sep 8 2013

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Posts: 862
Holiday: She's looking quite nice as an adult. :3 I'm loving how her wings look with the Seraph.

Meg: .... 9K....
Welp! That's a sure fire sign that the rest of the commons are soon to follow in price. -_-;
And at any rate, maybe you could resell that PC for one heck of a profit. I'm feeling as though that 9k was a WAY underpriced price. Surely a PC with at least one gene isn't going for that low...

I feel like the admins should consider a basement pricing cap, at least until the economy stops being terrible... Like, have it set for certain rarities can't be sold below a certain price. That sounds stupid, but hey, it'd stop this price deflation. People could complain, but it really wouldn't be hurting them.


6:44pm Sep 8 2013 (last edited on 6:44pm Sep 8 2013)

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Posts: 1,752
fuzzle- Yeah, I like her wings a lot too, she looks even prettier as an adult. 

names I'm considering-

Coin (anything else coin related, nickel, penny, dime, quarter ect ect.)

What do you think I should name her?

(adding names to the list also)


6:46pm Sep 8 2013 (last edited on 6:46pm Sep 8 2013)

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Posts: 4,754
Holidays, I personally think that you should name her Coin, it suits her c:

And Fuzzle, they already HAVE followed suit, if anything the rare breeds are following the starters. I got her for 6.5k a minute of two ago:


6:59pm Sep 8 2013 (last edited on 7:01pm Sep 8 2013)

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Posts: 862
Holiday: I'm gonna agree with Meg here. Coin's a cute name for her. :) That or Penny. I like Penny too. 

Meg: Yeah, it's sad. I've read a few threads about the economy and you always have people who go on about "them being 'common breeds'" and how they shouldn't be so expensive. But if that's so, then why are the genes to make them that way so expensive? I honestly don't believe any breed, except starters, that you have to scroll to get should cost less than half of what their scroll was worth. :/


7:02pm Sep 8 2013

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Posts: 1,752
fuzzle and meg- Yeah, I liked the name coin too. I am fond of penny as well. Which one do you think suits her more?


7:06pm Sep 8 2013

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Posts: 4,754
I think Coin does, since it encompasses both the body and the wings. They're both nice though.

Fuzzle: I totally agree. I'm glad dragons aren't my main goal on FR, achievements are (which aren't even working right now, I'd probably be in the 500+ of achievement points if they were working)


7:08pm Sep 8 2013 (last edited on 7:10pm Sep 8 2013)

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Posts: 862
Holiday: Hm... I'd say Coin. Penny suits her primary color, but since coin is a more general on, it could match both her colors in that her primary is more like a penny, and her secondary is more like silver coins. :)

Edit: Meg: Lol. I dunno what I'd be at... Probably near or above 500 as well. 
I'm a bit focused on dragons. More specifically getting certain ones I want. But I'm doing it the hard way (getting the scrolls myself), so I'm really not affected that much if prices keep dropping, because I can just go Coliseum grind for a day and get over 100kt. :/ Though it would help if the prices would go back up. It'd be less time-consuming Coliseum madness on my part...


2:00am Sep 9 2013


Posts: 3,217
I think it might help the economy if they played with the exalting prices a bit 
if they raised the price for rarer breeds and genes
but im sure there are loads of holes in this idea 
just thought if more dragons left the system  the prices would rise 
I made a suggestion about it but no one commented |D /must suck/


2:04am Sep 9 2013

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Posts: 862
I've actually seen that suggestion a lot, Zen. Some people agree with it, other shoot it down. But you are right that less dragons would raise the prices, in retrospect. 
A lot of people have also suggested things like making it so when a dragon reaches a certain age they are too old to breed. Or ones where a dragon can only breed a certain amounts of times, which would suck for people who do reserves because they'd have to keep replacing the pairs. :/


2:21am Sep 9 2013


Posts: 3,217
dragons getting too old to breed and dragons only being allowed to breed a certain amount of times seem like the same thing to me xD 
and that would suck,
seems like doing reserves is a big part of making treasure for alot of people
but im glad its been suggested before and got some feed back xD 
really makes me sad not being able to sell dragons, at what I think, is a decent price (and what was a good price a few months ago)


2:21am Sep 9 2013 (last edited on 2:22am Sep 9 2013)


Posts: 3,217


2:21am Sep 9 2013 (last edited on 2:23am Sep 9 2013)


Posts: 3,217
-lag making me post three times oh mah gurd *mini grumble*-


2:27am Sep 9 2013

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Posts: 862
XD I was wondering why I had three alerts at the same time from here. That explains it.

That's what I thought too, although there was something else about an "elder's lair" where the old dragons would go to live. XD
And yeah, a lot of people make treasure off of reserves I think. Especially the people who don't have time to grind the Coliseum or play the games. :/

Yeah. Mixed feedback, but feedback. XD
And yeah, makes me sad too. I use to get excited about breeding my dragons 'cause I knew I could sell their babies for a whole lot. Now it's like, almost not worth it. I feel that by the time I'll get to breed my DG Ridgies again, they'll only be worth about 20k. :/

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