Flight Rising

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4:07pm Jul 14 2013

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Posts: 862
Holiday: No problem. c: Lol. I just happened to be lurking around the SB at the right time to see the conversation. And I'll try and keep you informed if I hear anything else. 


4:07pm Jul 14 2013

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Posts: 1,020
x3 Also, depending on what kind of egg I get next, I may trade you that for the dragon...if I get it sometime before my PC gene XD


4:09pm Jul 14 2013 (last edited on 4:09pm Jul 14 2013)

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Posts: 862
Noctre: Oh. I'd like that too. Lol. More eggs for me to fight with myself about whether I should hatch or sell. XD If it's a Fire or Nature egg, I'll probably hatch it. Or Plaque. That too. :3


4:13pm Jul 14 2013

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Posts: 468
Anyone wanna buy one of my dragons? It would help me a lot ;-; Need 70k more 
These peeps are 25k each

Plague mirror female

1st gen
Arcane tundra male


4:26pm Jul 14 2013

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Posts: 2,713
If anyone has a male Chocolate/Maize/Goldenrod, I totally am willing to forgo my saving for a Pearlcatcher scroll and buy it. I want Nova to have a matching mate so they have beautiful babies when they become circuit Wildclaws. ^o^

At the moment, I can offer 81kt and 63 gems (though I should get more once my baby dragons sell).

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


4:33pm Jul 14 2013

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Posts: 862
Dust: Ah, I wish I could help. 'Fraid neither of those two interest me though. That and I'm trying not to buy dragons right now.
Have you hit the cap of your Lucky Streak in the games today? You could get the 70k you need just from that.

Witch: They would make very pretty Wildclaw babies. :3 'Fraid I don't have that combo though. Lol. I wish you good luck, my friend. 


4:38pm Jul 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 468
Ff how do you even do that I didn't even reach 10k today in the games. My internet is too laggy for the games to work most of the time. What's that lucky streak?


4:41pm Jul 14 2013

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Posts: 1,752
Witch- I wish you luck on finding your dragon match. The closest I really have to that is a goldenrod/Caribbean/tangerine but not even close to what you really want.

Dust- I'm saving up, saving hurts ;o;. Hope you find someone to buy them though.


4:45pm Jul 14 2013

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Posts: 862
Dust: The Lucky Streak is the thing that tells you how much treasure you can earn from the games per day. It's 75k total.
But your internet is really laggy? That sucks. Wait... Laggy how? The server never connects or are the games just running really slow for you?


4:45pm Jul 14 2013

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Posts: 4,754
Giving everyone a helpful little tip:
Play RotA, not any of the other games. I've played this memory game so much it has become mindless for me <.<
When you play RotA, DO NOT play past level 8. You start losing money that way (in the sense that you can earn more if you just start over instead of continuing).

I you do that, you can win over 2000 coins each time you go through level 8! That means it takes very little time compared to other methods c:


4:49pm Jul 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 468
Thanks for the tips guys. <3 Will play the rune game from now on. 

And fuzzle, well, sometimes I finish levels and the time counter keeps counting and then I lose xD Or the game is very slow or it doesn't even start. xD


4:52pm Jul 14 2013

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Posts: 862
That's exactly what I do Meg. Lol. 'Least when I'm not doing jigsaws when I'm bored of the Runes. ^^; 

Dust: Ah yeah, that happens sometimes when the site is just being laggy in general. XD It's not lagging right now though. At least it isn't for me. You could try playing now. That's what I'm doing, 'cause I'm trying to not be lazy and get my treasure for the day. 


4:54pm Jul 14 2013

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Posts: 468
I was already playing, it's working normally for me too. Finally.


4:57pm Jul 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 862
Oh. Lol. Well, don't mind me. I'mma just be over here being a dunce. XD I should have figured that since you're saving up money.
I'm glad it's working for you though.


4:59pm Jul 14 2013

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Posts: 862
Meg: Before I forget, my Jungle/Emerald/Storm tundra will be able to breed after today. Are you still interested in breeding him with Lily when she's ready?


5:12pm Jul 14 2013

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Posts: 862
Welp. Fuzzle bought another boon, 'cause she wanted to free up her other three-egg nest that wouldn't hatch for another four days. 
And the babies are lovely. c: I'm half tempted to keep two of them.

A lovely female.
Primary - Black
Secondary - Azure
Tertiary - Steel

A cute little, gray boy.
Primary - Gray
Secondary - Jungle
Tertiary - Spring

And another lovely boy, but this time a guardian. I really quite like this fella.
Primary - Midnight
Secondary - Teal
Tertiary - Stonewash

So, I'm not really sure who I'll keep or sell yet. X3 If anyone has any interest, feel free to ask.


5:30pm Jul 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 468
Ughh I still need 50k treasure.

Anyone willing to lend me 50k?
Or trade it for 10 mill tu?
Or trade it for those two dragons stated above plus 5 mill tu? XD


6:23pm Jul 14 2013

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Posts: 2,713
Dust I'm tempted to trade for 10mil tu lol. /needs 700mil/ But then I'd only have 30k left.

We have two computers in the house. On the one that's mine, which is super super laggy, I can barely get the coliseum to work, let alone games. On the other one I can play games but I have little patience for them lol.

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


6:30pm Jul 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 862
Dust: Lol. If I could get my water egg sold, I'd be happy to lend you the 50k. But unfortunately, it's taking its time with getting purchased. :/

Witch: Lol. That kind of sucks, but at least you have one computer that's not super laggy. 


6:45pm Jul 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 468
Noooo Witch /dies

And Fuzzle, I know that feel. My dragons used to get sold very quickly, but not this time x.x

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