Flight Rising

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5:08pm Jul 31 2013

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Posts: 862
Zen: I think he looks pretty spiffy as a Mirror. :3 He's make a nice Wildclaw too, or a Spiral.


6:13pm Jul 31 2013


Posts: 3,217
Thank you :D 
might be a wildclaw one day 


6:51pm Jul 31 2013 (last edited on 6:54pm Jul 31 2013)

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Posts: 862
Zen: I think he'll make a lovely Wildclaw. :3 

And I just bought this guy for a whole 50kt, over less-than half of what his gene is worth. XD

Denim is by far my favorite of the dull blues, so I just had to pick him up. I think him and my Aqua/Obsidian/Green female fae are going to be my second pair of Wildlcaws. :3 
Edit: His twin brother is still in the auctions for 55k if anyone is interested. c: Same exact colors except his brother's tertiary is Seafoam.


8:20pm Jul 31 2013

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Posts: 459
He's so pretty, Fuzzle. :D Nice snag!


10:37pm Jul 31 2013

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Posts: 336
Look at my two new pretties :) 
These will eventually be Wildclaw mates.
I'm so excited!

Here is the male:
(not loving the eye color, but oh well. They will have pretty babies!)
Primary: White
Secondary: Seafoam Eye Spots

And here is his mate: 
Primary: Ice
Secondary: Black Eye Spots

Their babies will be within this range:



Then I'll use one of their babies to breed with a Seraph gened Wildclaw. :3


11:03pm Jul 31 2013

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Posts: 862
Serval: Thankies! X3 I've been looking to get one of my dragons a clown gene, so getting a pretty dragon already with the gene for cheap was a win-win for me.

Kah: ... I SWEAR I saw a dragon just like that first one in the auctions a couple hours ago, 'cept I don't remember the eye color. XD
They are both awesome and pretty and will make great Wildlcaws. :3 I forgot how much I like black eye spots too. You just don't see 'em very often.


11:09pm Jul 31 2013

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Posts: 156
Just hatched these babies

Primary: Teal Basic
Secondary:Pink Basic
Tertiary:Gold Basic

Primary: Jungle Basic
Secondary:Maroon Basic
Tertiary: Brown Basic

Primary: Royal Basic
Secondary: Blood Basic
Tertiary: Beige Basic

A pretty Icecream. Please feed her a berry if you would be so kind! Even better if you are not logged in/a member, as I will get points from it!

11:41pm Jul 31 2013

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Posts: 336
Fuzzle: yeah I bought them both from the AH, cheaper than getting the scrolls and doing it, plus they were so cute and went together so well. My money now is going towards getting the 2 Wildclaw scrolls. 
And yes I love the really dark eye spot colors. I could get obsidian out of them too. :) I just wanted two, one with ice and one with white primaries, that had a decent range of secondary colors that would be pretty. :)


11:56pm Jul 31 2013

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Posts: 862
Kirby: That first one makes me hungry for some cotton candy. XD She's a cutie. :3

Kah: Lol. Maybe it was them I saw then. 
But yeah, I think they'll make some lovely babies. :3 And I don't think I've seen Obsidian Eye Spots, or at least I don't think I have. Maybe I just can't remember, which is likely. And they have a chance at some Lavender Eye Spots too. :) Lavender is one of my favorite purples.


12:13am Aug 1 2013 (last edited on 12:13am Aug 1 2013)

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Posts: 336
Fuzzle: The obsidian seriously looks almost exactly like the black lol I saw another that had obsidian and I couldn't tell the difference. 

Lavender is pretty. I love the aqua, teal, and azure eye spots. They are my favorite.
I saw another fae in AH that was shadow or midnight with sunshine eye spots.
It was surprising really pretty. 

After I get these two set up as wildclaws, I'm going to
get a nice dark set of wildclaws to breed. A Obsidian and a Shadow with a good
range of secondary colors. That way I'll get Obsidian, Midnight, or Shadow as the primary
and then pretty secondary colors.

What is your goal(s) that you are working on right now? Did you ever get your Fire
dragon with Obsidian/Jungle?


12:26am Aug 1 2013

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Posts: 862
Lol. Well, somehow I feel I shouldn't have been surprised. XD Oh well.
And yeah. That Midnight/Sunshine does sound quite pretty. Midnight is such a lovely color. And it looks awesome with light blues like Aqua, which is why I love my male Wildclaw so much. I saw a male fae with the same exact colors as him earlier today, the same red eyes too, and was tempted to buy it. XD 

And that sounds like a plan to me. Dark Wildclaws are awesome. That's why I made some dark ones as my first pair. :3 The babies sell really quick too. Though light ones probably do too, especially with nice secondaries. :3

And you mean my Plague one? XD Lol. Nope. But I did find a decent substitute. 
He's a handsome fella. Exact colors I wanted, just with some orange eyes. Which, the orange goes pretty well with the green so I can't complain.

As for other plans, I plan on turning these two into my next Wildclaw pair. Their primary range is in my favorite side of the blue range, and then they have some nice, dark secondaries with a aqua-to-green tertiary. :3

I got the mirror boy for only 50k. And I just love Denim. That and I've been wanting a clown gene so I figured I'd save myself a lot of treasure and get a pretty dragon with the gene already on him.
Hopefully I'll be able to get my first breed scroll tomorrow. I have someone who plans to buy the Crimson circuit fae for the 100k and they're hoping to have the treasure tomorrow. :)

And that's about it for now. Wow. I suddenly got chatty. XD


12:41am Aug 1 2013

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Posts: 336
Fuzzle: lol that's alright :)
Plague, YES! That's what I meant. ;3
And ya know, I think I did see that you posted the
pic of your little ridgeback there. I think that's why
I was thinking Fire maybe....who knows? lol
I like ridgebacks too :)

I saw your pic earlier of that awesome mirror you got and how
you were planning to turn him into a Wildclaw. He's super cute.
I even went to see if that other one was still in the AH like you said,
but by the time I got over there it was already gone. Oh well, I'm
happy with what I got tonight. 

On a side note: I don't know why, but I'm not a fan of the 
Iridescent and Shimmer genes. I don't like the shiny dragons lol
Gembond is okay but I only like it every once in a while.

Hope you're able to get your first breed scroll tomorrow! :D


12:53am Aug 1 2013 (last edited on 12:54am Aug 1 2013)

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Posts: 862
Kah: Yeah, I figured that's what you meant. Lol. But yeah, that could be why you thought to say Fire instead. 
Ridgeback's were actually the non-starter breed that I wanted first, but that was before I saw the Wildclaws. Then they became my second. XD I think I like 'em so much because they're tall and spiky.

Awe. D: I'm sorry you couldn't get to him in time, but I'd say the two you got are just as pretty. And they shall make some lovely babies for you. :3

And I'm gonna have to agree with you. I'm not a big fan of the Shimmer and Iridescent genes either. I don't mind the primary one on light colors like White, and I like Shimmer wings on certain colors, like Aqua for example, but I really don't like the Iridescent that much otherwise. It just... I dunno. I guess I just don't like the glossy texture maybe. 
And I agree with the gembond too. I like Ice gembond on dark colors though. That's really about it.

On another random note. I saw about the neatest Circuit I'd seen in a while the other day. It was a mirror that was Obsidian/Black, and then it had red circuitry and had Plague red eyes. It just looked so neat.

And hopefully I can get it. :) I'm not sure which dragon I'll turn first. Possibly the mirror boy.


1:03am Aug 1 2013

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Posts: 336
Fuzzle: Ice gembond on really dark colors is probably the only one that I like too.
That circuit does sound really cool. I like when it matches the eye color. :)

I really wish they would get Runestones working...I've played too much Shock Switch...


1:11am Aug 1 2013 (last edited on 1:12am Aug 1 2013)

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Posts: 862
Kah: Yup. Really dark like Obsidian. Or Coal even.
And yeah. Ones that match the eyes are really cool. There was another one once I saw where the circuit was green and it was a Nature dragon. I wanted it. XD
I also like the ones where the tertiary color matches the primary color and then the circuit blends in.

Yeah. Switch Shock does wear on you after a while, but I ultimately think I prefer it over Runestones. ... Maybe. Lol. We'll see how I feel after a week. XD
I hope the next game is more tolerable. Something more similar to Bejeweled would be awesome. Or maybe something entirely different from puzzles and mind games.


1:17am Aug 1 2013 (last edited on 1:18am Aug 1 2013)

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Posts: 336
Or ones that take more thinking?
Like it would be cool to have word searches and Sudoku
or something lol Those I wouldn't even mad if they 
didn't give a whole lot of treasure. It wouldn't be mindlessly
tedious.  But yes Bejeweled would be awesome :D


1:25am Aug 1 2013 (last edited on 1:26am Aug 1 2013)

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Posts: 862
Oh yeah! A Sudoku would be great. I haven't done one of those in ages, but I know I like 'em. I hate 'em when I get stuck, but I like them again when I get past the block. XD Word searches would be pretty good too. 
Another short game would be good too, I think. Not like that higher and lower game, but a game that doesn't have the option to last a year. Like... Oh, what's it called? Mind something. It's like a game where you have to guess the order of colored pegs that are hidden behind a barrier or something. You get a certain amount of chances, and each time you try you're given clues to how close you are.

Edit: Mastermind! ... I think that's what it was called. XD


1:39am Aug 1 2013 (last edited on 1:49am Aug 1 2013)

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Posts: 336
Hmm ya know I don't know if I've ever played that. It doesn't sound familiar...?

It would also be cool if they had a daily mind game that was like one
of those really hard brain teasers that once you started it you had a certain
amount of time to figure it out and if you did, you got a good chunk of treasure.
And it would be different for everyone so that no one could cheat. But like once
you figured it out you got idk...10k or something. I have this book of brain teasers
that are really really hard lol

A slots game would be cool too.

EDIT: it would probably be better if it was like 30k...


1:59am Aug 1 2013

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Posts: 862
Oh, Mastermind is a fun game. Looks like this, only it can come in and with different colors.
It can be a frustrating game, but even so it's fun as well. It's kind of a guessing game at first, but after you get started it's all about planning and trying to decide what colors you know are right and which you don't know for sure.

And YES. :D I love brain teasers. I'm not always the best at them, but I find them fun. Riddles too, especially those tricky ones, like the one that asks you how you made a barrel lighter by putting something in it.

A slot game would be pretty neat. It could be like a gambling game, or maybe just one that could give you treasure quickly, just in smaller amounts than what the longer games would give you.

And maybe, if they could ever get to it, they could have competitive kind of games. Like Chess or something. I'd love to just play a relaxing game with a friend for some treasure. :)


2:07am Aug 1 2013

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Posts: 336
I looked up the game :) and nope I haven't ever played it.
AND omg! BINGO! We have to have Bingo! lol 
That would be so fun!

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