Flight Rising

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1:44pm Jul 8 2013

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Posts: 2,713
My three Mirror babies hatched, and they were all male. I didn't need any males. :(

I sold the other two in auctions for 250 gems each, but I thought this little guy would sell pretty well on here because you guys seem to like the whitish ones. xD The other two were very similar to Souga and Kiera, so I didn't want to keep them.

Any offers on this little boy? He's a Maize/Beige/Maroon. <3 I'll take offers of treasure or gems.

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


2:08pm Jul 8 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
Also, is there any way to get a dragon with a gene other than purchasing the gene from the marketplace or breeding dragons with the gene? Like, if I were to buy a dragon egg and hatch it, is there a chance that the dragon could come out with a gene that isn't just basic? I'm a few hundred gems away from being able to purchase a gene in the marketplace, so that's why I'm asking. I don't want to spend like 1.2k gems on a gene that I may or may not like once it's placed.

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


2:32pm Jul 8 2013

Normal User

Posts: 194
Ahh I should've checked that out first, thanks Relic.

Adopt one today!

2:54pm Jul 8 2013

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Posts: 862
Witch: I don't think so. At least I've never heard of it, so I'm fairly sure the only way to get genes are from breeding or by buying them.
Also, that little mirror is adorable. Such pretty eyes. <3 If I was looking for a mirror boy right now, I'd probably want to snatch him up. Maybe if he doesn't sell here soon... I'll be back. X3

Nomizisaur: Haha. I'm fairly new too, but I don't think you have dumb questions. Chances are there's someone else who had the same question but is just afraid to ask. c: 

Relic: You think so? Lol. I don't think my naming skills are that great. I'm very picky. ^^; I think you're names are far better than mine.


3:09pm Jul 8 2013 (last edited on 3:10pm Jul 8 2013)

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Posts: 1,020
Just got a circuit gene for my male Tundra <333


4:08pm Jul 8 2013

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Posts: 863
What is the best way to earn treasure in everyone's opinions?


4:14pm Jul 8 2013

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Posts: 2,713
I actually posted a guide to that Nomz. xD It's on page two or three or something.

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


5:12pm Jul 8 2013

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Posts: 862
Noctre: Very nice! What color secondary is that? It's quite pretty. c: I like how it looks on the wings.

Nomz: Yeah. Witch's guide is very useful. :3 But if I had to say, I'd say playing the the fairgrounds games is the best way right now for me. So long as you're focused, you can hit the money cap each day in a decently short amount of time.


6:59pm Jul 8 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,250
Nomz: Witch's guide is also on pg 1.
Fuzzle: Your naming skills are awesome, they all match the dragons. ^-^


7:54pm Jul 8 2013

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Posts: 863
Somebody be my friend :) I need some friends... My name is Nomzi on FR


8:27pm Jul 8 2013

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Posts: 863
I figured that if I'm gonna get involved in this thread that I should answer these questions :3

What is your username? Lady Nomzi of Camelot. Lol jk. Its just Nomzi :p

Why did you join? I love dragons and Neon Dragon (Jessica Peffer) I've been waiting forever for the website to get up and running.

Did someone refer you? If so, who? I referred myself! XD

What clan are you? Ice!

Why did you choose the above clan? Ice fits my personality nicely. Not because I have a heart made of Ice. But living in Canada has had me warm up to the cold rather nicely. I also thought the Icewarden appeared to be a very noble and respectable leader :)

Who are your starters (colors and names)?

This is Sleet

His primary colour is Ice
secondary is Blood
Tertiary is Coral :3

And this is Ink

Her primary is Ivory
Secondary is Shadow
and Tertiary is Azure :)

Of course I have others. But for now those are my starters :)


8:31pm Jul 8 2013

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Posts: 862
Relic: :3 Well thank you! I wouldn't say they ALL match though. The only one I think really matches is Caramel's. Maybe Radar's too but... Lol, that's about it. XD

Nomz: Send you a request. c:


8:32pm Jul 8 2013

Normal User

Posts: 862
Lol. Sleet is very fitting for the Ice clan Nomz. XD And I quite like Ink's coloring. I don't think I've seen an Ivory/Shadow combo yet. c:


8:45pm Jul 8 2013

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Posts: 1,250
Nomz: Sent you a friend request! c:
Fuzzle: No, a lot of them match, like Radar, Knight, Storm, Sketch, all match, but I have to say I like Dodger the best. ^-^


8:54pm Jul 8 2013

Normal User

Posts: 863
Thank you all for the requests! :) This is why Res is the perfect place to make friends :3


8:59pm Jul 8 2013

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Posts: 863
And thanks :) Ink was the second dragon that was randomly given to my clan. I was surprised by her colour combo as well. I figured she was quite cute so I plan on keeping her :3 I named her Ink because it looks like her wings and tail were dipped in Ink :3

Gotta love dragons! ;D


9:09pm Jul 8 2013

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Posts: 862
Relic: Yeah. Dodger is one of my favorites too. ^^ Navy was actually going to be his original name ('Cause I'm just that creative), but I decided I like Dodger for him better.
Now we just gotta get some nice names for your unnamed dragons. :3

Nomz: Indeed. Res is a such a nice, small community. It's just like living in a small town, which is what I like. c:
And yeah. I was thinking that might be why you called you Ink. It's a very fitting name. 


9:36pm Jul 8 2013 (last edited on 9:37pm Jul 8 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,250
Fuzzle: Yeah, got lots of unnamed dragons, but your names are really creative. ^-^
Got the name for my guardian female jungle/navy/rust one, think "Nazi" matches it, got the name from your original name "Navy." c:


9:50pm Jul 8 2013

Normal User

Posts: 862
Relic: Ah! Lol. Well glad I could help. X3 Nazi seems very fitting. I like it. 
And if you like my style of naming, I might be able to think up a few name suggestions for you, if you'd like? c:


10:40pm Jul 8 2013

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Posts: 1,250
Fuzzle: If you can, that'd be awesome!

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