Flight Rising

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2:14am Aug 1 2013

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Posts: 862
Oh, you should definitely try it sometime if you get the chance. :) I believe there's an online version of it. Not quite the same as actually playing with another person, but still makes you think.

Bingo! XD Yes. We need bingo. Maybe they could give out other prizes aside from just treasure for something like that. Maybe some rare familiars or apparel too. :3
And there should be multi-player train-track dominos too. And maybe something like Scrabble too.


2:16am Aug 1 2013 (last edited on 2:17am Aug 1 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 336
I'll look it up and see if I can find an online game to play.

Yes to all of that! >.<


2:20am Aug 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 862
Hehe! X3 I wonder how many games have been suggested to them? I bet they'd have to remake them a bit to match the element theme they're going for.
Like, the Runes game is Arcane.
The Higher or Lower is Nature.
Shock Switch is Lightning.
... I'm not really sure what the Jigsaws are... Light? Wind? Lol.


2:23am Aug 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 336
The Jigsaw one I think is just like all of them lol since they are pictures of everything.
But yeah I was thinking that too. They would have to make them all a clan elemental
theme. Some of them they could make all the elements. Like a slot game and bingo.


2:26am Aug 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 862
That's a good point. Lol. Yeah. Those games would probably be a combo kind of thing.
Maybe Brain Teasers could be a Shadow thing? Since that elements kind of the trickster element.
I... Dunno about anything else though. XD
Maybe a Bejeweled like game could be for Water and instead of gems they'd be pearls? Or different types of fish? I dunno.


2:30am Aug 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 336
Yeah that sounds fun :) I would love to be the game organizer and creator
for them, except for the little problem that I don't know anything about coding
and couldn't do the graphics because I haven't tried any sort of computerized
drawings before lol ya know, just that SMALL problem....;3


2:34am Aug 1 2013 (last edited on 2:34am Aug 1 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 862
Yeah. Just a little problem. X3 I've got that little problem too, 'cept I have drawn things.. Kind of digitally. If sketching them on paper and then scanning them in for editing counts.
We could be the coordinators. Like, we tell 'em what to do.
"The people want this kind of game. You should make it like; this, this, and this. Do it. :I "
Best managers ever.

Still closed for maintenance... What even is this now?


2:45am Aug 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 336
I know idk why it's closed. There isn't an announcement for it.

And yes we would be awesome! lol 


2:51am Aug 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 862
It's back up now. Lol. Guess they just had a delayed downtime. 

Yes. Best game coordinates ever. If anything else we could at least tell the people who can code what to do. XD


3:03am Aug 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 336
Ultimate game dictators! XD

These dragons of mine just so aren't selling I've had them in the auctions
for 3 days now, every time lowering the prices.
They are just 6999 now, ugh. Probably just going to take them out and
exalt them. I need the space in my lair....


3:08am Aug 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 862
Yes! XD We need some badges for that.

I know what you mean. I exalted a couple earlier because they weren't selling and I couldn't find anyone on the "Want" forum that's looking for dragons like 'em. 
The only one I ultimately refuse to exalt is my Obsidian/Jungle female. There's someone who was interested in her, but they disappeared after I told 'em the price I wanted, so... ._.;


3:13am Aug 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 336
Awww :( yeah I understand. One of mine, I'm just like nooooo!
You need a home....now! I guess I'll go back to the want forums and
see if I can find anyone. I was hoping they would already be gone, but I'll wait
until their auction is up today and then if I haven't found homes, I'll exalt them.

Normally Obsidians sell pretty quick :( 


3:25am Aug 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 862
Awe. D: Hopefully you'll be able to find a nice home for 'em. 
And yeah. Usually Obsidian's do sell quick, but I just can't get her sold. But I'd sooner keep her than exalt her. I could use her for breeding later if I wanted to.

Funny story about the Want forums. Lol. I was at one of those "Looking for Gen-1" threads and offered up that all-blue mirror I hatched the other day. The person wanted it, NEVER asked the price for him (I wanted around 20k), and ended up sending me a crossroads for 25kt. XD 
I was like, "... What?" Of course I didn't ob
ject. It was 5k more than what I was hoping for and certainly not an over-exaggerated price.
It just made me laugh. Like. Where did they get 25k from?


3:37am Aug 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 336
Lol yeah you would think they would have asked...haha
They may have been buying a couple and that was just the
price most people want for them I guess.


3:40am Aug 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 862
Could be. Still makes me giggle though. It could also have something to do with the fact that they wanted to use the little mirror boy in a blue-breeding plan they had with another guardian they were buying. Could be they just assumed the other person's price was the same as mine.
Oh well. X3

Anyway. I best be off for the night. My cat is telling me it's time for bed by chewing on the edge of a cardboard box. ... He's a weird cat. XD


3:47am Aug 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 336
Mine is curled up at the foot of my bed for now. In about an hour she'll get up and start pawing and jiggling my door....which is very...very annoying. lol

Anyway ttyl!!! Night! :3


11:50am Aug 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 536
I dont get the hype with wild claws. Ridgebacks are number one. Then Imps and pearlcatchers 

12:22pm Aug 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 862
Kah: Hehe, playing with the door huh? Lol. If she watches you enough she might learn how to open the door on her own.

Vol: One of the reasons I like Wildclaws is because they remind me of raptors and raptors are by far, my favorite type of dinosaur. That and also there's something about their wings I really like. The pudgie, little babies are cute too.
But yeah. Ridgeback's are my second favorite and then Imperial's follow them, though I really only prefer the baby and Male forms of the Imps.


5:38pm Aug 1 2013

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Posts: 1,939
Look at my new all grey drag named Greybeard!!! Any offers??


7:40pm Aug 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 862
Aslin: Oh! He's very cool. :) 'Fraid I'm not too interested in single color dragons myself. I know there were quite a number of people looking for dragons with same primaries and secondaries the other day in the "Want" forums.
One of them was even looking for a Gray/Gray, I believe.

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