Flight Rising

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2:42pm Jul 1 2013

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Posts: 536
My sister made an account he name is Faye

2:43pm Jul 1 2013

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Vol: Oh my gosh that's my middle name o.o So weird xD
I sent her a request btw c:


2:47pm Jul 1 2013

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Posts: 862
Meg: Awe! D: I know that feeling. I had a pretty fea snatched from me too. What colors was she.
And I changed my mind. XD Went with the a lot less expensive, aqua/splash tundra female. Just as pretty, the secondary is a little lighter, but that narrows the range that I want and actually makes things better. :3 So I'm happy.

Here they are. The newbies of the day and eventual breeding pair. Saif, the lemon/goldenrod. And Saffron, the aqua/splash. :3 

I think I actually want to change Saif into a tundra. Lol. I might like tundras too much. They're just so fluffy and cute.


2:56pm Jul 1 2013

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Posts: 4,754
Wow, they're really pretty :o I think you should keep them as is if you want to breed them together; then you'll have a chance at 5 eggs c:

And she was Maroon primary, Midnight Secondary. What I really loved was her eyes though, she was a lightning type ;o;


3:08pm Jul 1 2013

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Posts: 862
Vol: Went ahead and sent your sis a friend request as well. c: She's got a pretty seafoam fae starter.

Meg: Yeah, that's true. I might keep him a guardian. And if I do change him I'll likely make him a mirror. Five eggs would be very appealing with these guys, especially since I have a change at an aqua/seafoam with 'em. :3
D: I bet that fae was adorable. Especially with those big, blue eyes. I'm sorry you didn't get to snap her up in time. She'd have been a lovely addition. 


3:12pm Jul 1 2013

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Posts: 536
Mega- Thats her middle name as well

3:13pm Jul 1 2013

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Posts: 536
Im having trouble making money/ getting familliars. I play games and stuff but I guess I need to sell dragon. Im wating on 3 eggs to hatch in 3 days so Ill sell those probably.

How long does it take for a dragon to grow up?

3:13pm Jul 1 2013

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Posts: 4,754
Fuzzle: He would be really cool as a mirror c:
And while searching the auctions, I found another one that's very similar to her. Same big blue eyes and secondary, just with soil instead of maroon for the primary... and this one is a bit more expensive. Should I? I have enough...


3:18pm Jul 1 2013

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Vol: That's cool :3
I make money by hitting my cap on games every day. I play the first 7 levels of the Runestones game over and over again until the memory game becomes mindless :U It's worth it though, in my opinion.

And it takes 5 days for a dragon to grow up.


3:23pm Jul 1 2013

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Posts: 862
Huh. Small world if you and Vol's sister have the same nickname. And not a very common one either. Lol. I just have simple 'ol Lynn for my middle name, but it goes well with my first name.

And yeah. I thought he'd look good as a Mirror too. It was my second choice after tundra. I might just go for it.

And I say if you really like how that fae looks, go for it. XD She certainly sounds pretty.
Also, 'bout how long does it take you to cap out in games using that method, Meg? I usually spend most of my time on the medium and hard jigsaws and flip back to easy and playing Runestones every so often.


3:32pm Jul 1 2013

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Posts: 4,754
It takes me about 2 hours to cap out if I do nothing but play (and of course I play Rescreatu and Aywas as well and I stalk auctions and other assorted things, so I never play without distractions).

I bought her. Say hello to Spark <3333

Isn't she beautiful?


3:43pm Jul 1 2013 (last edited on 3:43pm Jul 1 2013)

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Posts: 862
Meg: Hm. Two hours isn't bad. I might have to try that to finish off today (I've only done about 10 of the total, lol.)
And yeah. I don't think anyone is without their distractions. XD Like right now I'm making myself some Four Cheese Pasta since I didn't get to eat lunch.

And Spark is a lovely little girl! <3 Those blue eyes and then her pale, dark body. She is indeed beautiful.


4:17pm Jul 1 2013

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Posts: 1,020
I have no idea what Im gonna breed Nosferatu to...I do have a rust/azure/tomato circut female Guardian that I need to wait to grow up XD Though I might get a lot of pink babies >>


4:30pm Jul 1 2013

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Posts: 4,754
Noctre: I get that pink thing. Pink is actually my favorite color, but on dragons? Noooooo no pink dragons please <.< I think you should try to get a dragon as close to Nosferatu as you can and breed them together than sell the babies.


4:41pm Jul 1 2013

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Posts: 862
Noctre: Yeah... Definitely not the rust. Lol. Unless you can find someone who's looking for pink babies.
Otherwise, I'd say go what with Meg said. Or if anything, maybe a dragon in the blue and green range would be nice too.


2:56pm Jul 2 2013 (last edited on 2:57pm Jul 2 2013)

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Posts: 4,754
I bought another baby, this time a mate for Nicholas
Her name is Elizabeth. Her colors are:
Primary: Chocolate
Secondary: Beige
Tertiary: Jade

That means when they mate that I'll have a bunch of pretty chocolate babies with orange, yellow, green, or blue wings and a green tertiary. I rather like the prospect of that ^-^


4:15pm Jul 2 2013

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Posts: 862
Haha. She's a cutie Meg. c: I like how her Beige wings compliment her.
And brown babies with those colored wings sound great. Chocolate is such a surprisingly nice color. I know brown goes with many things, but it's just one of those color that surprises you.


4:29pm Jul 2 2013

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Posts: 4,754
Yeah, Meg is a brown+Color nut /pokes Spark, Elizabeth, and Nicholas/ I rather like chocolate and pink, so this is the only instance in which I would actually like a pink dragon.


4:44pm Jul 2 2013 (last edited on 4:44pm Jul 2 2013)

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Posts: 862
I see that. Lol. Nothing wrong with liking brown. I like quite a few combos that I like. 
And yeah, a Chocolate and pink combo does look pretty nice. That'd probably be one of the few pink combos I'd consider if I ever wanted a pink dragon.

Also, my silver and leaf guardian, Story... I feel like he should be an adult. I feel like he should have grown up when he hit six days old. Or is it only at the site reset that they grow up?


4:49pm Jul 2 2013

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Posts: 4,754
Fuzzle: It might only be at reset. If he hasn't grown up by tomorrow, I think there is something wrong o.o

Omg my eggs are hatching tomorrow. So excited!!! I've already upgraded my lair to hold the new babies, but by next breeding cycle I'm going to have to upgrade a LOT, I have so many  breeding pairs and I'm not a big fan of selling dragons ;o; They're just too precious to sell!

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