Homestruck FC

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1:55am Oct 16 2011 (last edited on 1:55am Oct 16 2011)

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Posts: 1,708
I really love Homestuck. It's probably the most original thing I've seen on the interwebs in a long time. Andrew Hussie is a genius. c:


...I-I love Gamzee. <3
iNsAnE, mUrDeRoUs TrOlLmEn aMuSe mE. :o)


11:55pm Oct 20 2011

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Posts: 3,642
He IS a genius, man. Even in his non-MSPA works. He really knows how to make things ridiculously absurd in a super straight-faced way. xD

I read this one other comic of his a while back that involved part-animal men in sort of an office job setting, and just. It was so extremely awkward and hilarious.


9:19pm Oct 24 2011 (last edited on 9:21pm Oct 24 2011)

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'Kay so I went through this archive site with all of Hussie's previous stuff and read most of it. Not quite as entertaining as his newer stuff, but still pretty great. xD My favorite of the smaller comics was Being Naked with Old People. So bad, but. So hilarious.

And It Don't Stop was pretty interesting. Even if it was all based on rap and the main character had basically no personality. x3 Just. The whole music-activated robots concept was cool, and the art was nice.

Also. Anyone know of any really cool-kid Dave kinda Creatu species? xD I'm at a loss here.


9:31pm Oct 24 2011

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Posts: 498
I always associate Dave with Mirabilis,  know, the crows. xPPP


11:50pm Oct 24 2011 (last edited on 11:52pm Oct 24 2011)

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Ohhh. That is a good idea. Mebbe, mebbe.. |D

Ohman I just realised. The new animation is going to be out tomorrow.

I bet it's gonna be amazingggg. I saw some Youtuber say it'll be like, seven to ten minutes long. o_o


5:41am Oct 25 2011

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Posts: 4,893
DAT FLASH. was amazing. Soundtrack was absolutely mesmerizing.
Bec Noir was so adorable when Jade died. x3
I'm so sad that the Exiles are getting killed off. ;_;
Poor lonely PM. <3
I got shivers when Jade god-tier'd (that's what happened, right?). o3o She looks cute with her ears. :3
Yeah, Jade. Do some awesome stuff. O:
Sollux don't break yourself. D:
PM go get Bec!

omg, guys. This is just amazing.

i’m such a gamer uwu

7:58am Oct 25 2011 (last edited on 4:38pm Oct 25 2011)

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WOAHHHHH that took me a second to understand but BEC VERSION OF THE MENDICANT OMG.

Yah that was.. really epic. o_o Not quite as chilling as the normal really fast ones are, but I still felt pretty teary in places. xD

Also, again with me normally not caring much for Rose and then when something significant happens to her I'm like ROOOOOOOSE. ♥♥

... So what was Jade trying to do with the planets, anyway? I didn't quite understand that. o:


I saw a girl at school today with a green slime ghost shirt, like John wore at the beginning. Suddenly I really, really want one. O_O


6:13pm Oct 25 2011

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Posts: 4,893
I think Jade was trying to save the planets from scratch. o_o;

i’m such a gamer uwu

6:31pm Oct 25 2011

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Posts: 3,426
That's what I was thinking.
I absolutely love the update. *o* So worth the wait. I have to say, I love all Hussie did in it, especially with the art.
Someone on Tumblr totally pegged that Seers' eyes are covered in God Tier.

On a side note, I finally got my black green slime shirt that I ordered. >.> Dump Topaco or whatever didn't bother to ship it on time, so I didn't get it in time to Cosplay John at the Con I went to Saturday. :c

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

8:45pm Oct 25 2011 (last edited on 9:03pm Oct 25 2011)

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LOL. God-tier Jade has TWO spots on dA's front page today, as well as several on the pages after that. Apparently people really, really like her. xD

Can't blame 'em though. She's just. So awesome. Not all that surprising, either. I actually went to the front page because I figured there would be Homestuck stuff up there. I just.. didn't expect it to all be Jade, hah.

Heck, I'm starting to think that girl I saw wearing a John shirt was probably wearing it because of today's update and how huge and important it is. O: It's practically like a special day for Homestuck. Everyone's going so crazy about it.

I know I was hardly able to think about anything else all day. xD

Anyway. Back to replying. |D

I'm.. still not sure I understand. xD How would shrinking down and moving the planets save them? The Scratch is supposed to restart the kids' entire session.

Wait. WaitasecondnowIgetit. She went through the fourth wall she created. And THAT'S what saved them. Right?

Okay. Confusion gone. |D I guess I just didn't make the connection. I was really wondering why she made that wall before, hah.


Okay actually I just keep coming up with more things to talk about lol. :U

Bit of a curiosity wondering type thing. D'you guys think maybe Jade has First Guardian powers now? It almost seemed like all the new stuff she could do was just because she's become a fully-realised Witch of Space.

But like. It'd totally make sense for her to have inherited Bec's power too, since Jadesprite had it. And also she pretty well inherited Bec's looks. Dog-Jade and all. xD

Thoughts? :D


7:51am Oct 27 2011 (last edited on 6:18pm Oct 27 2011)

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Hm. Apparently in my head I'm attaching Homestuck to things that aren't actually related.  xD There was this user named Karkhoter on the Shoutbox. Who everyone calls Kark. Who used an eight-eyed smiley face. And I coulda sworn.

But nope. I said I see what you did there and he didn't understand. sadface.

Also, because of Cascade there are now two thirteen-minute-long songs I'm obsessed with. o3o Help me omg. I like really long songs way too much. xD

Okay I'm just gonna edit this so it's not a triple-post. :U

The last three parts of those notes Hussie made on the animation are really insightful. O: Suddenly I understand a lot more. Lotta stuff I'd missed before.

Like how Aradia became God-Tier. That always really confused me before, but apparently it just had to do with her dream self sleeping on a quest bed like the ones Rose and Dave were standing on when the Tumor detonated. When Jack destroyed Derse, her dream self died and the robot exploded at the same time, and she ascended to Godhood.

And the whole thing with the explosion/Green Sun. I kiiinda got that they must have been the same thing, but I didn't realise the explosion actually created the Green Sun. 'S like. Woah.

I know they're linked in the news under the comic too, but for convenience's sake.. xD tle="" href="">Part two, tle="" href="">part three, and tle="" href="">part four.


12:18pm Nov 6 2011 (last edited on 10:10pm Nov 6 2011)

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Posts: 3,642
New intermission.

It's Lord English ohjeez they're all gonna die. o_o


Hah. I've been rereading from the beginning, and it seems like Hussie just had friggin' everything planned.

In one of Dave's panels before he even gets Rose into the Medium, let alone himself, it actually says, 'It's like what are you made of time.'

You most certainly are, Dave. You Knight you.


10:38pm Nov 6 2011

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Posts: 3,426
*needs to check updates*

Well, considering all the plot twists and general insanity with the timelines and all that fun stuff, you'd have to believe that Hussie must have spent a great deal of time just planning the plot and characters. xD

I'm convinced Hussie is a genius when it comes to this stuff. o_o

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

7:01pm Nov 7 2011

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Posts: 4,893
He is a genius. Who could have created these characters or this twisted timey wimey screwed up storyline? xD

Also, I'm not sure why people depict Lord English as a pimp on dA. o_O;

i’m such a gamer uwu

2:55pm Nov 8 2011

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Posts: 3,642
Maybe there's some thread on the MSPA forum where they've been talking about how he's kinda like a pimp? xD Those drawings sure weren't there when I first searched him up on dA, and now suddenly there are a few, so it must be something to do with shenanigans among the community.


6:42pm Nov 8 2011 (last edited on 6:45pm Nov 8 2011)

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Posts: 11,785
Okay I didn't know this existed until just now ogod Loki why didn't you inform me of this. :I




By the way Dog Tier is the best thing ever. and yes, I meant to say Dog Tier. Because Jade is doggy-ish now.

But yeah.

Homestuck is like, my favorite thing. xD;

And it's ruined buckets for me forever.

Also my favorite character is between Bro, Dave, Karkat, Gamzee, and Sollux.

And Sollux is my patron.

Also I have Sollux's ancestor's name, his Trollian handle, and I also have Condensce. xD;


6:47pm Nov 8 2011

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Posts: 4,893
Jade's popularity did sky-rocket because of the dog tier. Plus she's wearing black. And she's doing something amazing.
John's popularity been going down since he's kind of old news.
No one really acknowledges Rose anymore, and Dave's just always going to be cool but not as popular as Jade.

i’m such a gamer uwu

6:51pm Nov 8 2011

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Posts: 11,785
I've actually liked Jade from the beginning. xD

And I'm such a Homestuck derp I've made like six fantrolls and a couple fankids because I'm a loser with no life. xD;


6:54pm Nov 8 2011

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Posts: 4,893
I'm not saying any or all of the kids weren't originally liked before or during their god tiers. They're all obviously going to have a fan base.
I only noticed that Jade's in particular had a huge growth.

I only recently created one fantroll. :(

i’m such a gamer uwu

6:57pm Nov 8 2011

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Posts: 11,785
I've been derping around with Homestuck for a while now. xD;

I only have art things for two fantrolls and a grub though. xD; Which were done by me. c: Well, one fantroll, a Trollsona, and a grub. >u>;

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