Inheritance Cycle Fanclub

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2:32pm Sep 14 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,216

8D Yeyyy!  Congrats.  Lol, got them from the reset?  I was at school so I couldn't get anything. T_T

We need;

1) Eragon

2) Murtagh

3) Galabatorix

And every other character. XD 


3:06pm Sep 14 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,036
I have Murtagh. :D

G&S Omni.

3:26pm Sep 14 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,216
Where's Eragon? D8


8:13pm Sep 14 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,679
Hehe, I got Rhunon, but it wasn't taken even before name reset.

Click for Graphic Commissions

8:05pm Sep 15 2009

Normal User

Posts: 934

Helo again. I have tons of fan art (and a sketch of Shukan(sp?)) I would love to show ye. I will post-eth once my scanner relizes that I'm actually asking it to do something. .....

 And, Reeses, are you saying we need them for the characters, or for pet names? Sorry, I'm just a bit lost.

Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)

8:11pm Sep 15 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,216
Just wondering, lol.  It'd be cool if the members of this fan club could own every Eragon character in existance. :>


5:24am Sep 20 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,036
It would, could be a goal. :3

Contest ended, results tomorrow!

9:30am Sep 20 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,216
What if Eragon is stuck in a showroom/rancher on an inactive/banned account? D;


3:30pm Sep 20 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
That would stink. D:

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


3:37pm Sep 20 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,216
We need to track down his owner and bribe them back to Res with hoards of cheese. >3


4:24pm Sep 20 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
0_0 Cheese....

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


5:56pm Sep 20 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,216
The cheese is for them, not you, Shaaka.  Most sincere apologies. D;


3:46pm Sep 21 2009

Normal User

Posts: 5,310


I want cheese! -steals da cheese-

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


3:49pm Sep 21 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,216
Noooo, Dragon. ;-; That's for luring Eragon's owner onto this thread or back to Res if they've gone 'poofeh' from the computer world.


11:29am Sep 22 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,036
The winner of our contest is Arya [Webaweba] with their wonderful poem. [Very befitting to the character - as seen in the books, elves are very skilled writers, mostly of flowing poems that bring the mind to peace]:

Through the haze of time
The mist of years
Through the dawn of the fall
I have been

Waiting in darkness
For the One to arrive
He, he who would be my Rider
The one with whom I could cherish the world

The Day came
Many children touched my egg
My heart grew heavy with sorrow
For none of them was He

Then... then he was there
I struggled to free myself from
The wall between us
That was my shell

I broke free
Cold air lifted my wings
He was there, watching me
His eyes filled with joy

Once I touched Him
I was Complete
I was Whole
Nothing would ever get between us

After that night, I knew my folly
The Betrayer came
The one who Betrayed my kind
The one declaring himself Galbitorix

He slaughtered my Rider in His sleep
And took me for his own
I cried out with the pain
I would never know happiness again

"Hush, Shruikan," he said
In his twisted voice my name sounded strange
"You are safe now
Nothing will ever harm you again."

I was covered by waves
Of sorrow for my fallen Rider
But the Betrayer didn't care
The Betrayer just wanted to use me

He twisted me that dark night
Made me something that
I didn't want to become
Made me a servant of darkness

Dragons know no masters
I fought, yet he was too strong
He punished me
Until my screams shook the castle

I wanted to die
He wouldn't let me
He told me that
One day I would worship him

I wish, now
That I had been strong enough
To protect my Rider
To protect myself from the Betrayer's clutches

But I wasn't
Nor will I ever be
For Galbitorix gains
Strength every day

He is invincible, yet
I know
That Eragon Shadeslayer
Will somehow defeat him

Many dragons have failed
In this task
Including I
We are creatures of the night

We will never be the same again
Never in eternity
Will we be what we once were
Never again

Air lifts me as I fly
Above the Burning Plains
But I am not
In my own body

I am in the body of Thorn
The dragon of Murtagh
The servant of the Betrayer
Anger fills me

I cannot break away
My heart plummets
As I see a golden dragon
Alive, blissfully alive

Glaedr and Oromis
The survivors of the Fall
Elf and dragon
United by the Bond
The Bond that I have not felt in over a century

Galbitorix is speaking
I but dimly hear him
I am trapped in my own thoughts
I do not want to listen

I feel myself moving
Thorn is moving
Pain rips through my shoulder
As Glaedr hurts me
Scarlet blood falls through the air

Oromis has died
He had dropped Naegling
And his energy source
Glaedr is howling with despair

I must...
I must hurt...
I must hurt him

My wings beat faster
I catch up to him
He tries to throw me off
But he is too late
I bite
His blood fills my mouth
He is gone

In the distance, there is a glitter of blue
Saphira, the last surviving dragon besides
Myself and Thorn
The one Galbitorix wants to kill

Then everything disappears
We are back in Uru'baen
Galbitorix pats my head
"Well done. You shall be rewarded for this."
I can still taste the blood

A tear escapes me
I wish now that I had never hatched
That none of this had ever happened
So many innocent lives have I taken

But his black magic binds me
I am his servant
I am the black dragon



Awesome job! You'll be recieving your 1 million TU pure, and your poem will be displayed on the front page for two weeks. By then, a new contest will hopefully have been formed.


11:33am Sep 22 2009 (last edited on 11:33am Sep 22 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 1,036
I can't wait for the next book! :o

It has been confirmed that there shall be an emerald green dragon on the front cover.
Who do you all think the new rider will be?
I'm thinking Arya. Or maybe even Roran. :o

3:09pm Sep 22 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,216
The new rider will be me (as Pet, not Angela XD) because I will kidnap Christopher and hold him captive until I become a new character. >D Hopefully I won't cause him too much harm that will result in him having amnesia and unable to write the book. o_O


3:16pm Sep 22 2009

Normal User

Posts: 5,310


Oh.. Sorry about teh cheese. -hands it back-


I think the new Rider will be Ayra, but that is just me.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


3:17pm Sep 22 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,216
It's too late, Eragon's owner hasn't come for it yet. D; Maybe they're partially lactose intolerant..


3:18pm Sep 22 2009

Normal User

Posts: 5,310


... Poo...


-eats teh chesse-

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.

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