4:41pm Dec 16 2011
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Posts: 998
OMG Yoshi. xD <3
5:29pm Dec 16 2011
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Posts: 2
Homestuck, yessssssss! <3333 I'm either a Taurus or an Aries. xD Different websites say different things. I say I'm a Taurus though. Wimpage is a win. :3
I strongly dislike clowns. T.T
12:23pm Dec 17 2011
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Posts: 998
So you strongly dislike Gamzee? xD
7:09pm Dec 29 2011 (last edited on 7:09pm Dec 29 2011)
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D'awee. Somehow I find it really adorable how Mom Lalonde basically seems to have gone through things the same way Rose did, right down to venturing into the lab and nabbing a generator for her computer and having to break something that echoed a belonging of her parent in order to get into the Medium. A wine bottle in Rose's case; an encased Mutie in Mom's.
Or.. maybe the mutant cat was actually a preserved dead pet of Mom's, to mirror Jaspers?
*shrug* :Y
But yah. Inexplicably adorable.
I think I really like Mom.
11:57pm Jan 1 2012
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12:18am Jan 2 2012
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Posts: 498
12:34am Jan 2 2012 (last edited on 12:37am Jan 2 2012)
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Is it sad that this is the most animated I've been about anything that's happened since the first time Rose died? xD
This is what Homestuck has done to me. This is it.
Grow accustomed to constant death. Flip the freak out over dog being reincarnated as cat.
Also, be disappointed when a Nic Cage movie isn't terrible and thus hilarious.
He honestly kept a level head and a serious voice throughout almost the entirety of Season of the Witch.
6:06pm Jan 2 2012
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Guys. I went to the mall today and look who I met.
I.. I got to brofist Cal. C:
10:57am Jan 4 2012
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Posts: 998
xD OMG Yoshi! Thats awsome. :B Brofist Cal? It wasn't like the awkward one right? xD Or Nervous Brofist. -shot-
4:15pm Jan 4 2012
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Posts: 930
I, uh, can't see the image. :x
5:10pm Jan 5 2012 (last edited on 5:37pm Jan 5 2012)
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Snaps, really? That's.. a little weird. o: Photobucket usually works.
'Kay let's try a link from Tumblr and see if that'll work okay. tle="" href="http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lx73c5RaXw1r7fl76o1_500.jpg">[link]
Also, I. I think I really, really love Mom Lalonde. xD From the silly comics people make about her to her shenanigans in Homestuck itself.
Honestly I don't know why it's so hilarious, but. lol extradinner.tle="" href="http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lx73c5RaXw1r7fl76o1_500.jpg">
5:48pm Jan 5 2012
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Posts: 930
AAAAHHHHHHHH thats so scary
5:54pm Jan 5 2012
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What, Cal? Or the whole thing? xD
6:06pm Jan 5 2012
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8:53pm Jan 5 2012
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... I guess now that I think of it, he could be a little creepy. I just can't get over the awesome of it. xD
He even had a movable mouth. The girl could mess with something in the back of his head to make his jaw move, kinda like a regular puppet, and all I could think was AFDLAJFLAJF YES.
Honestly that pretty much made the whole thing for me.
10:03am Jan 15 2012
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Posts: 3,642
Just thought of something.
The name Homestuck..
On a pet that's 413 days old.
That would be the best.
11:52pm Jan 15 2012
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Posts: 930
freeze forever also Dirk pffffffffft his name no wonder he goes by Bro
Dave made it ironically lame i guess
4:40am Jan 25 2012
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Posts: 1,576
I liked the part where Rose flung a bathtub through John's wall? o_o
2:20am Feb 6 2012
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Posts: 498
Anyone notice that the mutant kitty Roxy threw through the window appears to be the same mutant kitty Rose gets before her house gets struck by a comet?
10:30pm Feb 6 2012 (last edited on 10:32pm Feb 6 2012)
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Yep. Vodka Mutiniii. :D
I'm guessing even if it's stuck in a block, that one must be her favorite. Since her symbol is modeled after it and all. xD
Suddenly I really wanna put Gate on a Galta.
Its wings aren't exactly a spirograph, but they still really remind me of the Gates.
I'm thinkin' maybe natural would work nicely? I know the spirograph logo is green by default, but in my head I associate it and the Gates with blue because the first time we ever saw a Gate was on the Land of Wind and Shade, where they were blue..